Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Next Part of the Second Session of Course 17, On, the Ricci Scalar

There are many different formats and geni of field -- of which work to inter-relate the covariant, codifferentiable, and codeterminable vector and tensoric basis of the conditions of the flow of any given arbitrary form of energy.  There are, as well, many different formats and geni of medium-based stratum -- that work to inter-play as the operand of that energy, that would here act in so as to allow for a region in which the so-stated given arbitrary form of energy may be able to happen from within this over time.  Another way of working to conceive of the concept of an alteration in the general flow of any given arbitrary format of energy, is  the concept of a perturbation.  A perturbation is a relative major change in the general venue of the process of the flow of any given arbitrary tense of energy.  This goes for any distinctive change in the general format of the basis of the activity of any electromagnetic energy, plain kinetic energy, mass, and/or entropic photon.  So, when the eigenbasis of any gauge-metrical format of any given arbitrary respective source of energy alters -- then, there is what may be termed of as a perturbation in the general course of the so-stated given arbitrary genus of energy, in any given arbitrary case scenario.  So, whenever there is the introduction of any relatively new tense of energy in any given arbitrary medium -- new, here, meaning that such an eluded-to tense of energy has then just started in the so-stated medium or region in which the so-stated energy is here starting to propagate through -- then, one may be able to say that this works to describe an alteration that is here happening from within the Ward-Caucy bounds of the so-stated medium, that works to act as the just eluded-to perturbation in the so-stated respective given arbitrary medium.  So, here, there is a given arbitrary perturbation that is then acting in a given arbitrary manner -- in so as to form a respective alteration in the eigenbasis of the general field of the so-stated given arbitrary medium, in which a source of energy is then here newly propagated in the general region that is within the given arbitrary Ward-Neumman and/or Ward-Caucy bounds of the so-stated general networking of field-based indices.  So, here, an exterial activity -- that is initially outside of a given arbitrary medium -- acts in so as to start a course of a given arbitrary disturbance in the so-stated medium -- in so as to activate the presence of a given arbitrary source of energy to then exist from within the Ward-Neumman bounds of the so-eluded-to region, or, operand, of any respective Hamiltonian or inverse-Hamiltonian-based eigenbasis of core-field-networking.
I will proceed with the next part of this session later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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