Wednesday, July 23, 2014

An Interim Between the Third and the Fourth Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

How about if we consider the parallax between the substringular neighorhood that a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity reiterates in, and, the correlative region that the same so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity reiterates in -- in the globally distinguishable.  Consider the given arbitrary substring that we are here discussing, to converge upon a set locus.  The eigenbasis may not discretely integrate upon the specific eluded-to locant, yet, the directly associated convergent series of wave iteration will certainly devolve the said given arbitrary locant -- after the said convergence of the eluded-to sequence of pointal iteration is normalized via the particular delineatory solution here implied, which may be valued at the said substrings defined location in the Ultimon - in so long as that said superstring exists in a state of conformal invariance.  Each iteration of the string adds a wave-tug delineation that works toward the integrating factors that had acted as the group attractor, and, which had worked to allow for the said superstring to "shadow-box" at the general solution of locant, that that string reforms and dissociates at. The wave-tugs that I have just eluded-to here take into account the condition that the so-stated substring will here act as a holonomic substrate of phenomenology,  that may be viewed of as "three-dimensional" at the Poincaire level -- no matter how many physical dimensions that the eluded-to substring exists in and/or is moving in from a generally conceived of level.  The topological mappable tracing of the contour of such a substringular situation would here curve away at a level that is close to the Poincaire level, in a very small increment per iteration -- the iterations of which vary in their parameters, in order to define that strings substringular neighborhood.  Now.  Each 3-dimensional re-orientation of the string that may be conceived of as right up the Poincaire level will bear a certain degree of orientation with the Basis of Light of the directly associated layer of reality, or, with the
Basis of Light of the directly associated tori-sector-range, as the so-stated tori-sector-range has here majorized, over the course of the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse (that happens right after the activity of what I term of as the "space-hole."  Each string, treated as having its own world-sheet bearing, and thence, having a determinism that is directly associated with a unique particular solution of "polarization atrophy," must work to normalize its Majorana-Weyl eigenbasis of determinism -- in order that the necessary wave-based funcionability may be shared among the other correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity over time.  This happens, on account of the direct basis of interaction of substringular counterstrings with their directly associated superstringss -- in the process of their correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates with their directly associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates -- in so that the discrete energy permittivity, of which bears wave-functionability by the nature of its correlative counterstring -- may be able to interact with the discrete energy impedance, of which bears wave-functionability by the nature of its  correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstate, so that the general wave-pull of energy may be held back just enough so that the so-eluded-to discrete energy will not resonate to the point of shattering.
I will continue with the rest of this Interim later!  To Be Continued!!! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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