Thursday, July 17, 2014

The First Part of the Third Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

For a set of superstrings that are in a relative state of superconformal invariance -- in an indisinguishably different manner of motion-based superconformal invariance, both superstrings, their respective correlative substringular counterstrings, their respective correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, and their respective correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- that are of the same general substringular neighborhood, work to differentiate kinematically per iteration of instanton, in a state of normalization, that works to appease the given arbitrary condition of Gaussian-based relationships -- that work to allow for these respective correlative substringular phenomena to be of the same universal-based setting.  This is in consideration of those orbifolds and/or orbifold eigensets of substringular phenomena that are both adjacent -- while yet also being of the same tense of Real-based Gaussian-related spaces -- to where the so-stated respective correlative substringular phenomena, that have here been eluded-to, are each of a certain degree of a Real Reimmanian nature  This is when these said orbifolds and/or orbifold eigensets are inter-related to one another over the directly corresponding sequential series of group insantons -- that operate in so as to function as having an eigenbasis of a Hamiltonian operation, that is akin to the same basis of group-based attraction. This works to then consider a relatively non-perturbative state of covariance that is both codeterminable and codifferentiable over the just eluded-to framework of time -- to where the directly corresponding Gaussian Transformations that would then thence bear a certain degree of Majorana-Weyl Invariance would bear a viabely Yakawa-based tense of Gaussian Translation, that is of each correlative alteration of norm-based conditions, in so as to allow for the then viabely considered activity of substringular phenomena both re-attaining their fractals of discrete impedance, re-attaining their fractals of discrete permittivity,  as well as re-attaining their fractals of the wave-functionablity of discrete impedance, and re-attaining their fractals of the wave-functionability of discrete permittivity, and, the active process of the freeing-up of substringular flow that is needed in order to have the necessary condition of optimum substringular flow per iteration of group instanotn -- so that the so-eluded-to activity of the just eluded-to condition of superconformal invariance of the so-stated substringular phenomena may be able to viabely happen over time.
I will continue with the next part of this session later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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