Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Fourth Part of the Third Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

Any given arbitrary superstring has a topology.  A superstring of discrete energy permittivity has either an abelian light-cone-gauge topology or a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology.  An abelian light-cone-gauge topology is known of as a Kaluza-Klein topology, while, a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology is known of as a Yang-Mills topology.  Phenomena of mass is considered to tend to have both a Kaluza-Klein topology, with Yau-exact singularities in-between those superstrings that work to comprise any given of such phenomena of mass.  Any given phenomenon that has both a Kaluza-Klein topology and Yau-exact singularities can not -- as such -- travel at the speed of light or faster, or else it will have all of the mass in the universe.  Yet, if one is able to temporarily alter the light-cone-gauge topology of a mass into having a Yang-Mills topology -- over a relatively brief terestrial-based duration of time (over a relatively limited sequential series of group instantons), then, the just-eluded-to mass may then be translated as being able to then go at the speed of light or faster over the just-eluded-to relatively brief period of time.  As the said general condition of such a mass is being translated as going at the speed of light or faster, the so-stated mass is --- over the so-stated general given arbitrary duration of time in which it is going at such a general eluded-to rate -- technically not a mass.  This is even though such a mass both begins and ends up as a mass from the respective moment before it is translated as such, and also after such a so-stated mass is translated back into bearing a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology after such a so-eluded-to translation.  This is also in consideration of the condition that a vast majority of the speed of a worm-hole is simply the contorsioning of space-time-fabric.  A world-sheet has a topology -- since such a traceable mapping is comprised of cohomologically-based mini-string segments, that are organized into a physical memory as to the prior motion and existence of the directly corresponding superstrings that had moved upon the directly corresponding Hamiltonian-based operands over a previous extrapolated period of time.  What I mean by a topology is the surface along both the contour of any given arbitrary superstring and the surface along the contour of any given arbitrary ghost-based index that works to be traced by the mapping of the directly corresponding world-sheet.  This works to consider the condition that all superstrings and all ghost anomalies are interconnected, in one manner or another, by the inter-connectivity of both the activity and the existence of mini-string segments -- that work to form the basis of both core-field-density and also the basis of the existence of homotopy (through Cassimer Invariance). This also works to consider the condition that all superstrings are interconnected -- one manner or another -- to all world-sheets as well, via the said general condition of the same basic pretext, -- the existence and the activity of mini-string segments, as these branch out to allow for the tying together of all substringular fabric to one another over the course of the unfrayed portion of all physical phenomena that are iterated over the course of each succeeding group instanton.  This also works to consider the condition that all first-ordered point particles are constantly being recycled in an indistinguishable different manner over each succeeding iteration of group instanton.  The general interconnection of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity  to gravitational particles is via the Rarita Structure.  This works to cause the existence of the Ricci Scalar. To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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