Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Part Four of the Second Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

If a certain given arbitrary tense of energy works to form a condition of homeostasis --  that is in a static state, when this is taken relative to its immediate surroundings, then, the given arbitrary energy of this specific case works to form a state or condition of matter.  If any given arbitrary tense of energy that starts off as plain kinetic energy works to form a harmonic-based kinetic differentiation -- that acts in-between its electric field indices and its magnetic field indices, then, the so-stated given arbitrary energy, that has been discussed in this given case, will tend to form an electromagnetic or electrodynamic eigenbase of energy.  Any energy that is harmonic is relatively non-perturbative -- when this same given arbitrary general format of energy is compared to another state of such energy that is instead of an annharmonic nature.  This is due to the condition that an annharmonic tense of energy tends to bear more of a spurious state of alteration then a similar format of such a general given arbitrary genus of energy, that is instead of a harmonic tense of kinematic delineation over time.  Any energy that is of an eigenbase that would here directly appertain to a tense of matter has a condition or state of being of a genus of a mass.  Mass is that general form of energy, that is in a closely-bound format of static equilibrium -- that is most directly effected by the force of gravity.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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