Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Some Good Information as to Yakawa Couplings

What are some of the attributes of certain Yakawa Couplings?  Let us say that one, in this given arbitrary scenario, were to consider a total of three sets of one and two-dimensional superstrings that were to act in a covariant manner relative to one another, in such a manner in so that these three sets of superstirngs were to bear a relatively distinct and unique kinematic differentiation towards one another -- in a manner that could here be described of as a tritiary Hamiltonian-based function. This would arbitrarily here be three orbifolds that each had their own respective operations, although the interaction of the functions of all three substringular operations would bear an overall function that involved the activity of all three orbifolds, relative to one another, over a discrete group metric of time.  One of the eluded to orbifolds would, over the mentioned group metric, exist in a condition of transition kernel -- which would here mean that the considered orbifold would, at the given metrical point, exist in a state of conformal or superconformal invariance.  The other two eluded to orbifolds would then, over the mentioned group metric, exist in a condition of transition eigenstate -- which would here mean that this here considered orbifold would, at the given metrical point, exist in a state of unrest or perturbation.  In this particular case, the said orbifold that is here undergoing a transition kernel is kinematically differentiating in the general format of Noether Flow.  Also, in this particular case, the said other two orbifolds that are undergoing a transition eigenstate are kinematically differentiating in the general format of tachyonic propulsion.  The two orbifolds that I have just eluded to as being tachyonic bear a tense of Chern-Simmons kinematic differentiation that works to dissociate these two sets of superstrings -- that operate to perform two specific functions -- from the one given arbitrary orbifold that is here undergoing a tense of conformal invariance, over the general format of Noether Flow.  Each of the three said orbifolds, or, groups of superstrings, releases homotopic residue that is compensated by an equally fed back ebbing of substringular field indices -- in so that the said release of mini-string segments that are here eluded to work to allow for the condition that all three sets of superstrings that I have mentioned here would tend to be extrapolated as being indistinguishably different, when in terms of both the respective  Hodge-based-volumes and the respective delineations that work to comprise the three said orbifolds -- as three considered structures that are here considered in a timeless-oriented manner.  This does not discount the condition that all three mentioned orbifolds are here constantly moving over time.  This would here work to show the applied condition -- as to a more specific given functioning of the general operation of Cassimer Invariance.  Thus, since all three said sets of superstrings bear an eluded to field networking, that is interconnected via some sort of abelian mini-string-based wave-tug/wave-pull that is viable as some sort of a discrete indirect substringular touch that is here not Gliossi, this may be considered as an indirect -- but feasible -- Yakawa Coupling.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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