Monday, December 23, 2013

General Types of Ghost Anomaly-Based Interconnections

When two or more ghost anomalies are interconnected via a Yakawa Coupling into a given arbitrary cohomolgy that is interconected, yet, not in a Gliossi manner, then the two or more sets of ghost anomaly-based indices mentioned are bound in a Ward-Caucy manner that is homotopically integrated as a cohomological phenomenon via simply an eigenmatrix of substringular field that I term of as mini-string segments.  The directly prior stated condition that I have just mentioned would then here not be an interconnection that is via first-ordered point particles -- as to what I term of as first-ordered point particles that are of the substringular level.  Yet, if two or more sets of ghost anomaly-based indices are inter-bound into a respective cohomology that bears a condition of two or more sets of respective first-ordered point particles that are physically touching at the Poincaire level, then, such a homotopic integration of the Ward-Caucy interconnection that works to connect the just eluded to ghost anomalies into a given arbitrary cohomology, would then be a Yakawa Coupling that would here be of a Gliossi manner.  So, when a cohomology is a composition of one or more ghost anomalies that are each interconnected via a physical touching of first-ordered point particles, that are Ward-Caucy bound at the respective Poincaire level -- even though there would here also be a mini-string interconnection that would work to bind each of the two so-stated point particles at the respective centers of the coniaxials of their eluded to locus of holonomic substrate -- then, the just mentioned cohomologies that would here be formed would be of a Yakawa nature that is also Gliossi in terms of physical interconnection.  Yet, if there is only a tense of mini-string segment format of phenomenology that works to interconnect one or more ghost anomalies to form a given arbitrary cohomology, then, the interconnection that would then here work to inter-bind the ghost anomalies -- in order to form the said interconnection -- would be of a Yakawa nature that would not be Gliossi.  This format of description would be a determination for each partial of interconnection that works to bind each set of ghost-anomaly-basis of harmonically scattered physical memory of substringular trajectory -- with whatever the cohomological binding cite of ghost anomaly-based indices is, that would here work to form the holonomic substrate that the initially eluded to ghost anomaly would work to interconnect with, in order to form an eigenbasis of cohomological phenomenology.  So, if a cohomology bears some partially derived holonomic cites that bear a substrate that is not Gliossi, in terms of Yakawa-based Coupling, while the eluded to cohomology would then also bear some other partially derived holonomic cites that would bear a substrate that is Gliossi, in terms of Yakawa-based Coupling, then, the said cohomology may be described of as being of a Yakawa-based interconnection that is partially Gliossi in nature.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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