Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Group Activity Involving Lorentz-Four-Contractions

When an orifold and/or an orbifold eigenset moves -- as a discrete unit -- in a relatively straight and transversel manner, based upon Snell's Law, through a discrete Lagrangian, for more than 384 instantons, then, the said orbifold and/or orbifold eigenset is said to behave as a holonomic substrate of physical space that is one form or another of electromagnetic energy.  When an orbifold and/or an orbifold eigenset is a quantum unit of electromagnetic energy, then, the distance between the central inter-connectivity of where the given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates of all of the superstrings that work to form the said orbifold and/or orbifold eigenset bind with the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Traces that work to form the directly correlating units of discrete energy impedance -- up to the central inter-connectivity as to where the eluded to light-cone-gauge eigenstates bind with the here corresponding superstrings that I have mentioned, is equal to pi times the Planck Length. Also, under the same conditions, the distance between the eluded to superstrings that work to comprise the said orbifold and/or orbifold eigenstate with the directly corresponding counterparts of the said superstrings will also be equal to pi times the Planck Length.  When a superstring is fully uncontracted -- due to the said superstring existing in a tense of static equilibrium as a state of superconformal invariance, then, the previous mentioned lengths of substringular field-based inter-connectivity will be shortened by one Planck Length each.  So, multiply whatever a given arbitrary Lorentz-Four-Contraction is times 10^(-43) meters, while then adding this distance to the two given respective lengths of substringular inter-connectivitiy that I had recently eluded to in this post ( onto the eluded to lengths of such field bindings that would apply for a fully uncontracted superstring), and this will work to indicate the respective lengths of the so-stated scalars of substringular inter-connectivity that work to bind both a Fadeev-Popov-Trace to its directly corresponding superstring & the distance of relativistic lengths of the directlty corresponding superstrings with their immediate counterparts.  So, when a given arbitrary orbifold and/or a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is Lorentz-Four-Contracted by a discrete amount, each superstring that works to comprise the eluded to orbifold and/or orbifold eigenset behaves as is according to the math that I have just eluded to.  This is possible, because the condition of homotopy works to allow for mini-string segments to be ebbed into and out of the various substringular settings over time.  The reason for me stating "over 384 instantons" is because a discrete gauge-metric of any given arbitrary eigenmetric of Kaeler-Metric happens in 384 instantons -- as I will discuss more in course 24 about Conformal and Superconformal Invariance.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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