Thursday, December 12, 2013

General Concept As to Formats of Coholmologies

Discrete phenomena that act as holonomic substrates of both physical energy permittivity and/or physical energy impedance often act upon cohomologies of various given arbitrary conditions, while also, cohomologies of various given arbitrary conditions often act upon discrete phenomena that act as holonomic substrates of both physical energy permittivity and/or physical energy impedance.  This works to help explain the physical conditionality that actual physical entities that act as discrete energy often work upon physical memories of various other physical holonomic substrates, while physical memories of various physical holonomic substrates often work upon physical entities that act as discrete energy.  Everything that is to be accounted for is based upon the concept of the conditionality of memories, yet, the predominant physical discrete energy units of holonomic substrate act as the actual characters of any given arbitrary physical scenario.  Often, such eluded to interactions are Gliossi -- either at a Poincaire level that is in the retrospective vantage-point of either a first, a second, or a third-ordered point particle-based leveraging.  Yet, often, such eluded to interactions are Gliossi at a vantage point that is either Poincaire to an actually superstringular level, or, such a vantage point may often be more indirect at the vantage-point of a viable and relatively abelian substringular-field-based level -- on account of the condition that mini-string segments are the holonomic substrate that works to form the field density of superstrings themselves.  Cohomologies may often bear a tense of singularity that is Real at multiple ends of a substringular setting, while then not withstanding a Real Reimmanian limit at the relatively central locus of the said substringular setting, while then being extrapolated as being Real Reimmanian at the general region on the other side of the said setting.  This is an example of a Chern-Simmons spur that is here not metrical, in terms of the basis of the Lagrangian-based setting.  Such a genus of a Chern-Simmons spur in physical delineation often alters in format, as the eluded to setting is kinematically pulled into a torsional-based motion over time.  The activity of the given arbitrary local Gaussian Transformations that would be involved here would help to change the Chern-Simmons format and genus of such a locus, since the norm-conditions of physical holonomic substrates must be kinematic over time in order to free-up space, so that phenomena in general may have a place to freely move.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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