Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some Help As To The Nature Of Scattered Light

When a photon initially strikes a phenomena, it goes from very briefly tachyonic to light-speed to under light speed in such a fashion so that the said photon may be homologous with the orbifold eigenset that it belongs to in the ensuing instantons when it has finished scattering and has been quantized into the beam of electromagnetic energy that it is to be absorbed into.   This happens in such a fashion so as to obey Snell's Law.  --  A beam of electromagnetic energy is propagated slower in any normally conceived medium than it is propagated through a vacuum.  The reason as to why EM energy initially becomes tachyonic when it first strikes another phenomenon is that the light-cone-gauge of the arbitrary EM energy will here initially alter from Yang-Mills to Kaluza-Klein analogous to the function of a shock-absorber, while the environment of the said photons converts its light-cone-gauge topology back into a Yang-Mills topology due to the equal and opposite response to the lack of resistence that the mentioned photon is then going through.  The photons consequently slow to the speed of light while yet slowing to under the speed of light in such a fashion so as to requanize with the orbifold eigensets that are excepting of the spin-orbital momentum, angular momentum, and the various Ward Caucy and Njenhuis characteristics of momentum that are associated with the ability of photons to be absorbed into a beam of light in a quantized manner.  This overall process goes as is according to Snell's Law.
If a photon that scattered never changed temporarily in terms of its light-cone-gauge, then the above wouldn't happen.
If the above didn't happen, then photons would not be able to succesfully be absorbed into beams of light that were homologous enough to allow for the proper requantization.  If that were to happen, light would chaotically scatter in a manner so that heat would not be able to organize to allow for the perpetual existence of mass.
Yet, because of the nature of the Yang-Mills nature of EM-related superstrings, when light scatters, it initially becomes tachyonic due to the initial change into a Kaluza-Klein topology due to the basic nature of the corallary of how springs work.  This is an unchangeable fact just like 1+1 will always be 2.  As photons that have just scatterd are releaved of stress, these will naturally go back to having a Yang-Mills topology due to the fact that physical nature works to obey the laws of inertia.  This activity of the release from the physical stress of scattering causes the described photons to slow down to under the speed of light.  Due to the fact that photons that have arbitrarily just been scattered need to be quantized with orbifold eigensets that are compatible with them, the process of light propagation through something besides a vacuum obeys Snell's Law.  By light, I do not just mean visible light.  --  I mean electromagnetic energy of any sort except that of Kirchoff Radiation.  This is not a eutopia as to how light scattering works, yet, this gives you the general idea.                     

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