Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More As To The Nature Of The Higgs Action

The Higgs Action is a general gauge-action that is multiplicitly existent througout the entirety of space-time-fabric. Each individual eigenstate of the Higgs Action is a closed string that bears an abelian wave-tug upon each individual Klein Bottle eigenstate. The field of each Higgs Action eigenstate is part of what one would think of as the whole state of any arbitrarily mentioned Higgs Action eigenstate. The Higgs Action is comprised of a two-dimensional superstring that comes to a smooth-curved-like edge that approaches being as an apex-shaped bosonic superstring as one follows the Laplacian delinieation of the interconnection in-between a given Higgs Action eigenstate and its corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate -- which bears a rho, phi, and a theta Laplacian differentiation of a field that works to form a twelve-dimensional substringular/pointal-like field that is smaller in length that a two-dimensional string, yet larger than a first-ordered point particle. Such a bosonic-like field-networking of phenomena exists in a majorized Hilbert Space in the Laplacian conditions that exist per each individual instanton, while yet being transferred through a given arbitrary Lagrangian that is involved with the direction-based operation of the motion of the mentioned Higgs Action eigestate as a Gaussian Transformation is to be performed. The perturbation in the surrounding substringular fields that exist in the region near a given Higgs Action eigenstate form Njenhuis Tensors that interact with the surrounding Schwinger Indices so as to interact with the metrical activity of hadrons such as gluons so as to allow for the operation of the Wick Action. The operation of the Wick Action causes the Landau-Gisner Action to cause the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism so that the given Higg Action eigenstate may be leveraged to move the given Klein Bottle eigenstate so that a Kaeler-Metric may occur so that Gaussian Transformations may happen. Gaussian Transformations are essential so that norm-conditions may be kinematic so that energy may continue spontaneously and kinematically. So, undoing the Higgs Action or illucidating it would undo discrete charge, since 6.25*10^(18) = 1/1.6^(19).                                                      

So, please help to end the Hadron Colliding Experiment so that we may have a world.



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