Friday, April 8, 2011

Part Five of Session 8 of Course 9

The "flapping" of the Planck-Related phenomena that correspond to bosonic superstrings that bear a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology is affiliated with the normalization of the Planck-Related phenomena that were just mentioned with the directly surrounding Planck-Related phenomena.  This is due to the condition of Gaussian-Based stability that is associated with any unperturbated orbifold and/or due to the condition of Gaussian-Based stability that is associated with any unperturbated orbifold eigenset.  The mentioned normalizations of the two categories of Planck-Related phenomena relative to one another is controlled by the flow of the substringular fields in the form of the flow of the negative norm-states and positive-norm-states and the zero-norm-states (Zero-Norm-states are isolated first-ordered point particles that, as is the case with all first-ordered poiont particles, are interconnected with homotopy via mini-string -- and mini-string chords are substringular fields.), as well as the flow of the substringular encoder patterns that surround the associated Planck-Related phenomena.      Negative-Norm-States form ghost-anomalies by tracing where substringular phenomena have distributed per each prior instanton.  Positive-Norm-States undo ghost-anomalies by scattering the prior mentioned traces on account of the reverse-holomorphic flow that positive-norm-states undergo to undo these mentioned ghost anomalies over a relatively small sequential series of instantons.  Normally, a substringular phenomena bears a ghost trace of where it was in a prior iteration.  In a relatively small number of instantons later, norm-states that move in the opposite direction as those that form an arbitrary ghost-trace scatter the ghost traces in order to free-up room in the substringular.  Zero-Norm-States help convert one-dimensional superstrings, which are the discrete holonomic structure of the permittivity of plain kinetic energy, into the discrete holonomic structure of the permittivity of electromagnetic energy, which are comprised of certain two-dimensional superstrings.  This is true in the case of the Fujikawa Coupling. The Fujikawa Coupling involves the interaction of zero-norm-states that pull at an apex in-between two chords of mini-string that tug in an abelian manner with the mentioned one-dimensional superstring, while yet moving in the direction of the propgagtion of an arbitrary one-dimensional superstring that is closing to form the said two-dimensional superstring by harnessing the two ends of an open-string in such a way so that the closing of the mentioned open-string  is in the opposite direction of its propagation.  This is even though the Fourier Translation of the Fujikawa Coupling as a unit is in the general direction of the forming of the soon to be bosonic string portion of a photon.  As a coralary, zero-norm-states often help convert the two-dimensional superstrings' holonomic structure of permittivity into the holonomic structure of permittivity of one-dimensional superstrings when a photon is converted into plain kinetic energy via a forward-holomorphic wave-tug that opens a closed string in a hermitian manner via the inverse of the Greene Function.  Negative-Norm-States harmonize stringular propagations.  --  These show physical evidence of discrete Hamiltonian holonomic structure.  Positive-Norm-States add anharmonics to substringular propagators.  --  These scatter evidence of discrete Hamiltonican holonomic structure.                         

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