Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Correction To Some Terminology Concepts

The connection in-between two arbitrary world-tubes that are the arena for the forward moving time of one set of parallel universes involves a relatively wide opening that, looking from an arbitrary right to left and bottom to top, is interconnected from a relative four pi position to a relative five pi position and from a relative two pi position to a relative pi position -- in such a way that these world-tubes majorize in such a connection around that particular arena of the Ultimon.  The reason why these are considered to be world-tubes is that each of such regions bears a Basis of Light that holonomically forms right before each instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse in a manner that allows a distribution of phenomena that "covalently" shares Planck-Like phenomena and other substringular phenomena between these two sections or tubes over the course of each instanton that occurs after each instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse.  The mistake that I made is that such an opening is not properly termed of as a large annulus, yet, that was the best way that I could think of as describing the involvement that happens here.  The interconnections as I have stated here are hermitian, even though these connections barely do not cusp.                                
So, take the relative placements of the interconections of two world-tubes that interconnect as one set of parallel universes that interplay the same direction of time, and majorize such an interconnection into an interconnection of two hoops that have a volume in this manner, and you have the region of a set of parallel universes for one direction of time.
Interior to the forward moving time of the dual acting world-tubes of one set of parallel universes, you have the dual acting world-tubes of backward moving time of the same set of parallel universes.  The relative placement of the interconnections of these world-tubes that correspond to where these tubes that work to form backward moving time is of the same nature as that of forward moving time, yet backward moving time during Ultimon Flow moves relatively clockwise, while forward moving time during Ultimon Flow moves relatively counterclockwise.  (Clockwise is relatively reverse-holomorphic, while counterclockwise is relativley holomorphic, just as antiholomorphic is motion that is to the relative right, while holomorphic is motion that is to the relative left.)  Again, each dual pair of world-tubes majorizes to form the volume of one set of parallel universes in one direction of time, and, each set of parallel universes has one pair of world-tubes for forward moving time and one pair of world-tubes for backward moving time.  In each case, the interconnections which are involved with the delineation of the volume of each set of parallel universes in both directions of time taken individually are hermitian -- even though these connections barely do not cusp.  Yet, an individual set of parallel universes in one direction of time interconnect with the adjacent set of parallel universes of the same direction of time with an annulus that binds these, since phenomena from one set of parallel universe rarely iterates in another set of parallel universes during any given instanton. -- The substringular flow that binds the three sets of parallel universes happens in-between the individual durations of instantons. 
So, again, we as humans only recognize relatively organized time, and relatively organized time only happens during instanton.  This is even though the duration of Ultimon Flow in-between each duration of instanton is equal to the duration of each instanton taken individually.  This is also even though by far most metrics happen during the mentioned durations of Ultimon Flow that occur in-between each duration of instanton.
Time may change direction via  a switch in the direction of substringular phenomena during its motion through the Main Heterotic String Fabric that sometimes happens during the Ultimon Flow in-between each instanton.  The cause of such a switch is due to activity that happens over the Fourier Transformations of a sequential set of instantons prior to the switch in the directoralization of substringular phenomena that happens over the course of the mentioned ensuing activity of Ultimon Flow in-between an activity that happens utilizing instantons.
I can not explain everything that there is to know in one post.  I am doing all that I can to explain certain things at a decent pace, while yet answering some questions that my readers may be asking in the meanwhile.
God Bless You, and you have a phenomenal day!                   
Samuel Roach.

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