Monday, April 11, 2011

Part 1 of Session 1 of Course Six (6)

Points particles are constantly llowing through the Ultimon.  Point particles are separated by more distance than the sizes that make these up.  Point particles are slowed and/or spead up  in certain tori-sector-ranges.  If the said point particles are slowed or spead up in a tori-sector-range during a    relatively small number of  instantons, than this tori-sector-range at that progression is their HOME TORI-SECTOR-RANGE.  A home tori-sector-range is typically a tori-sector-range where the points that are "home" exist as strings. If a set of point particles are "home" in a tori-sector-range, yet do not form strings in that "range" during a particular iteration, than these point particles may form strings within a relatively short duration within that sector-range during a different covariant brief Fourier metric.  The reason why certain point particles do not always form as strings within their home tori-sector-ranges during any spontaneous codifferentiable Fourier activity that involves the process of substringular recycling  is because such points are residue that is about to be integrated.  When light brings in nodes as ripples OR when light releases such rippled nodes within the Basis of Light within a moment, these extra nodes do not exist within strings, yet, these nodes are about to be incorporated into strings or released into the general point particles stratum of their "home" sector.    

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