There are many times as many two-dimensional superstrings as one-dimensional superstrings. Another way to put it, there are many times as many closed or bosonic superstrings as there are open or fermionic superstrings. So, for instance, when an electron forms a photon by dropping an energy level, a phenomena that contains one-dimensional superstrings in terms of its plain kinetic energy -- this phenomena with plain kinetic energy being an electron -- drops an energy level so as to emit a particle that is comprised, in part, of a two-dimensional superstring that here is a photon. A photon is an arbitrary example of a phenonema whose discrete energy permittivity is comprised of a bosonic, or closed, or another words, of a two-dimensional superstring. Nuclei of atoms do not bear much plain kinetic energy as compared to that of electrons. For that reason, the nuclei of atoms have a higher percentage of two-dimensional superstrings than the percentage of two-dimensional superstrings that an electron has. Superstrings may open and superstrings may shut. A one-dimensional superstring shuts to form a two-dimensional superstring, as an arbitrary example, when the plain kinetic energy that comprises an elecatron forms the substringular portion of a photon. A two-dimensional superstring of a photon opens to form a one-dimensional superstring that comprises a discrete unit of kinetic energy permittivity when a discrete unit of electromagnetic energy converts to a discrete unit of kinetic energy. Zero-Norm-States (loose point particles) are what open or shut superstrings. When a point particle that forms a line of tangency by being norm to a disc-like configuration of point particles that interconnect directly via a mini-string segment, this is an example of a negative-norm-state when these states travel in the reverse-holomorphic general direction during Ultimon Flow. If I previously accidentally flipped the concept of the relative holomorphicity before as to this, this right here is the way it is. Here is how I can see better as to what I am talking about now: The scattering of the collision of negative-norm-states with substringular phenomena leaves a ghost-like and virtually motionless pattern of where the prior mentioned substringular phenomena had been in an arbitrary prior iteration. I will continue with the suspense later. Until then, aim your spear for the moon so that you can get your spear across the river.
The just mentioned comment is a metaphor for trying to continually improve in life.
Have a phenomenal day!
Sam Roach.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Some Help As To The Nature Of Scattered Light
When a photon initially strikes a phenomena, it goes from very briefly tachyonic to light-speed to under light speed in such a fashion so that the said photon may be homologous with the orbifold eigenset that it belongs to in the ensuing instantons when it has finished scattering and has been quantized into the beam of electromagnetic energy that it is to be absorbed into. This happens in such a fashion so as to obey Snell's Law. -- A beam of electromagnetic energy is propagated slower in any normally conceived medium than it is propagated through a vacuum. The reason as to why EM energy initially becomes tachyonic when it first strikes another phenomenon is that the light-cone-gauge of the arbitrary EM energy will here initially alter from Yang-Mills to Kaluza-Klein analogous to the function of a shock-absorber, while the environment of the said photons converts its light-cone-gauge topology back into a Yang-Mills topology due to the equal and opposite response to the lack of resistence that the mentioned photon is then going through. The photons consequently slow to the speed of light while yet slowing to under the speed of light in such a fashion so as to requanize with the orbifold eigensets that are excepting of the spin-orbital momentum, angular momentum, and the various Ward Caucy and Njenhuis characteristics of momentum that are associated with the ability of photons to be absorbed into a beam of light in a quantized manner. This overall process goes as is according to Snell's Law.
If a photon that scattered never changed temporarily in terms of its light-cone-gauge, then the above wouldn't happen.
If the above didn't happen, then photons would not be able to succesfully be absorbed into beams of light that were homologous enough to allow for the proper requantization. If that were to happen, light would chaotically scatter in a manner so that heat would not be able to organize to allow for the perpetual existence of mass.
Yet, because of the nature of the Yang-Mills nature of EM-related superstrings, when light scatters, it initially becomes tachyonic due to the initial change into a Kaluza-Klein topology due to the basic nature of the corallary of how springs work. This is an unchangeable fact just like 1+1 will always be 2. As photons that have just scatterd are releaved of stress, these will naturally go back to having a Yang-Mills topology due to the fact that physical nature works to obey the laws of inertia. This activity of the release from the physical stress of scattering causes the described photons to slow down to under the speed of light. Due to the fact that photons that have arbitrarily just been scattered need to be quantized with orbifold eigensets that are compatible with them, the process of light propagation through something besides a vacuum obeys Snell's Law. By light, I do not just mean visible light. -- I mean electromagnetic energy of any sort except that of Kirchoff Radiation. This is not a eutopia as to how light scattering works, yet, this gives you the general idea.
If a photon that scattered never changed temporarily in terms of its light-cone-gauge, then the above wouldn't happen.
If the above didn't happen, then photons would not be able to succesfully be absorbed into beams of light that were homologous enough to allow for the proper requantization. If that were to happen, light would chaotically scatter in a manner so that heat would not be able to organize to allow for the perpetual existence of mass.
Yet, because of the nature of the Yang-Mills nature of EM-related superstrings, when light scatters, it initially becomes tachyonic due to the initial change into a Kaluza-Klein topology due to the basic nature of the corallary of how springs work. This is an unchangeable fact just like 1+1 will always be 2. As photons that have just scatterd are releaved of stress, these will naturally go back to having a Yang-Mills topology due to the fact that physical nature works to obey the laws of inertia. This activity of the release from the physical stress of scattering causes the described photons to slow down to under the speed of light. Due to the fact that photons that have arbitrarily just been scattered need to be quantized with orbifold eigensets that are compatible with them, the process of light propagation through something besides a vacuum obeys Snell's Law. By light, I do not just mean visible light. -- I mean electromagnetic energy of any sort except that of Kirchoff Radiation. This is not a eutopia as to how light scattering works, yet, this gives you the general idea.
Posted by
9:21 PM
Kirchoff Radiation,
Njenhuis tensors,
Snell's Law,

A Little About Orientable And Non-Orientable Superstrings
When a superstring is about to be tachyonic, it has more of a swivel shape than it would normally have otherwise. What I mean by a swivel shape is that the torsion due to the Gliossi norm states that act upon the given superstring produce a tensoric torsion upon the structure that is formed by the tying of first-ordered-point-particles that comprise the said one or two-dimensional superstring. Such a multiplicit dimensional torsion transpires over a Fourier Metric, yet the non-orientable nature that is produced by certain swivel shaped superstrings is cheifly displayed by the gauge-metrics that occur during the Bette and Polyokov Actions, which is a relatively Laplacian condition. When a superstring is acted upon with a multiplicit dimensional torsion that bears an assymetry in the Ward Caucy bounds of the Laplacian structure of the given superstring during the Bette Action which is during instanton, then the Grassman Constant is not respectively unitary. A non-unitized field between a superstring and its counterpart that remains as such during the Regge Action will cause the associated superstring to spring the basis of its light-cone-gauge-eigenstate in such a manner that the said string will not be able to differentiate according to Noether Flow in-between two consecutive instantons. This makes the given superstring tachyonic. Reverse-Holomorphic Gliossi norm states always eventually form an equal and opposite untorsioning of the Njenhuis bending of interconnected first-ordered-point-particle states in order to form a unitary vibration that is to exist along the topology of the said vibrating hoop or along the topology of the said vibrating strand. Such Njenhuis torsion is caused by the interaction of dark matter upon light matter. Such an interaction produces the said Gliossi interaction that I initially described in this discussion, due to the Ward Polorazation effect that transpires in an interaction of multidimensional dark matter residue that assymetrically pulls upon the topology of a superstring. Such a pull may even happen when the transient ghost anomalies formed by dark matter assymetrically tug Njenhuisly upon a superstring. Please comment whether or not you understand, so that I may learn how to communicate better.
Posted by
8:05 PM
Bette and Polyakov Actions,
Caucy bounds,
Grassman Constant,
Noether Flow,
Regge Action,
swivel shape,
Ward Polorization

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A Little As To The Nature Of Black-Holes
Hello, my name is Sam. Worm-Holes bear pulsation characteristics that predate the Big-Bang. So, if worm-holes did not exist, then the Big-Bang never happened. Yet, to me it is totally obvious that the Logos struck the core of the Big-Bang from 192 different directions (both sides of 96 different axials) to form discrete reality from indiscrete reality. Space-Time curves. Ultimon Flow is obvious to anyone who can see the see the string theory that they claim to be describing. The fact that Ultimon Flow is real proves that tachyons are infinitelly real. The fact of the above proves that worm-holes are infinitelly real. The fact that Snell's Law is real is provable via the work that I showed yesterday.
What we would normally term of as tachyonic is a set of one or more superstrings that move as a group transversally through a discrete Lagrangian through a discrete enough distance so as to directly interact (in a Gliossi manner) with infrared energy in a manner that goes faster than Noether flow would allow. These must be true in order for reality to exist, period. Sincerely, Sam.
What we would normally term of as tachyonic is a set of one or more superstrings that move as a group transversally through a discrete Lagrangian through a discrete enough distance so as to directly interact (in a Gliossi manner) with infrared energy in a manner that goes faster than Noether flow would allow. These must be true in order for reality to exist, period. Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
12:26 PM
Lagrangian integration,
Noether Flow,
Snell's Law,
Ultimon Flow,

A Little About The Size Of Certain Phenomena In The Substringular
Let us consider differential operators that are based on exact and linear associations of points from within their neighborhoods. If the points form exact differential associations, then these are 3*10^(-78) meter apart in the globally distinguishable and 10^(-86) meter apart in the substringular. If a differential association of points is linear, then you may draw a straight line from one end of the association to the other. Generally, a set number of points from strings come together at the center of state of each tori. These points then get "picked up" by constituent-force-sectors that tend to remain in the "line of fire" of these center of state points from strings. The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise around our space-time-continuum to the tori sector region right before the prior tori sector region. The points then travel down the heterotic string, across, and up to the parallel tori sector region of the middle-continuum. The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise to the tori sector region right before the prior tori sector region. The points then travel down the heterotic string, across, and up to the parallel tori sector region of the far-continuum. The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise to the tori sector region right after the prior tori sector region. The points then travel down the heterotic string, across, and up to the parallel tori sector region of the middle-continuum. The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise to the tori sector region right after the prior tori sector region. The points then travel down the heterotic string, across, and up to the parallel tori sector region of the near-continuum (where we live). The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise a little more than one rotation of the our space-time-continuum to the tori sector right after the prior tori sector region. The five thousand substringular encoder templates and the five thousand substringular counterstring templates of the given tori sector then have begun a momentary breach of topology that is brought together by mini-strings (10^(-129)meter thick). This temporary breach is called the "space-hole." Once the "space-hole" happens, the quaternionic-instanton-impulse pulls the substringular templates and the substringular counterstring templates into the heart of the given tori sector region so that the substringular may reiterate. At this time, the globally distinguishable time of 10^(-43)second happens. The substringular pulse in-between globally distinguishable time is 10^(-43)second (H time).
The "space-hole" is for about .283 H bar tme in the substringular.
We only notice globally distinguishable time.
Please tell me what you think of this!!!
Remember, be as tough as a fiber that is 3*10^(-35) meter long!
Catch you two! (Peace)
Samuel Roach
The "space-hole" is for about .283 H bar tme in the substringular.
We only notice globally distinguishable time.
Please tell me what you think of this!!!
Remember, be as tough as a fiber that is 3*10^(-35) meter long!
Catch you two! (Peace)
Samuel Roach
Posted by
12:22 PM
differential operators,
globally distinguishable,
heterotic string,
tori sector range

Some Stough About Planck-Related Phenomena
There are 16*10^(86) Planck Phenomenon in our universe in an iteration.
Here is a substringular explaination of parallel universes:
For every Planck Phenomenon, there are 10,000 visage Planck Phenomenon in our univers alone and 10,000 visages of superstrings(of what I had called visages).
For every Planck Phenomena visage, there are 10,000 virtual Planck Phenomenon and their superstrings in our universe alone.
For every virtual Planck Phenomena, there are 10,000 virtual Planck Phenomena visages and their correlative superstrings in our universe alone.
Pi i electron volts per BTU produces invisibility, 4pi i electron volts per BTU produces holomorphicity in objects.
Parallel universes have Planc Phenomenon that are charged 5pi i electron volts to 95pi i electron volts in any of 10^81 substringular 3-dimensional angles, depending on which parallel universe you are talking about.
This means that there are 9.1*10^(82) universes per continuum of the 3-continuumed overall space-time-continuum.
Many of the parallel universes are exact replicas of our universe.
Many of the parallel universes are exact replicas of other parallel universes.
Ever so often, 1 ten thousandth of history changes.
This is called a Major Reality Change.(MRC).
Whenever a new tori sector region is activated, a new MRC happens.
MRCs go from positive to negative, and the last MRC is a repeat of the activation of the first tori sector region, yet with different Planc Phenomena interactions.
A negative MRC just starts out with a negative action -- it can still be predominantly positive.
When an MRC begins, Planc Phenomena that bear a borne normalcy
angle further and further away at a substringular 2-d angle of 45 degrees and a substringular 3-d angle of 90 degrees while indistinguishably different Planc Phenomena taking their place with the adjacency.
This motion goes from the Planc Phenomena that are nearest the encoders to the Planc Phenomena that are furthest from the encoders and vice versa in a majorized oval manner.
Likewise, this happens for each parallel universe with a little exchange between the parallel universes.
Positive MRCs begin by circulating counterclockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow, and negative MRCs begin by circulating clockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow.
This is per parallel universe.
Positive activity involves a normalized Planc Phenomena majorized directoral circulating counterclockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow.
Negative activity involves a normalized Planc Phenomena majorized directoral circulating clockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow.
The flow of normalized Planc Phenomena majorized directoral circulation is controlled by cognitive MGs in operation.
It is my thought that God wins and normalized Planc Phenomena majorized directoral circulation is predominantly counterclockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow.
The positive flow is helped by the pattern of the encoders.
I will tell you more later!
God bless you, and, hey, stay as tough as a fiber that is 3*10^(-35)m long!
Samuel Roach
Here is a substringular explaination of parallel universes:
For every Planck Phenomenon, there are 10,000 visage Planck Phenomenon in our univers alone and 10,000 visages of superstrings(of what I had called visages).
For every Planck Phenomena visage, there are 10,000 virtual Planck Phenomenon and their superstrings in our universe alone.
For every virtual Planck Phenomena, there are 10,000 virtual Planck Phenomena visages and their correlative superstrings in our universe alone.
Pi i electron volts per BTU produces invisibility, 4pi i electron volts per BTU produces holomorphicity in objects.
Parallel universes have Planc Phenomenon that are charged 5pi i electron volts to 95pi i electron volts in any of 10^81 substringular 3-dimensional angles, depending on which parallel universe you are talking about.
This means that there are 9.1*10^(82) universes per continuum of the 3-continuumed overall space-time-continuum.
Many of the parallel universes are exact replicas of our universe.
Many of the parallel universes are exact replicas of other parallel universes.
Ever so often, 1 ten thousandth of history changes.
This is called a Major Reality Change.(MRC).
Whenever a new tori sector region is activated, a new MRC happens.
MRCs go from positive to negative, and the last MRC is a repeat of the activation of the first tori sector region, yet with different Planc Phenomena interactions.
A negative MRC just starts out with a negative action -- it can still be predominantly positive.
When an MRC begins, Planc Phenomena that bear a borne normalcy
angle further and further away at a substringular 2-d angle of 45 degrees and a substringular 3-d angle of 90 degrees while indistinguishably different Planc Phenomena taking their place with the adjacency.
This motion goes from the Planc Phenomena that are nearest the encoders to the Planc Phenomena that are furthest from the encoders and vice versa in a majorized oval manner.
Likewise, this happens for each parallel universe with a little exchange between the parallel universes.
Positive MRCs begin by circulating counterclockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow, and negative MRCs begin by circulating clockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow.
This is per parallel universe.
Positive activity involves a normalized Planc Phenomena majorized directoral circulating counterclockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow.
Negative activity involves a normalized Planc Phenomena majorized directoral circulating clockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow.
The flow of normalized Planc Phenomena majorized directoral circulation is controlled by cognitive MGs in operation.
It is my thought that God wins and normalized Planc Phenomena majorized directoral circulation is predominantly counterclockwise relative to counterclockwise ultimon flow.
The positive flow is helped by the pattern of the encoders.
I will tell you more later!
God bless you, and, hey, stay as tough as a fiber that is 3*10^(-35)m long!
Samuel Roach
Posted by
12:17 PM
Major Reality Changes,
overall space-time-continuum,
Parallel universes,
Planck Phenomenon,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Some Relative Gaussian Forms of one arbitrary universe relative to another arbitrary one
Here is some knowledge about the various Relative Gaussian Forms of different universes relative to any arbitrary initial universe.
The Gaussian format of other universes may be used with Gaussian members being imaginary numbers.
An alternative Gaussian format for our universe may describe all points using spaces that have Gaussian members(from the upper left-hand corner to the lower right- hand corner)* of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i instead of 1.
This is because (32pi i)/9.1*10^82 = ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i
The Gaussian members* of the main universe of the middle mini-continuum would thus be 32pi i + ~1.104735878*
The Gaussian members* of the main universe of the far mini-continuum would thus be 64pi i + ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i.
There are 9.1*10^82 universes per mini-continuum, making
27.3*10^82 universes in the overall space-time-continuum.
There are 96 spacial dimensions plus time, and a potential
unscattered charge of up to 96pi i eV per BTU. (Any additional imaginary charge is scattered.)
For our Overall Space-Time-Continuum,
ln(-1) is less than +Capital i is less than ln(1).
[ln(-1)]^2 is less than -R is less than [ln(1)]^2
[ln(-1)]^3 is less than -Capital i is less than [ln(1)]^3
[ln(-1)]^4 is less than R is less than [ln(1)]^4.
So, ln(e^(i pi)) does not equal i pi, since i pi does not equal
ln(-1). And ln(e^(2pi i)) does not equal 2pi i, since 2pi i does
not equal ln(1) or 0. Rather, imaginary numbers fall between
ln(-1) and ln(1). This is why most points stay in the same universe between any two iterations. Most points remain relatively real one to another.
These are a few of my recent thoughts on string theory.
God Bless You!
Samuel Roach
The Gaussian format of other universes may be used with Gaussian members being imaginary numbers.
An alternative Gaussian format for our universe may describe all points using spaces that have Gaussian members(from the upper left-hand corner to the lower right- hand corner)* of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i instead of 1.
This is because (32pi i)/9.1*10^82 = ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i
The Gaussian members* of the main universe of the middle mini-continuum would thus be 32pi i + ~1.104735878*
The Gaussian members* of the main universe of the far mini-continuum would thus be 64pi i + ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i.
There are 9.1*10^82 universes per mini-continuum, making
27.3*10^82 universes in the overall space-time-continuum.
There are 96 spacial dimensions plus time, and a potential
unscattered charge of up to 96pi i eV per BTU. (Any additional imaginary charge is scattered.)
For our Overall Space-Time-Continuum,
ln(-1) is less than +Capital i is less than ln(1).
[ln(-1)]^2 is less than -R is less than [ln(1)]^2
[ln(-1)]^3 is less than -Capital i is less than [ln(1)]^3
[ln(-1)]^4 is less than R is less than [ln(1)]^4.
So, ln(e^(i pi)) does not equal i pi, since i pi does not equal
ln(-1). And ln(e^(2pi i)) does not equal 2pi i, since 2pi i does
not equal ln(1) or 0. Rather, imaginary numbers fall between
ln(-1) and ln(1). This is why most points stay in the same universe between any two iterations. Most points remain relatively real one to another.
These are a few of my recent thoughts on string theory.
God Bless You!
Samuel Roach
Course 6, Session 4, Part Two
Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here! I hope that I am keeping up with your attention span!
So, the metrics of the substringular phenomena based on the past and future occurances that happen among such tiny particles and gauge-actions effect the metrics of the rest of the substringular arena that exists along the kinematically Fourier differentiation of phenomena that interacts from within and from outside the Ultimon. The main exception to the condition of metrics that do not have as much of a probability of effecting the surrounding metrics in a necessarily spontaneous way is when eigenstates of space that proceed within a series of space matrices are re-distributed to a sequence that functions as part of a different universe. (Parallel universes that are different do not necessarily have a directly corresponding spontaneous interaction with other universes during covariantly determined group intanton.) All of the parallel universes and time-potentials and sets of parallel universes are the fabric of the Ultimon. For an allegorical example, the earth appears flat, yet the earth is not flat. The direct fabric of the Ultimon appears completely topological and smooth, yet during certain metrics and submetrics that exist over the stretch of space and time, this is not always so. This means that after each duration of the Bases of Light, the flow of phenomena of the Continuum adjusts by one or more discrepancy interiorly on either side of its construction. This discrepancy is due to the fact that there is no such thing as a completely one or two dimensional phenomenon. The conditions that define certain phenomena as one or two dimensional are the Ward Conditions that define the spacial parameters that are used to scope the conformal dimensionality that is used to determine the inter-relationship of dimensionality itself. So, based on certain physical definitions that are used to extrapolate what determines something to be one, two, 32 dimensional has to do with discrete physical Ward Conditions. Remember, everything has length, thickness, and width. Accordingly, a tori-sector-range has phenomena on either side that curve relative to the prime given exterioralized phenomena by the radius of a discrete number of second-ordered point particles. A second-ordered point particle is the "skinnyest" type of phenomena that exists in free space. Third-Ordered point particles only exist where second-ordered point particles are at.
I will continue with the suspense later. Sincerely, Sam.
So, the metrics of the substringular phenomena based on the past and future occurances that happen among such tiny particles and gauge-actions effect the metrics of the rest of the substringular arena that exists along the kinematically Fourier differentiation of phenomena that interacts from within and from outside the Ultimon. The main exception to the condition of metrics that do not have as much of a probability of effecting the surrounding metrics in a necessarily spontaneous way is when eigenstates of space that proceed within a series of space matrices are re-distributed to a sequence that functions as part of a different universe. (Parallel universes that are different do not necessarily have a directly corresponding spontaneous interaction with other universes during covariantly determined group intanton.) All of the parallel universes and time-potentials and sets of parallel universes are the fabric of the Ultimon. For an allegorical example, the earth appears flat, yet the earth is not flat. The direct fabric of the Ultimon appears completely topological and smooth, yet during certain metrics and submetrics that exist over the stretch of space and time, this is not always so. This means that after each duration of the Bases of Light, the flow of phenomena of the Continuum adjusts by one or more discrepancy interiorly on either side of its construction. This discrepancy is due to the fact that there is no such thing as a completely one or two dimensional phenomenon. The conditions that define certain phenomena as one or two dimensional are the Ward Conditions that define the spacial parameters that are used to scope the conformal dimensionality that is used to determine the inter-relationship of dimensionality itself. So, based on certain physical definitions that are used to extrapolate what determines something to be one, two, 32 dimensional has to do with discrete physical Ward Conditions. Remember, everything has length, thickness, and width. Accordingly, a tori-sector-range has phenomena on either side that curve relative to the prime given exterioralized phenomena by the radius of a discrete number of second-ordered point particles. A second-ordered point particle is the "skinnyest" type of phenomena that exists in free space. Third-Ordered point particles only exist where second-ordered point particles are at.
I will continue with the suspense later. Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
12:57 PM
Bases of Light,
free space,
second-ordered point particles,
third-ordered point particles,
Ward conditions

Course 6, Session 4, Part One
Well hello world, this is Samuel Roach here! How are you doing?! Please feel free to comment on my blog.
What draws the tori-sector-ranges togetheer into a circular-like entity that helps to form the Ultimon? It takes bonds to form a whole, entire thing. Look at earth. It is a whole, entire thing, yet, it is only one small part of a whole, entire universe. What is the Ultimon? The Ultimon is that fabric of the space-time-continuum that makes it capable of providing the appearance of having a three-dimensional delineation. Remember that the three-dimensional appearance of the universe is called the globally distinguishable, and that the globally distinguishable is due to superstrings differentiating relative to the Bases of Light. Fourier differentiation is change during succeeding metrics. A metric is when you have a sequence that changes in combination relative to itself in some sort of flow that is noticeable as a whole result by any source from within the Ultimon after any sort of succeeding direction. Metrics that coincide will be what we will here call forward, real time (the measurement of what is known as linear time), & these metrics are the thus caused results that are usually dependant on all of the directly past and future results that act upon the sequences of these metrics.
I will end this part of this session with a question that you may ponder in such a fashion so as to be prepared for the second part of this session.: What is the basis of measuring duration both in terms of the sequence of particular instantons as well as the individual motions that happen in-between instantons?
This should be enough food for thought for now.
What draws the tori-sector-ranges togetheer into a circular-like entity that helps to form the Ultimon? It takes bonds to form a whole, entire thing. Look at earth. It is a whole, entire thing, yet, it is only one small part of a whole, entire universe. What is the Ultimon? The Ultimon is that fabric of the space-time-continuum that makes it capable of providing the appearance of having a three-dimensional delineation. Remember that the three-dimensional appearance of the universe is called the globally distinguishable, and that the globally distinguishable is due to superstrings differentiating relative to the Bases of Light. Fourier differentiation is change during succeeding metrics. A metric is when you have a sequence that changes in combination relative to itself in some sort of flow that is noticeable as a whole result by any source from within the Ultimon after any sort of succeeding direction. Metrics that coincide will be what we will here call forward, real time (the measurement of what is known as linear time), & these metrics are the thus caused results that are usually dependant on all of the directly past and future results that act upon the sequences of these metrics.
I will end this part of this session with a question that you may ponder in such a fashion so as to be prepared for the second part of this session.: What is the basis of measuring duration both in terms of the sequence of particular instantons as well as the individual motions that happen in-between instantons?
This should be enough food for thought for now.
Posted by
12:56 PM
Bases of Light,
Fourier differentiation,
globally distinguishable,
Ultimon Flow

Course One On Wave-Tug
Two things interact in a situation. These objects or phenomena change relative to each other as both things associated in space and as two items that act as placeholders in both their individual relative time and their collective relative time. Suppose that each of these two items were a cane. Two canes. Both of these canes struck each other in many ways at the top of their structures, yet the canes never pulled each other to any significant sway, and thus only interacted as a static force that redistributed the ends of each other. Now let's say that the bottom of the canes were held by a highly powerful grip that had a leeway of some elastic modulae. In other words, the bottoms of the canes were held tightly, yet by a medium that was not rigid -- like a pair of hands. When the canes at their tops were to strike, these would be momentarily redistributed, while then returning to an approximation of their original spot. Like you can see, their differentiation would be static, and no significant net change would appear over any transient period of time in terms of the appearance of the scene. Yet, if you were to hook the ends of the canes, there would be a chance that one of the canes would pull the other. Even if both of the people holding the canes were of equal strength, depending on how the canes were twisted and/or torqued, could cause a net change in how these would be pulled.
Tug has to do with push-pull action. In order for there to be a push or a pull, there must be some static connection for at least one moment. For instance, you push a stone. In order for you to move it at all, your hand must have some interaction with the stone for at least one moment. If you tried to lift anything without interconnection, your hands would slip and you wouldn't be able to lift it. When something pulls something else, there is a significant static modulae that allows for the puller to pull. This interconnection is classically done when the two objects are hooked one onto another.
Waves tug, since these push and/or pull. The interconnection comes through electrostatics and/or hookable cusps in the morphology of the waves' structure. Strong electromagnetic fields pull in more wavelike phenomena, while strong electrostatic fields such as a high voltage fence will actually push out a person who tries messing with it. (High amps will pull you in and electicute you, while a high voltage/low amperage situation will knock you away once the low amperage momentarily attempts to pull you in.) This is because amperage is charge per second, and a high amount of electrical charge flowing in a limited amount of time hooks any adjacent conductive material since this will balance the adjacent electrical band levels, and voltage is energy per charge, and if a wire has a lot of energy per charge, yet not much charge is flowing through the wire per time, then the low charge per time will barely attempt to pull the person while the wire's high energy will form a field that will repel the person as they are being shocked. Both examples of pull and push are examples of how interaction is a matter of wave-tug. General relocalization of particles is due to the various tendencies of wave-tug.
Tug has to do with push-pull action. In order for there to be a push or a pull, there must be some static connection for at least one moment. For instance, you push a stone. In order for you to move it at all, your hand must have some interaction with the stone for at least one moment. If you tried to lift anything without interconnection, your hands would slip and you wouldn't be able to lift it. When something pulls something else, there is a significant static modulae that allows for the puller to pull. This interconnection is classically done when the two objects are hooked one onto another.
Waves tug, since these push and/or pull. The interconnection comes through electrostatics and/or hookable cusps in the morphology of the waves' structure. Strong electromagnetic fields pull in more wavelike phenomena, while strong electrostatic fields such as a high voltage fence will actually push out a person who tries messing with it. (High amps will pull you in and electicute you, while a high voltage/low amperage situation will knock you away once the low amperage momentarily attempts to pull you in.) This is because amperage is charge per second, and a high amount of electrical charge flowing in a limited amount of time hooks any adjacent conductive material since this will balance the adjacent electrical band levels, and voltage is energy per charge, and if a wire has a lot of energy per charge, yet not much charge is flowing through the wire per time, then the low charge per time will barely attempt to pull the person while the wire's high energy will form a field that will repel the person as they are being shocked. Both examples of pull and push are examples of how interaction is a matter of wave-tug. General relocalization of particles is due to the various tendencies of wave-tug.
Posted by
12:53 PM
collective relative time,
electromagnetic fields,

Part Two Of The Fourth Session Of Course Six
Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here! I hope that I am keeping up with your attention span!
So, the metrics of the substringular phenomena based on the past and future occurances that happen among such tiny particles and gauge-actions effect the metrics of the rest of the substringular arena that exists along the kinematically Fourier differentiation of phenomena that interacts from within and from outside the Ultimon. The main exception to the condition of metrics that do not have as much of a probability of effecting the surrounding metrics in a necessarily spontaneous way is when eigenstates of space that proceed within a series of space matrices are re-distributed to a sequence that functions as part of a different universe. (Parallel universes that are different do not necessarily have a directly corresponding spontaneous interaction with other universes during covariantly determined group intanton.) All of the parallel universes and time-potentials and sets of parallel universes are the fabric of the Ultimon. For an allegorical example, the earth appears flat, yet the earth is not flat. The direct fabric of the Ultimon appears completely topological and smooth, yet during certain metrics and submetrics that exist over the stretch of space and time, this is not always so. This means that after each duration of the Bases of Light, the flow of phenomena of the Continuum adjusts by one or more discrepancy interiorly on either side of its construction. This discrepancy is due to the fact that there is no such thing as a completely one or two dimensional phenomenon. The conditions that define certain phenomena as one or two dimensional are the Ward Conditions that define the spacial parameters that are used to scope the conformal dimensionality that is used to determine the inter-relationship of dimensionality itself. So, based on certain physical definitions that are used to extrapolate what determines something to be one, two, 32 dimensional has to do with discrete physical Ward Conditions. Remember, everything has length, thickness, and width. Accordingly, a tori-sector-range has phenomena on either side that curve relative to the prime given exterioralized phenomena by the radius of a discrete number of second-ordered point particles. A second-ordered point particle is the "skinnyest" type of phenomena that exists in free space. Third-Ordered point particles only exist where second-ordered point particles are at.
I will continue with the suspense later. Sincerely, Sam.
So, the metrics of the substringular phenomena based on the past and future occurances that happen among such tiny particles and gauge-actions effect the metrics of the rest of the substringular arena that exists along the kinematically Fourier differentiation of phenomena that interacts from within and from outside the Ultimon. The main exception to the condition of metrics that do not have as much of a probability of effecting the surrounding metrics in a necessarily spontaneous way is when eigenstates of space that proceed within a series of space matrices are re-distributed to a sequence that functions as part of a different universe. (Parallel universes that are different do not necessarily have a directly corresponding spontaneous interaction with other universes during covariantly determined group intanton.) All of the parallel universes and time-potentials and sets of parallel universes are the fabric of the Ultimon. For an allegorical example, the earth appears flat, yet the earth is not flat. The direct fabric of the Ultimon appears completely topological and smooth, yet during certain metrics and submetrics that exist over the stretch of space and time, this is not always so. This means that after each duration of the Bases of Light, the flow of phenomena of the Continuum adjusts by one or more discrepancy interiorly on either side of its construction. This discrepancy is due to the fact that there is no such thing as a completely one or two dimensional phenomenon. The conditions that define certain phenomena as one or two dimensional are the Ward Conditions that define the spacial parameters that are used to scope the conformal dimensionality that is used to determine the inter-relationship of dimensionality itself. So, based on certain physical definitions that are used to extrapolate what determines something to be one, two, 32 dimensional has to do with discrete physical Ward Conditions. Remember, everything has length, thickness, and width. Accordingly, a tori-sector-range has phenomena on either side that curve relative to the prime given exterioralized phenomena by the radius of a discrete number of second-ordered point particles. A second-ordered point particle is the "skinnyest" type of phenomena that exists in free space. Third-Ordered point particles only exist where second-ordered point particles are at.
I will continue with the suspense later. Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
12:12 PM
Bases of Light,
Fourier differentiation,
second-ordered point particles,
third-ordered point particles

Course 6, Session 4, Part One
Well hello world, this is Samuel Roach here! How are you doing?! Please feel free to comment on my blog.
What draws the tori-sector-ranges togetheer into a circular-like entity that helps to form the Ultimon? It takes bonds to form a whole, entire thing. Look at earth. It is a whole, entire thing, yet, it is only one small part of a whole, entire universe. What is the Ultimon? The Ultimon is that fabric of the space-time-continuum that makes it capable of providing the appearance of having a three-dimensional delineation. Remember that the three-dimensional appearance of the universe is called the globally distinguishable, and that the globally distinguishable is due to superstrings differentiating relative to the Bases of Light. Fourier differentiation is change during succeeding metrics. A metric is when you have a sequence that changes in combination relative to itself in some sort of flow that is noticeable as a whole result by any source from within the Ultimon after any sort of succeeding direction. Metrics that coincide will be what we will here call forward, real time (the measurement of what is known as linear time), & these metrics are the thus caused results that are usually dependant on all of the directly past and future results that act upon the sequences of these metrics.
I will end this part of this session with a question that you may ponder in such a fashion so as to be prepared for the second part of this session.: What is the basis of measuring duration both in terms of the sequence of particular instantons as well as the individual motions that happen in-between instantons?
This should be enough food for thought for now.
What draws the tori-sector-ranges togetheer into a circular-like entity that helps to form the Ultimon? It takes bonds to form a whole, entire thing. Look at earth. It is a whole, entire thing, yet, it is only one small part of a whole, entire universe. What is the Ultimon? The Ultimon is that fabric of the space-time-continuum that makes it capable of providing the appearance of having a three-dimensional delineation. Remember that the three-dimensional appearance of the universe is called the globally distinguishable, and that the globally distinguishable is due to superstrings differentiating relative to the Bases of Light. Fourier differentiation is change during succeeding metrics. A metric is when you have a sequence that changes in combination relative to itself in some sort of flow that is noticeable as a whole result by any source from within the Ultimon after any sort of succeeding direction. Metrics that coincide will be what we will here call forward, real time (the measurement of what is known as linear time), & these metrics are the thus caused results that are usually dependant on all of the directly past and future results that act upon the sequences of these metrics.
I will end this part of this session with a question that you may ponder in such a fashion so as to be prepared for the second part of this session.: What is the basis of measuring duration both in terms of the sequence of particular instantons as well as the individual motions that happen in-between instantons?
This should be enough food for thought for now.
Posted by
12:09 PM
Bases of Light,
Fourier differentiation,
Ultimon Flow

More About The Nature Of Space-Time-Fabric As Being Hilbert-Spaced
Some people think that all of the universes that exist exist within the framework of 26 dimensional sheets that are all adjacent. I disagree with the belief that space-time-fabric is based on Minkowski-Space, though. Yet I believe that there is an intertwined and multiplicity Minkowski space-time-fabric that bears six Njenhuis spacial dimensions that complete the Mobiaty of space-time into a Hilbert realm that contains 32 spacial dimensions plus time per set of parallel universes. So, wherever you go, I agree that there are all of the universes of our set of parallel universes within one millimeter of wherever you go in our universe. Yet there are three sets of parallel universes. So, wherever you go in our universe, you are within three millimeters of the Residue of all of the physically kinematic universes that exist. Also, such sundry multiplicit Ward Caucy conditions causes the Mobiaty of space and time -- after a very lengthly Lagrangian that may be extrapolated arbitrarily -- to complete its second side and second edge. Therefore, space and time are not based on holographic flat Minkowski Space, on account of the need for the "closure" of universally iterated and reiterated transversal, spin-orbital, and radial substringular and group action Hamiltonian operations -- space-time has more of a basis with multiplicitly contourted flat space that, on account of the Fourier Translation of Ultimon time -- becomes a volume space, or, in other words, a Hilbert-based space that relies on the interaction of torsioned flat space through gauge-metrics that are off of the Real Reimmanian Plane to form a space-time-fabric that allows for volume-space to be more plausible than merely holographic space.
Posted by
12:05 PM
Fourier Translation,
Hamiltonian operators,
Lagrangian integration,
Njenhuis tensors,
Real Reimmanian plane,
Ward Caucy

More As To The Nature Of The Higgs Action
The Higgs Action is a general gauge-action that is multiplicitly existent througout the entirety of space-time-fabric. Each individual eigenstate of the Higgs Action is a closed string that bears an abelian wave-tug upon each individual Klein Bottle eigenstate. The field of each Higgs Action eigenstate is part of what one would think of as the whole state of any arbitrarily mentioned Higgs Action eigenstate. The Higgs Action is comprised of a two-dimensional superstring that comes to a smooth-curved-like edge that approaches being as an apex-shaped bosonic superstring as one follows the Laplacian delinieation of the interconnection in-between a given Higgs Action eigenstate and its corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate -- which bears a rho, phi, and a theta Laplacian differentiation of a field that works to form a twelve-dimensional substringular/pointal-like field that is smaller in length that a two-dimensional string, yet larger than a first-ordered point particle. Such a bosonic-like field-networking of phenomena exists in a majorized Hilbert Space in the Laplacian conditions that exist per each individual instanton, while yet being transferred through a given arbitrary Lagrangian that is involved with the direction-based operation of the motion of the mentioned Higgs Action eigestate as a Gaussian Transformation is to be performed. The perturbation in the surrounding substringular fields that exist in the region near a given Higgs Action eigenstate form Njenhuis Tensors that interact with the surrounding Schwinger Indices so as to interact with the metrical activity of hadrons such as gluons so as to allow for the operation of the Wick Action. The operation of the Wick Action causes the Landau-Gisner Action to cause the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism so that the given Higg Action eigenstate may be leveraged to move the given Klein Bottle eigenstate so that a Kaeler-Metric may occur so that Gaussian Transformations may happen. Gaussian Transformations are essential so that norm-conditions may be kinematic so that energy may continue spontaneously and kinematically. So, undoing the Higgs Action or illucidating it would undo discrete charge, since 6.25*10^(18) = 1/1.6^(19).
So, please help to end the Hadron Colliding Experiment so that we may have a world.
So, please help to end the Hadron Colliding Experiment so that we may have a world.
Posted by
12:02 PM
bosonic superstring,
Gaussian Transformations,
Higgs Action,
Klein Bottle,
Landau-Gisner Action,
Wick Action

Monday, April 11, 2011
Part 2 of the First Session of Course 6
Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach again! I hope that everything is o.k. with you!
The reason why certain point particles do not always for as strings within their home tori-sector-ranges is becauses some point particles are residue that is about to be integrated into the substringular phenomena. When light brings in nodes as ripples OR releases rippled nodes within the Basis of Light within a moment, these extra nodes do not exist within strings, yet these nodes are about to be incorporated into superstrings or relaeased into the general point particle stratum of their "home" sector-ranges. If the rippled nodes are released residue that flows into the stratum of the point particles of a tori-sector-range, then the point particles of the said sector-range will mold the nodes so that these will eventually form as strings (superstrings) -- yet not necessarily as superstrings of that sector. If a node is rippled toward the strings of an instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-range during a moment, then this node will help to form a superstring during a later iteration. The more iterations of the Ultimon that happen, the more point particles that find a "home" in any given tori-sector-range. Many point particles find a "home" in any given tori-sector-ranges over the Fourier Transformation of a sequential series of instantons. Certain point particles may never find a home in more that one tori-sector-range. Since all residue is used, all point particles eventually have a home tori-sector-range. Home-Tori-Sector-Ranges help to perpetuate existence so that the layers of the reality of individual universes are not scattered to the point of disorientation. Such orientation is partially due to the Bette Action that orientates superstrings with their counterparts via the Laplacian Poincaire condition known as the Grassman Constant, which happens during instanton. The existence of the Bases of Light and the existence of the Space-Hole, as well as the Laplacian Ward Caucy codifferentiation between the Bases of Light and their corresponding supserstrings, as well as the "space-hole", and even as well as the condition that each Basis of Light has a different Laplacian topological surface-based trajectory along with the fact that the Basis of Light that equally involves forward and backward moving time flow is always the main kinematically based Basis of Light -- effects the condition that superstrings and point particles of a specific Hodge nature have a tendency of "wanting" to belong to their home-tori-sector-range. I will continue with the suspense later!
To me, these posts utilize more imagination and cognitions than most of the other things that I am willing to talk about. I sure hope that you have a marvalous day! What a phenomena! Sincerely, Sam.
The reason why certain point particles do not always for as strings within their home tori-sector-ranges is becauses some point particles are residue that is about to be integrated into the substringular phenomena. When light brings in nodes as ripples OR releases rippled nodes within the Basis of Light within a moment, these extra nodes do not exist within strings, yet these nodes are about to be incorporated into superstrings or relaeased into the general point particle stratum of their "home" sector-ranges. If the rippled nodes are released residue that flows into the stratum of the point particles of a tori-sector-range, then the point particles of the said sector-range will mold the nodes so that these will eventually form as strings (superstrings) -- yet not necessarily as superstrings of that sector. If a node is rippled toward the strings of an instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-range during a moment, then this node will help to form a superstring during a later iteration. The more iterations of the Ultimon that happen, the more point particles that find a "home" in any given tori-sector-range. Many point particles find a "home" in any given tori-sector-ranges over the Fourier Transformation of a sequential series of instantons. Certain point particles may never find a home in more that one tori-sector-range. Since all residue is used, all point particles eventually have a home tori-sector-range. Home-Tori-Sector-Ranges help to perpetuate existence so that the layers of the reality of individual universes are not scattered to the point of disorientation. Such orientation is partially due to the Bette Action that orientates superstrings with their counterparts via the Laplacian Poincaire condition known as the Grassman Constant, which happens during instanton. The existence of the Bases of Light and the existence of the Space-Hole, as well as the Laplacian Ward Caucy codifferentiation between the Bases of Light and their corresponding supserstrings, as well as the "space-hole", and even as well as the condition that each Basis of Light has a different Laplacian topological surface-based trajectory along with the fact that the Basis of Light that equally involves forward and backward moving time flow is always the main kinematically based Basis of Light -- effects the condition that superstrings and point particles of a specific Hodge nature have a tendency of "wanting" to belong to their home-tori-sector-range. I will continue with the suspense later!
To me, these posts utilize more imagination and cognitions than most of the other things that I am willing to talk about. I sure hope that you have a marvalous day! What a phenomena! Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
2:50 PM
Basis of Light,
Fourier Transformation,
Grassman Constant,
home tori-sector-ranges,
Laplacian Poincare,
second-ordered point particles,
Ward Caucy

More As To the Dangers of the Hadron Colliding Experiment
I have some knowledge that I would like to share as to why the Hadron Colliding Experiment should be shut down.
I have a blog entitled Within this blog, I have a post named the Leverage of the Higgs Action.
I also have commented on Linkedin about the dangers of the Hadron Collliding Experiment.
You can reach my blogcite via google. Please feel free to read any of my blog and comment about it if you wish!
My reasons for the acknowledgement of the dangers that I have mentioned above are fourfold:
1) The leverage of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism upon the Higgs Action as a scalar is the reciprical of the fraction of a Coulumb that forms discrete charge. (1/6.25*10^18)=1.6*10^(-19).
2) E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically as a safeguard to homotopy -- and thus should not be collided together.
3) E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically as a safeguard to homotopy -- and thus should not be collided together.
& 4) Gluons should not be collided together, because the gauge-metrical activity of gluons is the source of the Wick Action -- and undoing the Wick Action could "domino" fissures in space-time-fabric that could be detrimental to homotopy and thus detrimental to life.
Once you have rigorously considered the knowledge that I have presented to various people, please do all that you can with your standing in the global community to help end the Hadron Colliding Experiment.
I have a blog entitled Within this blog, I have a post named the Leverage of the Higgs Action.
I also have commented on Linkedin about the dangers of the Hadron Collliding Experiment.
You can reach my blogcite via google. Please feel free to read any of my blog and comment about it if you wish!
My reasons for the acknowledgement of the dangers that I have mentioned above are fourfold:
1) The leverage of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism upon the Higgs Action as a scalar is the reciprical of the fraction of a Coulumb that forms discrete charge. (1/6.25*10^18)=1.6*10^(-19).
2) E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically as a safeguard to homotopy -- and thus should not be collided together.
3) E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically as a safeguard to homotopy -- and thus should not be collided together.
& 4) Gluons should not be collided together, because the gauge-metrical activity of gluons is the source of the Wick Action -- and undoing the Wick Action could "domino" fissures in space-time-fabric that could be detrimental to homotopy and thus detrimental to life.
Once you have rigorously considered the knowledge that I have presented to various people, please do all that you can with your standing in the global community to help end the Hadron Colliding Experiment.
Posted by
11:59 AM
E(6)XE(6) strings,
E(8)XE(8) strings,
Hadron Colliding Experiment,
Higgs Action,
Wick Action

Part 1 of Session 1 of Course Six (6)
Points particles are constantly llowing through the Ultimon. Point particles are separated by more distance than the sizes that make these up. Point particles are slowed and/or spead up in certain tori-sector-ranges. If the said point particles are slowed or spead up in a tori-sector-range during a relatively small number of instantons, than this tori-sector-range at that progression is their HOME TORI-SECTOR-RANGE. A home tori-sector-range is typically a tori-sector-range where the points that are "home" exist as strings. If a set of point particles are "home" in a tori-sector-range, yet do not form strings in that "range" during a particular iteration, than these point particles may form strings within a relatively short duration within that sector-range during a different covariant brief Fourier metric. The reason why certain point particles do not always form as strings within their home tori-sector-ranges during any spontaneous codifferentiable Fourier activity that involves the process of substringular recycling is because such points are residue that is about to be integrated. When light brings in nodes as ripples OR when light releases such rippled nodes within the Basis of Light within a moment, these extra nodes do not exist within strings, yet, these nodes are about to be incorporated into strings or released into the general point particles stratum of their "home" sector.
Posted by
11:47 AM
Basis of Light,
Fourier activity,
home tori-sector-ranges

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Test One of Course Five (5)
1) If two masses differ in compactification, these masses differ in the amount of space that exists in-between the core densities of the masses considered individually while then being compared.
2) If two masses of the same volume differ in compactification, then one mass has more spaces in-between its core densities than the other.
3) When an umbrella is open, it is relatively uncompacitfied. When an umbrella is shut, it is relatively compactified.
4) The empty spaces in-between the fabric of a quilt shows a degree of a lack of compactification in the said quilt.
5) When space is composed of a mass, kinetic energy, or an electromagnetic energy, when composed of discrete phenomena, it is an overt thing. When space is empty, it is nothing.
6) Differentiating space forms energy when it differentiates over time in a kinematic directoralization. Energy in static equilibrium is matter. Matter with relatively little empty space is relatively compactified.
7) A point particle that is first-ordered is like a ball of yarn because it consists of intertwined mini-string.
8) Point particles that are first-ordered that are unfrayed are all interconnected via mini-string during instanton, just as balls of yarn in a hoop may all directly or indirectly interconnect via the ends of these balls of yarn interconnecting.
9) All first-ordered point particles interconnect via the transit of Ultimon Flow.
10) The spin and roll of first-ordered point particles causes the emission of mini-string. The emission of mini-string interconnects the said point particles Such spin and roll also makes the said point particles kinematic. The kinematic interconnection of such particles tug these phenomena along the Ultimon, thus causing Ultimon Flow.
11) Spin and roll are related to magnetic field.
12) The drive in a direction of a point is related to angular momentum, and produces the sub-basis of electric field.
13) A Yakawa Coupling is the touch, rub, and curl of substringular phenomena upon each other.
2) If two masses of the same volume differ in compactification, then one mass has more spaces in-between its core densities than the other.
3) When an umbrella is open, it is relatively uncompacitfied. When an umbrella is shut, it is relatively compactified.
4) The empty spaces in-between the fabric of a quilt shows a degree of a lack of compactification in the said quilt.
5) When space is composed of a mass, kinetic energy, or an electromagnetic energy, when composed of discrete phenomena, it is an overt thing. When space is empty, it is nothing.
6) Differentiating space forms energy when it differentiates over time in a kinematic directoralization. Energy in static equilibrium is matter. Matter with relatively little empty space is relatively compactified.
7) A point particle that is first-ordered is like a ball of yarn because it consists of intertwined mini-string.
8) Point particles that are first-ordered that are unfrayed are all interconnected via mini-string during instanton, just as balls of yarn in a hoop may all directly or indirectly interconnect via the ends of these balls of yarn interconnecting.
9) All first-ordered point particles interconnect via the transit of Ultimon Flow.
10) The spin and roll of first-ordered point particles causes the emission of mini-string. The emission of mini-string interconnects the said point particles Such spin and roll also makes the said point particles kinematic. The kinematic interconnection of such particles tug these phenomena along the Ultimon, thus causing Ultimon Flow.
11) Spin and roll are related to magnetic field.
12) The drive in a direction of a point is related to angular momentum, and produces the sub-basis of electric field.
13) A Yakawa Coupling is the touch, rub, and curl of substringular phenomena upon each other.
Posted by
4:28 PM
discrete phenomena,
electromagnetic energy,
second-ordered point particles,
Ultimon Flow,
Yakawa Coupling

A Correction To Some Terminology Concepts
The connection in-between two arbitrary world-tubes that are the arena for the forward moving time of one set of parallel universes involves a relatively wide opening that, looking from an arbitrary right to left and bottom to top, is interconnected from a relative four pi position to a relative five pi position and from a relative two pi position to a relative pi position -- in such a way that these world-tubes majorize in such a connection around that particular arena of the Ultimon. The reason why these are considered to be world-tubes is that each of such regions bears a Basis of Light that holonomically forms right before each instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse in a manner that allows a distribution of phenomena that "covalently" shares Planck-Like phenomena and other substringular phenomena between these two sections or tubes over the course of each instanton that occurs after each instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse. The mistake that I made is that such an opening is not properly termed of as a large annulus, yet, that was the best way that I could think of as describing the involvement that happens here. The interconnections as I have stated here are hermitian, even though these connections barely do not cusp.
So, take the relative placements of the interconections of two world-tubes that interconnect as one set of parallel universes that interplay the same direction of time, and majorize such an interconnection into an interconnection of two hoops that have a volume in this manner, and you have the region of a set of parallel universes for one direction of time.
Interior to the forward moving time of the dual acting world-tubes of one set of parallel universes, you have the dual acting world-tubes of backward moving time of the same set of parallel universes. The relative placement of the interconnections of these world-tubes that correspond to where these tubes that work to form backward moving time is of the same nature as that of forward moving time, yet backward moving time during Ultimon Flow moves relatively clockwise, while forward moving time during Ultimon Flow moves relatively counterclockwise. (Clockwise is relatively reverse-holomorphic, while counterclockwise is relativley holomorphic, just as antiholomorphic is motion that is to the relative right, while holomorphic is motion that is to the relative left.) Again, each dual pair of world-tubes majorizes to form the volume of one set of parallel universes in one direction of time, and, each set of parallel universes has one pair of world-tubes for forward moving time and one pair of world-tubes for backward moving time. In each case, the interconnections which are involved with the delineation of the volume of each set of parallel universes in both directions of time taken individually are hermitian -- even though these connections barely do not cusp. Yet, an individual set of parallel universes in one direction of time interconnect with the adjacent set of parallel universes of the same direction of time with an annulus that binds these, since phenomena from one set of parallel universe rarely iterates in another set of parallel universes during any given instanton. -- The substringular flow that binds the three sets of parallel universes happens in-between the individual durations of instantons.
So, again, we as humans only recognize relatively organized time, and relatively organized time only happens during instanton. This is even though the duration of Ultimon Flow in-between each duration of instanton is equal to the duration of each instanton taken individually. This is also even though by far most metrics happen during the mentioned durations of Ultimon Flow that occur in-between each duration of instanton.
Time may change direction via a switch in the direction of substringular phenomena during its motion through the Main Heterotic String Fabric that sometimes happens during the Ultimon Flow in-between each instanton. The cause of such a switch is due to activity that happens over the Fourier Transformations of a sequential set of instantons prior to the switch in the directoralization of substringular phenomena that happens over the course of the mentioned ensuing activity of Ultimon Flow in-between an activity that happens utilizing instantons.
I can not explain everything that there is to know in one post. I am doing all that I can to explain certain things at a decent pace, while yet answering some questions that my readers may be asking in the meanwhile.
God Bless You, and you have a phenomenal day!
Samuel Roach.
So, take the relative placements of the interconections of two world-tubes that interconnect as one set of parallel universes that interplay the same direction of time, and majorize such an interconnection into an interconnection of two hoops that have a volume in this manner, and you have the region of a set of parallel universes for one direction of time.
Interior to the forward moving time of the dual acting world-tubes of one set of parallel universes, you have the dual acting world-tubes of backward moving time of the same set of parallel universes. The relative placement of the interconnections of these world-tubes that correspond to where these tubes that work to form backward moving time is of the same nature as that of forward moving time, yet backward moving time during Ultimon Flow moves relatively clockwise, while forward moving time during Ultimon Flow moves relatively counterclockwise. (Clockwise is relatively reverse-holomorphic, while counterclockwise is relativley holomorphic, just as antiholomorphic is motion that is to the relative right, while holomorphic is motion that is to the relative left.) Again, each dual pair of world-tubes majorizes to form the volume of one set of parallel universes in one direction of time, and, each set of parallel universes has one pair of world-tubes for forward moving time and one pair of world-tubes for backward moving time. In each case, the interconnections which are involved with the delineation of the volume of each set of parallel universes in both directions of time taken individually are hermitian -- even though these connections barely do not cusp. Yet, an individual set of parallel universes in one direction of time interconnect with the adjacent set of parallel universes of the same direction of time with an annulus that binds these, since phenomena from one set of parallel universe rarely iterates in another set of parallel universes during any given instanton. -- The substringular flow that binds the three sets of parallel universes happens in-between the individual durations of instantons.
So, again, we as humans only recognize relatively organized time, and relatively organized time only happens during instanton. This is even though the duration of Ultimon Flow in-between each duration of instanton is equal to the duration of each instanton taken individually. This is also even though by far most metrics happen during the mentioned durations of Ultimon Flow that occur in-between each duration of instanton.
Time may change direction via a switch in the direction of substringular phenomena during its motion through the Main Heterotic String Fabric that sometimes happens during the Ultimon Flow in-between each instanton. The cause of such a switch is due to activity that happens over the Fourier Transformations of a sequential set of instantons prior to the switch in the directoralization of substringular phenomena that happens over the course of the mentioned ensuing activity of Ultimon Flow in-between an activity that happens utilizing instantons.
I can not explain everything that there is to know in one post. I am doing all that I can to explain certain things at a decent pace, while yet answering some questions that my readers may be asking in the meanwhile.
God Bless You, and you have a phenomenal day!
Samuel Roach.
Posted by
10:32 AM
Basis of Light,
Planck-Like phenomena,
Ultimon Flow,

Friday, April 8, 2011
Part Five of Session 8 of Course 9
The "flapping" of the Planck-Related phenomena that correspond to bosonic superstrings that bear a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology is affiliated with the normalization of the Planck-Related phenomena that were just mentioned with the directly surrounding Planck-Related phenomena. This is due to the condition of Gaussian-Based stability that is associated with any unperturbated orbifold and/or due to the condition of Gaussian-Based stability that is associated with any unperturbated orbifold eigenset. The mentioned normalizations of the two categories of Planck-Related phenomena relative to one another is controlled by the flow of the substringular fields in the form of the flow of the negative norm-states and positive-norm-states and the zero-norm-states (Zero-Norm-states are isolated first-ordered point particles that, as is the case with all first-ordered poiont particles, are interconnected with homotopy via mini-string -- and mini-string chords are substringular fields.), as well as the flow of the substringular encoder patterns that surround the associated Planck-Related phenomena. Negative-Norm-States form ghost-anomalies by tracing where substringular phenomena have distributed per each prior instanton. Positive-Norm-States undo ghost-anomalies by scattering the prior mentioned traces on account of the reverse-holomorphic flow that positive-norm-states undergo to undo these mentioned ghost anomalies over a relatively small sequential series of instantons. Normally, a substringular phenomena bears a ghost trace of where it was in a prior iteration. In a relatively small number of instantons later, norm-states that move in the opposite direction as those that form an arbitrary ghost-trace scatter the ghost traces in order to free-up room in the substringular. Zero-Norm-States help convert one-dimensional superstrings, which are the discrete holonomic structure of the permittivity of plain kinetic energy, into the discrete holonomic structure of the permittivity of electromagnetic energy, which are comprised of certain two-dimensional superstrings. This is true in the case of the Fujikawa Coupling. The Fujikawa Coupling involves the interaction of zero-norm-states that pull at an apex in-between two chords of mini-string that tug in an abelian manner with the mentioned one-dimensional superstring, while yet moving in the direction of the propgagtion of an arbitrary one-dimensional superstring that is closing to form the said two-dimensional superstring by harnessing the two ends of an open-string in such a way so that the closing of the mentioned open-string is in the opposite direction of its propagation. This is even though the Fourier Translation of the Fujikawa Coupling as a unit is in the general direction of the forming of the soon to be bosonic string portion of a photon. As a coralary, zero-norm-states often help convert the two-dimensional superstrings' holonomic structure of permittivity into the holonomic structure of permittivity of one-dimensional superstrings when a photon is converted into plain kinetic energy via a forward-holomorphic wave-tug that opens a closed string in a hermitian manner via the inverse of the Greene Function. Negative-Norm-States harmonize stringular propagations. -- These show physical evidence of discrete Hamiltonian holonomic structure. Positive-Norm-States add anharmonics to substringular propagators. -- These scatter evidence of discrete Hamiltonican holonomic structure.
Posted by
3:49 PM
Fujikawa Coupling,
Hamiltonian momenturm,

Monday, April 4, 2011
Part Four of the Eigth Session of Course Nine
The added dimensionality of two-dimensional superstrings causes them to have not only two-dimensional discrepencies, yet also to have three-dimensional discrepencies. So, one-dimensional superstrings have discrepencies that exist on the relative reverse-norm-to-norm-to-holomorphic side of the Laplacian settings that these exist in at their topological center. (This center being closer to the relative norm-to-holomorphic Laplacian end of each individual superstring that is to be considered.) Two-Dimensional superstrings have discrepencies that are both to the relative holomorphic side of the general topology of the mentioned superstrings per each Laplacian setting at the relative 90 degree mark, while these described discrepencies per each Laplacian setting are simultaneously placed in the relative norm-to-holomorphic position at the relative 90 degree mark of the same arbitrary two-dimensional superstring. At the relative 270 degree mark of any given two-dimensional superstring, the discrepency from the hermitian Laplacian topological flow of the mentioned superstring exists in the reverse-holomorphic position, while the described discrepency per each Laplacian setting are simultaneously placed in the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic position.
Again, one-dimensional superstrings that act as discrete units of energy permittivity bear one discrepency, while two-dimensional superstrings that act as discrete units of energy permittivity bear two discrepencies.
What I mean by discrepencies are seperations from the Laplacian hermitian topological flow of the delineation of the first-ordered point particles that comprise one and two-dimensional superstrings.
Substringular field in the form of mini-string still interconnects the described discrepencies with the rest of the correlative superstrings during each Laplacian setting that form the basis of the conformal dimension of each superstring that exists in some sort of hermtian topological delineation during each BRST duration that comprises the majority of the duration of each instanton that happens in the course of substringular iteration. The added entropy that happens to the mentioned two-dimensional superstrings causes these to form more dilatons when these mentioned superstrings are propagated through space. This configuration of discrepencies (partitions) causes these to "flap" a little bit more than one-dimensional supestrings when these are propagated through space. The faster the mentioned two-dimensional superstrings travel transversally per iteration at under light-speed when the light-cone-gauge topology of the described two-dimensional superstrings is Kaluza-Klein, (Kaluza-Klein meaning to bear an abelian light-cone-gauge topology.) the more that the associated two-dimensional superstrings tend to "flap." As the Planck-Related phenomena that are associated with two-dimensional superstrings that are of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology flap, the corresponding two-dimensional superstrings flap in synchronicity with the prior mentioned Planck-Related phenomena. Yet, Yang-Mills bosonic superstrings are often electromagnetic in nature, which causes these to travel at light-speed when in a vacuum, which decreases the inefficiency of the prior mentioned "flapping." This is because the added wave holonomic condition that exists here provides a homostasis that tends to support the holonomic stability of the superstrings here due to an increase in the fractal modulae of the said superstring on account of the mentioned physical counterbalances that thus happen here. One-Dimensional superstrings tend to orbit back-and-forth upon their axes as these are propagated through space. I will continue with the last part of this session later. Until then, God Bless You in the name of Yahweh, and I hope for only positive things for all of the readers who read my blog posts.
Sam Roach.
Again, one-dimensional superstrings that act as discrete units of energy permittivity bear one discrepency, while two-dimensional superstrings that act as discrete units of energy permittivity bear two discrepencies.
What I mean by discrepencies are seperations from the Laplacian hermitian topological flow of the delineation of the first-ordered point particles that comprise one and two-dimensional superstrings.
Substringular field in the form of mini-string still interconnects the described discrepencies with the rest of the correlative superstrings during each Laplacian setting that form the basis of the conformal dimension of each superstring that exists in some sort of hermtian topological delineation during each BRST duration that comprises the majority of the duration of each instanton that happens in the course of substringular iteration. The added entropy that happens to the mentioned two-dimensional superstrings causes these to form more dilatons when these mentioned superstrings are propagated through space. This configuration of discrepencies (partitions) causes these to "flap" a little bit more than one-dimensional supestrings when these are propagated through space. The faster the mentioned two-dimensional superstrings travel transversally per iteration at under light-speed when the light-cone-gauge topology of the described two-dimensional superstrings is Kaluza-Klein, (Kaluza-Klein meaning to bear an abelian light-cone-gauge topology.) the more that the associated two-dimensional superstrings tend to "flap." As the Planck-Related phenomena that are associated with two-dimensional superstrings that are of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology flap, the corresponding two-dimensional superstrings flap in synchronicity with the prior mentioned Planck-Related phenomena. Yet, Yang-Mills bosonic superstrings are often electromagnetic in nature, which causes these to travel at light-speed when in a vacuum, which decreases the inefficiency of the prior mentioned "flapping." This is because the added wave holonomic condition that exists here provides a homostasis that tends to support the holonomic stability of the superstrings here due to an increase in the fractal modulae of the said superstring on account of the mentioned physical counterbalances that thus happen here. One-Dimensional superstrings tend to orbit back-and-forth upon their axes as these are propagated through space. I will continue with the last part of this session later. Until then, God Bless You in the name of Yahweh, and I hope for only positive things for all of the readers who read my blog posts.
Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:15 PM
topological sways,

Saturday, April 2, 2011
More About The Dangers Of The Hadron Colliding Experiment
Hello, my name is Sam Roach. I don't get too much into philosophy. I get into the mechanics of the substringular. E(6)XE(6) superstrings that are adjacent are to spin assymetrically. E(8)XE(8) superstrings that are adjacent are to spin assymetrically. E(6)XE(6) superstrings, if pulled away from their corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates, would work to make -- at least -- a fissure in the Rarita Structure. E(8)XE(8) superstrings, if pulled away from their corresponding orbifolds and orbifold eigensets, would work to make -- at least -- a fissure in the homotopy of adjacent orbifold-like structures. Endangering a local homotopy can easily form a domino effect that could ruin space-time-fabric.
Please end the Hadron Colliding Experiment.
Please end the Hadron Colliding Experiment.
Posted by
10:02 AM
E(6)XE(6) superstrings,
E(8)XE(8) superstrings,
orbifold eigensets,

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