Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Something To Clarify

Every Basis of Light has four main eigenstates -- one per each of the four world-tubes that exist in a set of parallel universes.  The four main eigenstates of each Basis of Light -- one per tori-sector-range -- are interconnected by a Trace that has the same general shape of each Basis of Light, except that the said eigenstates of each Basis of Light are majorized into a definitive volume while the Trace that interbinds these eigenstates in-between the described world-tubes involves a Laplacian smooth-curved Lagrangian that is only one first-ordered point particle thick per successive mapping out along its contour.  The relatively thin Trace that interbinds the said four Basis of Light eigenstates helps allow for the recycling of ground and norm states, while the four main eigenstates of each Basis of Light that is associated with one of such Traces each allows for the potential of the Planck phenomenon related phenomena that are to differentiate as the set of discrete units of energy impedance that corresponds to their corresponding superstrings -- the superstrings of which act as discrete units of energy permittivity.  The Trace that I just described exists in-between the world-tubes in a Laplacian-like homogeneous manner in such a manner that the norm to holomorphic end of the said Trace exists at the norm to antiholomorphic end of the forward moving time involving Royal Arc of one set of parallel universes, while the norm to antiholomorphic end of the said Trace exists at the reverse concavity based norm to antiholomorphic end of the backward moving time involving Royal Arc of the same set of parallel universes.  The world-tubes that involve forward moving time involve a Royal Arc that bears an opposite concavity of the Royal Arc that associates with the world-tubes that involve backward moving time.  The four ends of the Laplacian "Chi" distributions of each of such Traces touches the general substringular neighborhoods of the norm to antiholomorphic ends of each of the four main eigenstates of each Basis of Light, taken respectively.  So, for every Basis of Light, their are four main eigenstates to this -- each of which is shaped the same -- although with a non-trivial isomorphic basis.  For every Basis of Light, there is one relatively thin Trace that interbinds these with a strong unborne tangency.  And each tori-sector-range involves one Basis of Light.
What determines what the main kinematically based tori-sector-range is is based on which Basis of Light involves an equal amount of forward and backward moving time.  So, when a different Basis of Light involves an equal amount of forward and backward moving time, the layer of reality that is then primal is changed in an indistinguishably different manner, thus changing one-ten-thousandth of the past and future at that point.  The changing of history is based on the arrangement of the substringular encoders.  So, although there is an indistinguishably constant venue of the Types of Bases of Light curvatures, the assortment and the actualization as to what Bases of Light exist for what substringular encoders varies through time.  The delineation of the relatively discrete particles that deminstrate the kinematic relations of space-time-fabric for each tori-sector-range are constantly being reshuffled in a metaphorical tense per instanton.
I hope that this answers some questions.  I will provide the test questions to the last test of Course Five soon, along with the corresponding solutions -- which are already prepared.  You have a phenomenal day!

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