Friday, October 1, 2010

Course 5, Session 9, Part Two

Hello there, this is Sam Roach here! How are you doing?!
Here is the next part of Session 9 of Course 5.
In the substringular, the ties of the strings are rippled to the ties that interconnect to the "knots" of the associated Bases of Light by the following: The strings associated with all of the Bases of Light untie by the momentum of the point particles tugging at these strings. This untieing forms a ripple toward the untieing of the strings that exist at the interconnection at each given Basis of Light. This total ripple forms a norm-state here -- a set of first-ordered point particles that is tied yet not woven into a substring. A given Basis of Light here now breaks down into many different "bases" that travel around the Ultimon. When these "bases" come within their resonant vibration, these enter the overall general Basis of Light. The residue continues to flow as this shows. The now formed "Traces" of this basis is like a set of giant Popov Ghost Traces, and is the actual Basis of Light. These Traces always exist within a resonant vibration, and does not leave this during each sub-metric in which this exists in so long as the associated space-time fabric is unfrayed. It may change location in terms of topological distribution, though. The mini-bases are the discrete units of energy impedance, which is particularly important to the existence of photons. The Traces are the basis of the speed of light. There is only one Trace per tori-sector-region.

The operand of the Ultimon consists of many constituent-force-sectors. These sectors are what comprise the whole ultimon, and are smaller than first-ordered point particles in thickness. The Traces are the resonant vibration of the Bases of Light as maintained by these constituent-force-sectors when the basis of the fabric of light is temporarily missing. When the Bases of Light are brought into the form of Planck Phenomenon related phenomena, the fabric of a given Basis is coupled at each end and made to form a slightly large number of the given "mini-bases" used to travel around the Continuum. When the mini-bases return back to their associated Trace, these fold back into the overall local Basis, with the given recycling potential. When a large basis is formed (an eigenstate of the Bases of Light), the "knot" is formed in space of the six point particles at each spot along the given Basis. This now catches part of a substring since it is so wide of a tie. After this "knot" catches a substring, the part of a strings here that gets tied with the associated Basis of Light local here gets pulled into the related recycling of mini-string or substringular field. In overall universal history as in each parallel universe, there are 159,000 Bases of Light per iteration at its max. Each of these Bases involves a Trace that involves the intrinsic resonant vibration of the string from many parallel universes. Note, many. There is a lot of dark matter. Different strings may be local to the same Trace, yet if something is dark matter, it is probably involved with a different Basis of Light than the observer whom notices the described phenomena as dark matter. A Basis of Light iterates countless times, only ending if its associated substringular phenomena becomes frayed.

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