Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Course 6, Session 2, Part 1

Well hello world, this is Samuel David Roach here.  This session is on the Royal Arc.
Where is light most of the time?  Is light thrown, or is it placed like pickets in a picket fence?  Light is propagated through space.  When light is propagated, it is placed one hbar (in terms of radial motion) and/or one Planck distance (h, in terms of llinear motion) at a time in the direction in which it is propagated.  Well then, where does this light come from?  Light comes from the Ultimon, and more specifically, from the Main World-Toroid.  The Main World-Toroid is "infinite" when compared to an index of a third-ordered-point paraticle, yet it  is not actually infinite, since it has boundaries.  It is like this:  No matter how many zeroes you add to the given number, the main world-toroid is larger than an index of a third-ordered-point particle.  So, the world-toroid described, which is tantamount to the Ultimon -- is also tantamount to the whole space-time-continuum.  The Main World-Torroid that I am describing is the holonomic interconnection of all of the Main World-Tubes that comprise where superstrings and Planck phenomenon related phenomena differentiate both in a Laplacian and in a Fourier manner.  So, in this sense, the critical activity that acts, produces, and responds in such a manner so as to allow for the energy of physical space and time produces a covariant kinematic relationship that makes the "Infinite" World-Toroid in a sense the fundamental Basis of the existence of physical space-and-time.                                                                                            
Yet, phenomena of one set of parallel universes is to generally stay in that said set of parallel universes.
Too much superfalous intermeshing of the realities of the three sets of parallel universes is a no-no, since this could dammage space-time-fabric.  This is why, in a sense, the kinematic operation of physical space-time-fabric is not exactly to be described as an infinite world toroid.  I have no idea how such a danger could happen anyway, and even so, you could never get me to damage my happy home of space-time-fabric.
So, in a sense, the most important thing is the general wellfare of universal legacy.  If this means to up-the-anty on intergalactic rulings, so let it be.  I am here to help.  I will continue with some of the suspense later, yet, I will drop the prior confidential implifications.  You have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam.

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