Thursday, October 28, 2010

Course 6, Session 2, Part 2, Strings As Toroidal Phenomena

Well hello again world, this is Samuel David Roach here!  I am about to continue with my session that teaches others more about what I call the "Royal Arc."
So, the world-toroid, which is tantamount to the existence of the Ultimon is thus tantamount to the whole existence of physical space and time, and such an "infinite" world-toroid is thus tantamount to the existence of space and time, period.  This "infinite" world-toroid has a majorized half-circle basis that circles each individual set of parallel universes on both the basis of forward moving time and the basis of backward moving time, respectively.   (One Arc or world-toroid eigenbasis encapsolating each individual set of parallel universes at both the side which defines forward moving time as well as the side which defines backward moving time, which would define there to be two sets of three of such Arcs.)  These majorized half-circles loops are what contain most of the norm-states of the physical Continuum.  Light that we see in our Continuum is recycled indirectly on account of this multiplicit Arc, and such Arc eigenbases indirectly allow light to exist in the Main world-sheets or the Main world-tubes, due to the condition of ground states recycling into norm states as well as norm states recycling into ground states in a manner that produces indistinuishable differences to the observation of one examining the Laplacian and Fourier conditions of such described sub-atomic phenomena.  The said majorized half-circles that I am describing each connect two stringular world-sheets.  The relative top majorized half-circles (the majorized half-circles that relate to forward moving time, which is thus considered to exist in the norm-to-holomorphic position relative to an outward observer) connects the said relative top stringular world-sheets, while the relative bottom majorized half-circles (the majorized half-circles that relate to backward moving time, which is thus considered to exist in the norm-to-antiholomorphic position relative to an outward observer) connects the said relative bottom stringular world-sheets.  The stringular world-sheets plus the majorized half-circles, the Main Heterotic String Fabric, plus the substringular encoders, are the Basis of the Ultimon.  Each of such majorized half-circles is an eigenbasis of the Royal Arc. Thank you for your time.  I am very greatfull  for my readership.  You have a phenomenal day!
Sincerely, Sam.                             

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