Saturday, October 2, 2010

Course 5, Session 10, Part One

Hello, this is Samuel Roach here!  How are you doing?!  I am about to write the first part of Session 10 of Course 5.
Many strings are associated with the same Basis of Light.  One string may also be associated with many different types of Bases of Light.  The recycling of one section of a string may associate with one type of Basis of Light and the same string may also associate with several different Bases of Light before the whole string has been recycled.  After the equivalent number of instantons equal to the total number of all of the  first-ordered point particles that a substring consists of, the string goes through one complete sequence of recycling.  There is always some phenomena that returns to that stiring from the existant substringular fields that are present in homotopy in so long as the described substring is not frayed.  This is why they call this a condition of recycling.  So, a string, after much progression, may be different, totally.  A string may also be the same from all outward appearances after the whole recycling.  How?  Each phenomenon brought back to the string may identically match what was there before.  The only difference is that the specific indistinguishably different mini-string that comprises this will be different.  In other words, the fabric of the string will be constantly kept sturdy enough to ensure the maintainance of space-time-fabric.  The "knot" of the mini-bases of light has pulled in fields.  The "knot" of the large Bases of Light has relatively large fields.  The bigger fields described are enlargened fields that are tight, yet take up more room.  The fields become larger because these strike a resonant vibration with the same recycling mode.  Any Basis of Light with the same resonant vibration and the same recycling mode will effect this.  There will always be a place for mini-bases of light to return, unless these fall into a black-hole.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam. 

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