Thursday, November 12, 2009

Stuff of Metrics

If you have a differential that only involves an instanton at BRST, you have a Laplacian differential. If you have a differential that involves a set of integrated instantons at BRST, you have a Fourier differential. A Fourier differential involves a sequence of iterations of a substringular setting as the associated setting changes through a conformal or nonconformal series of iterative kinematics that is either convergent or divergent upon a stratum that the correlative phensoma is differentiating upon. A Fourier "series" may often involve an iteration or a set of iterations, plus a metric that only involves a partial rhythmic tense of ultimon time. Ultimon time is regulated by the springing of activity or gauge-metrics of the light-cone-gauge, while iteration time is regulated by the organization that happens during the "space-hole" and the ensuing Instanton-Quaternionic-Field-Impulse, since this impulse forms the instanton. A Laplacian differentiation plus a brief metric, such as the activity during Regge Slope, is like a minimal Fourier sequence, since it involves a minimal amount of Imaginary metric or time besides the brief activity of BRST. If a Fourier series is not minimized in terms of the substringular, it will involve a set of instantons and/or a metric or a set of metrics within ultimon time that are either integrated over Real Reimmanian time, Ultimon "time", or integrated partially in Real Reimmanian and partially in ultimon time. The gauge-metrics of the Kaeler metric often considers the regulators of the Bette Actions and the Polyakov Actions, that, during a sequence of Kaeler metrics, happens after BRST. In this case, the related Fourier Integration involves a parial integration of Real Reimmanian time and a partial integration of Imaginary or Njenhuis time to define the group Fourier metric.

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