Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We will now focus on ROLE PLAYING. Two baseballs are shot at each other. Let us say that these balls go in a straight line and thus do not drop significantly. If you are familiar with projectile motion, you will know that if the balls were at any significant distance from each other, they must have been shot at a pretty fast rate of speed. The balls also must have struck each other soon after these were shot out. Otherwise, you would know from your familiarity, the balls would have dropped significantly. From clue fitting, you know that the balls would have to collide, since there was no information about any anomalous interference. And, through familiarity and patterns, you would know that when two of such objects collide at such a rate, hitting fast and in a straight line, these will rebound and/or be knocked further along. Through experimentation, you would see that, yes, if both baseballs struck at the same speed on their white parts, had the same solidity, had the same weight, and had the same roll and spin, these would rebound back in the same direction that these came from. Yet any alteration in these circumstances would probably effect this. In physics, one takes an ideal situation, considers the effects of common actual events in order to know what happened/happens/or is going to happen to whatever venture you are going to consider, in order to hopefully and theoretically do something of practical worth. If this is theory alone, you are talking plain physics. If this is applied you are talking engineering. College courses on physics generally talk a lot about math. Math interrelates concepts logically so as to come up with a solution that fits the need. Sometimes, the solution may indicate the simplicity of meeting that need -- or even that the need is immaterial. Equations have their place, yet this is not my focus. Math may be totally used without gorging on equations. The important part of math is the general order of magnitudes, directions, and tenses, along with other aspects, that describe the contexts and environments that issue a basis to answering whatever problem it is that you need to solve. The more that you understand physics, the more you will see that there are many things to the simplest thing, but that even complex issues may be solved by patterns.

This may seem odd, yet picturing yourself as the physical scenario may make it easier to understand the interactions involved. Getting your mind off of the words you are saying and onto a vision of what is actually happening may facilitate your understanding, and thus solidify your knowledge. Words with no pictures in mind not only means little, yet it is harder for others than to help you improve your conception. Yet, pictures without words may be helpful. If you try to explain the picture in your mind to someone, they may be able to help formulate what you are saying with appropriate words.

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