Monday, November 23, 2009


We will now focus of PATTERNS.: When you propel a solid object up on earth, what happens? It goes up while yet slowing down until it stops. Once it stops, it starts falling. The object then speeds up toward the earth until it either reaches terminal velocity (if it went way up) or hits the ground or anything else that would break its fall. The object propelled would not in this case glide or hover in the air like a glider or a feather. Each time the solid object would be propelled up, it would do the same general thing unless it was engineered in a special manner so as to hover or fly. You could do this as many times as you want, and you get the same results. This, being a proven pattern, is a law. This is the law of gravity. Gravity is the constituent force that objects bind one toward another. So, the more massive an object is, the stronger is its gravitational field. Yet, any solid object that is small enough to fall by the earth's gravity is going to basically fall toward the earth at the same rate. Did you know that the sun has more mass than anything else in our solar system? it bears the most gravity in the solar system, too. This works to confirm the definition of gravity that I said above. Black-Holes are formed from super massive suns that have collapsed. Black-Holes suck up many stars (suns). Black-Holes have a very massive gravitational fields. All of this fits a pattern. That pattern is that the more massive an object is, the more gravity it tends to have. Actually, every phenomenon has some gravity associated with it. Yet, from observation, massive phenomena bear the most gravity. The fact that only stars form a solar system proves this.
When you see fire, you see light. Fire is basically a form of high infrared light (heat) that also contains other light and some chemical give off. When an element burns, it gives off a distinct coloration of light. If a certain element burns, it will always flare the same coloration. If one element burns, it will always emit a certain smell. If another element burns, it will always emit a different smell. Such colors and smells may likewise indicate the sought after elements, respectively. This is a pattern.
If you have to go to work at a place that is 20 miles away, and the next day you have to go to work at a place that 40 miles away, think of this.: If it takes 32 minutes to go to the first place, you should give yourself at least 64 minutes to get to the next place. This is what I mean by patterns.

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