Sunday, November 15, 2009

More About Orbifolds & Gauge Fields

An orbifold exists as a set of superstrings that exist as an organized unit with a first-ordered magnetic eigenstate associated with it. The spin-orbital field delineation of the superstrings of an orbifold act as second-ordered magnetic eigenstates of the substringular condition. The orbifolds of an orbifold eigenstate integrate through first-ordered magnetic eigenstates to form the magnetism of an orbifold eigenstate. This magnetism bears a gauge-field that induces an electrodynamic group gauge-action of Majorana-Weyl covariance between D-fields and F-fields in the environment of P-fields. The shell-like structure of an orbifold bears a periphery of substringular fields and gauge-fields that bear a norm Ward relationship in terms of the unborne tangency of Fadeev Popov Traces, along with the Yakawa and Heisendorf cohomological and nonabelian interactions that allow the superstrings of the correlative Fadeev Popov Traces to bear a tense of group harmonics, which via gravitational interaction included, draws among and upon the associated superstrings a set of Klein-Kaeler-Higgs impulses that allow the substringular forces to bear an interactive relationship with each other that is global yet discrete. The interior of the interactive stratum shell of an orbifold often has an interactive shell that is Chern-Simmons bound to the stratum of one parallel universe eigenbasis as another stratum of parallel universe. This causes all mass index shells to have a core density that integrates all of the interior of such a potential shell when there are interactive parallel universes in an orbifold. The Fadeev Popov Traces, as said before, are norm relative to one another if these are of the same universe with a wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees. The more remote a universe is relative to a given universe, the more off the unborne tangency of the respective Fadeev Popov Traces are in terms of the cross-sectional geometric Laplacian taken at BRST. The gauge-fields of these discrete substringular Planck related phenomena of different universes relative to one another in certain orbifolds are interbound with a tendency to bear some field cohomology. The differing norm conditions of these associated gauge-fields causes the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates to remain abelianly for Kaluza-Klein topology and non-abelianly for Yang-Mills topology unscaffed yet interactive via the Yakawa-bound norm state fields that, are commutative via the Cassimer Invariance that indistinguishably differently recycle the norm states to ground states, and the ground states to norm states, after a successive set of iterations that are based on a Fourier sequential series that transforms the substringular and gauge-fields one eigenlocus at a time into a fresh substringular and light-cone-gauge eigenstate field. The case of an orbifold region that is completely of one univerese will be Laplacianly conditioned as a majorized stratum that bears an internal charge density, and is of a Hilbert structure that bears multiplicit eigenstates of Minkowski based Majorana-Weyl magnetic eigenstates.

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