Friday, November 13, 2009

More On Mini-Loops

The mini-loops have a minimal diameter of 3*10^(-78) meters in the globally distinguishable, which amounts to a minimal diameter of 10^(-86) meters in the substringular. The mini-loops are evenly spaced between the bottom eighth theoretical potential from the bottoom of a one-dimensional superstring to the top eighth theoretical potential from the top of a one-dimensional superstring. The mini-loops are evenly spaced between the eighth from the antiholomorphic side taken counterclockwise of a two-dimensional superstring's theoretical position to the eighth theoretical position from the holomorphic side taken clockwise of a two-dimensional superstring. The mini-loops exist as a hermitianly torsioned hoop that acts as a majorized substringular field. The mini-loops begin relatively large, and decrease in size as the metric-gauge is generally depleated from an associated superstring to conform to (e^((del C)-iG))/# of mini-loops =~Multiplicative factor for mini-loops of one-d superstrings

or 2*((e^((del C)-iG))/# of mini-loops) =~The multiplicative factor for mini-loops of two-d strings
The mini-loops are depleted as metric-gauge is depleted. The distribution divergence of the said mini-loops is Diracly increased or maintained as the number of mini-loops decreases, with the exception of when a one or two-dimensional string has 100 mini-loops, respectively. This is since mini-loops act as the gauge-action which enables the metric-gauge to exist in superstrings, not including the fact that one-d strings have one spatial partition, and two-d strings have two spatial partitions, and two-d strings have partition at (width (at 90 degrees)), & (thickness (at 270 degrees)). These allow for the Polyakov Action which is group caused by the partitions, and the superstrings area brought along ultimon flow because of the metric-gauge brought about by the gauge-action gauge-metrics of the mini-loops.

There is always a relative spuriousness to a superstring that has 100 mini-loops of the substance of metric-gauge before the associated superstring undergoes a Kaeler metric. ((e^0/1)-iG) then equals 1-i. This "1-i" is a multiplicative factor here.

This is due to that the borne tangency of the Gliossi-Indices are then the "life-support" (metaphorical) of the remaining permittivity of the associated superstring. This is since Cassimer Invariance is maximized during the Wick action that causes the Landau-Gisner Action that works through the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism that works the Higgs Action to move the Klein Bottle to allow the Kaeler Metric to happen. This latter activity is known as the substringularly natural mechanism of a Gaussian Transformation.

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