Draw a horizontal and vertical axis that intersects at their origins. Again, the horizontal axis is the x-axis here and the vertical axis is the y-axis here. With your 3X3 post it sheets, make a "cartoon" of the x-axis moving toward the y-axis from one side and then from the other. Next, do the same with the y-axis moving toward the x-axis from one side and then from the other. Now, using your colored pencils, make the x-axis one color, and the y-axis another color. Next, make two "cartoons" in which one shows the x-axis rotating around the y-axis as the whole configuration moves up and then down in the motion of an upside down "U", while the other "cartoon" show the y-axis rotating around the x-axis as the whole configuration moves up and then down in the motion of an upside down "U."
The purpose of this is to show that directorals (indicators of direction) may partially and wholly differentiate, and this may happen from either a static or from a kinematic basis.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Session 4 of Course 1
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11:46 AM
session 4 of course 1 of Sam Roach's String Theory
SESSION 3 OF COURSE 1 (Curvature)
Draw a line. It goes from one spot to another. Usually, when people refer to something as a "line", what they really mean is a straight line. Although truly straight lines are hard to draw in a sketch, these do exist in nature to a high degree of precision. With a compass, you can draw a line that is perfectly straight up to the precision of the thickness of that line. What may vary on a smaller scale is the thickness of the line due to your drawing utensil, or the smoothness of the straight edge that you used. When you use lines, you are involved with linear geometry. How do you determine if something is in a straight line? Take three of the points you are considering. Get out your straight edge. Try to have all three points even with the edge of the straight edge. If the points aren't all along the edge, then the points do not describe a line. Thus, the points are not linearly distributed.
A line describing a simple function does not change in curvature. Let's say that you had a horizontal x-axis and vertical y-axis. One line is perfectly vertical. This line has no real curvature. It could be said that its curvature is infinite, except that you can not divide by zero. Slope is the word used to indicate what a curvature is. Slope is equal to vertical change (rise) over horizontal change (run). If something rises with no run, then its slope is (something/0), which you can either look at as absolutely infinite or as a slope whose curvature is fictitious, since one can not divide by zero. A horizontal slope is zero, since (0/anything that is not zero or imaginary) is zero. A slanted line among these axes is real and non-zero, yet, if it remains constantly linear, then the curvature does not change. If a line is displaced, then it no longer is the same line. Such a change would have a change in curvature, yet this would be a different function, and what we discussed above was a constant function.
For instance, the identity function is a line where x=y all of the time, when you are talking about an x--y plane. If the line is constantly this function, then its curvature will not change. I will mention later of many functions where the curvature changes. You may even have a case where there are many axes for the dimensions of the particle, and there may be a straight line where each parameter for each axis is incremented to the same degree at each detectable level of measurement. This would be an even greater type of identity function.
A line may appear straight even when it isn't. It may be constantly in one plane, appearing to go in only one direction while it actually is jointal in many segments. This may be indicated by a change in the morphological appearance or texture that is shown by looking at the object. Sometimes, by distinguishing SINGULARITIES in segments of something's appearance, you may discuss how an object is not straight.
A line describing a simple function does not change in curvature. Let's say that you had a horizontal x-axis and vertical y-axis. One line is perfectly vertical. This line has no real curvature. It could be said that its curvature is infinite, except that you can not divide by zero. Slope is the word used to indicate what a curvature is. Slope is equal to vertical change (rise) over horizontal change (run). If something rises with no run, then its slope is (something/0), which you can either look at as absolutely infinite or as a slope whose curvature is fictitious, since one can not divide by zero. A horizontal slope is zero, since (0/anything that is not zero or imaginary) is zero. A slanted line among these axes is real and non-zero, yet, if it remains constantly linear, then the curvature does not change. If a line is displaced, then it no longer is the same line. Such a change would have a change in curvature, yet this would be a different function, and what we discussed above was a constant function.
For instance, the identity function is a line where x=y all of the time, when you are talking about an x--y plane. If the line is constantly this function, then its curvature will not change. I will mention later of many functions where the curvature changes. You may even have a case where there are many axes for the dimensions of the particle, and there may be a straight line where each parameter for each axis is incremented to the same degree at each detectable level of measurement. This would be an even greater type of identity function.
A line may appear straight even when it isn't. It may be constantly in one plane, appearing to go in only one direction while it actually is jointal in many segments. This may be indicated by a change in the morphological appearance or texture that is shown by looking at the object. Sometimes, by distinguishing SINGULARITIES in segments of something's appearance, you may discuss how an object is not straight.
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10:23 AM
session 3 of course 1 of Sam Roach's string theory
Friday, November 27, 2009
So, you might add, "Could you tie all of these in to show a relationship between this and string theory?" Yes. Strings are very small components of phenomena. They are hard to detect. Most physicists consider studying these to be like studying magic. But they are wrong. The tool to understand what a string does and how it behaves is the consideration of the simplest relative discrete phenomena as a logical set of things that interact with simplicity. If the bases you piece together form a complex whole that makes sense and solves all documented research as to how particles behave, then it would appear that you are on the right track.
Verifying a theory makes a law. Laws are probable. Science is PATTERNED proof.
Being FAMILIAR with science leads to technology.
By piecing together CLUES, one may make more theories.
By forming a scenario, one may determine potential ROLE PLAYING.
By DISTINGUISHING one thing from another, one may discern what different things are in your studies.
Finally, by knowing how the components of your research are localized, the possible places that these components may be transferred to, and the limits of h ow these components behave, one may competently do scientific work.
As of the year 2001 (2009), scientists thought that you could not detect where an electron is and what it is giving off at the same time. (Heisendorf Principle).
If you know enough info, you know that the prior may at least be extrapolated when one considers the activity of the substringular. (The more refined the research, the more precise the results.) By understanding the nature of superstrings, you can show that usage of these through technology may prove what I am saying to be true.
Verifying a theory makes a law. Laws are probable. Science is PATTERNED proof.
Being FAMILIAR with science leads to technology.
By piecing together CLUES, one may make more theories.
By forming a scenario, one may determine potential ROLE PLAYING.
By DISTINGUISHING one thing from another, one may discern what different things are in your studies.
Finally, by knowing how the components of your research are localized, the possible places that these components may be transferred to, and the limits of h ow these components behave, one may competently do scientific work.
As of the year 2001 (2009), scientists thought that you could not detect where an electron is and what it is giving off at the same time. (Heisendorf Principle).
If you know enough info, you know that the prior may at least be extrapolated when one considers the activity of the substringular. (The more refined the research, the more precise the results.) By understanding the nature of superstrings, you can show that usage of these through technology may prove what I am saying to be true.
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1:18 PM
part 4 of session 2 of course one of Sam Roach's string theory
More On the Higgs Action
When a Higgs Action reverses in relative directoralization, the “vacuumed pouch” that is Dirac relative to the Higgs Action hermitianly changes in its second derivative. It will reverse the concavity of the mini-loop hermitian singularities that exist as the gauge-action field sub-quantum that exist between a superstring and its associated light-cone-gauge eigenstate. Look. As Kaeler metric happens, gauge bosons pluck the assocaitaed second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as is always the case during BRST. The scattering of the norm-conditions in the Klein Bottle, also seeing that a superstring in the substringular (fully contracted here) has a length (1-D) or circumference (2-D) of 10^(-43) meters, inverts the vibratory holomorphicity of the associated Schwinger Index away from the Rarita Structure. Such an inverted vibration increases the impedance of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace while it allows for the increase in permittivity of the associated superstring. Again, gauge-bosons have twice the circumference of a two-dimensional regular superstring. Each Kaeler metric in a superconformal Fourier Klein Bottle transformation during a Gaussian Transformation equally increases the metric-gauge potential of the superstrings, while increasing the metric-impedance potential of the superstrings’ associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace or Planck phenomenon related phenomena.
Posted by
1:16 PM
Higgs Action,
Kaeler metric,
Rarita Structure
Think about it. Stuff exists. Things come into play the way that they do based on the summed happenings that preceded this. A limited mind can not possibly be consciously aware of everything that has ever happened, is happening, or ever will happen by the very nature of the word limited. Yet, through a little knowledge and rational thinking, there are many things about life that you may determine through PATTERNS. For example: One plus one is two. You could never count to two trillion, yet you just know that one-trillion plus one-trillion is two trillion. Of course, you might add. That takes no grandiose knowledge. But did you notice here that you did this with a pattern? Can you think of many other patterns that fit this example? Sure.
Another aspect of rational thinking is CLUE FITTING. If you ate one calorie of food, this alone couldn’t possibly make you gain one pound of fat non-water weight, since one pound of fat non-water weight due to calories consists of roughly 3,500 calories. Two things cannot occupy the same spot at the same time. An ice cube cannot remain frozen in a hot pan. Etc… .
Yet another aspect of rational thinking is FAMILIARITY. You know that ice is colder than water. Day is brighter than night. Steel is harder than felt.
Yet another aspect of rational thinking is ROLE PLAYING. I don’t mean pretending necessarily that you are everything, yet putting a situation into a scenario to where through familiarity, clue fitting, and patterns, you may estimate an interaction and/or a set of interactions.
Another aspect of rationality is DISTINGUISHABILITY. If you can distinguish similarities, differences, if something exists and where that is, and what it is collecting and/or giving off, then you may become more actively familiar with what you are talking about.
Finally, and aspect of rationale is BOUNDEDNESS AND SENSE OF DIRECTION.
If you know where you are and where you can go, then you are in less danger than if you don’t. Knowing something’s limitations may go hand-in-hand with the potential locations in which the object may travel.
Another aspect of rational thinking is CLUE FITTING. If you ate one calorie of food, this alone couldn’t possibly make you gain one pound of fat non-water weight, since one pound of fat non-water weight due to calories consists of roughly 3,500 calories. Two things cannot occupy the same spot at the same time. An ice cube cannot remain frozen in a hot pan. Etc… .
Yet another aspect of rational thinking is FAMILIARITY. You know that ice is colder than water. Day is brighter than night. Steel is harder than felt.
Yet another aspect of rational thinking is ROLE PLAYING. I don’t mean pretending necessarily that you are everything, yet putting a situation into a scenario to where through familiarity, clue fitting, and patterns, you may estimate an interaction and/or a set of interactions.
Another aspect of rationality is DISTINGUISHABILITY. If you can distinguish similarities, differences, if something exists and where that is, and what it is collecting and/or giving off, then you may become more actively familiar with what you are talking about.
Finally, and aspect of rationale is BOUNDEDNESS AND SENSE OF DIRECTION.
If you know where you are and where you can go, then you are in less danger than if you don’t. Knowing something’s limitations may go hand-in-hand with the potential locations in which the object may travel.
Posted by
1:11 PM
part one of session one of course one of Sam Roach's string theory
Important Derivation
The potential Chern-Simmons singularity limits associated with the 191 given mini-loops are as shown in the prior document where these were listed. So, all 191 Chern-Simmons singularity limits exist fractorally along a vibratorially perturbated mini-loop right before the first iteration of the Kaeler-Metric converts the Hamiltonian Momentum of such a mini-loop into a hermitian mini-loop of discrete, Real Reimmanian metric-gauge that acts as the physical substance of permittivity.
The hermitian limits of singularity of superstingular mini-loops that have just been realigned and/or formed are as shown in the prior document where these were listed.
These discrete, topological limits of singularity form a twenty-five dimensional two-sided Minkowski hermitian surface that bears a mini-string connectability to the twenty-sixth related Minkowski Dimension by limits of singularity of
10^(-86)meters*((e^(.01)-e^(0))/2i) & 10^(-86)meters*((e^(0)-e(.01))/2i).
This topological set of singularities among those of all mini-loops that are connected into a substance of permittivity, of which vibrate anharmonically toward the most adjacent Gliossi-Sherk-Olive norm related states in such a way so as to form a harmonics of the associated Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts so that the adjacent light-cone-gauge eigenstates may Diracly eliminate over half of their ghosts when such a hermitian group operation interacts with the motion of the Rarita Structure.
The numbers subtracted from “infinity”(e^(387)) need to be discrete, since the quantum world is discrete. There are 96 dimensions in space and time, and each dimension has a general condition of two sides. Electrodynamics is produced multifractorally by the permittivity of superstrings. Electrodynamics involves a charged flow.
For every singularity that bears infinity, there needs to be a singularity that bears zero.
Electricity goes from negative to positive when in the direction of electron holes.
Mini-Loops indirectly produce electron holes.
All substringular mobiaty is virtual, since reality can not spontaneously undo itself.
Four times 48 is 192, and 192-1 equals 191.
This is why the Chern-Simmons limits of singularity when appertaining to the mini-loops of superstrings are as these are.
The hermitian limits of singularity of superstingular mini-loops that have just been realigned and/or formed are as shown in the prior document where these were listed.
These discrete, topological limits of singularity form a twenty-five dimensional two-sided Minkowski hermitian surface that bears a mini-string connectability to the twenty-sixth related Minkowski Dimension by limits of singularity of
10^(-86)meters*((e^(.01)-e^(0))/2i) & 10^(-86)meters*((e^(0)-e(.01))/2i).
This topological set of singularities among those of all mini-loops that are connected into a substance of permittivity, of which vibrate anharmonically toward the most adjacent Gliossi-Sherk-Olive norm related states in such a way so as to form a harmonics of the associated Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts so that the adjacent light-cone-gauge eigenstates may Diracly eliminate over half of their ghosts when such a hermitian group operation interacts with the motion of the Rarita Structure.
The numbers subtracted from “infinity”(e^(387)) need to be discrete, since the quantum world is discrete. There are 96 dimensions in space and time, and each dimension has a general condition of two sides. Electrodynamics is produced multifractorally by the permittivity of superstrings. Electrodynamics involves a charged flow.
For every singularity that bears infinity, there needs to be a singularity that bears zero.
Electricity goes from negative to positive when in the direction of electron holes.
Mini-Loops indirectly produce electron holes.
All substringular mobiaty is virtual, since reality can not spontaneously undo itself.
Four times 48 is 192, and 192-1 equals 191.
This is why the Chern-Simmons limits of singularity when appertaining to the mini-loops of superstrings are as these are.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What we are about to discuss is BOUNDEDNESS & SENSE OF DIRECTION. Let's consider a ball in a tube. The ball may move throughout the tube, yet the transversel movement of the ball is limited to the path of the tube. This is because the sides of the balls are touching the inside part of the tube. Through familiarity, it can be perceived that what is termed the sides of the balls is arbitrary and may vary, since if the ball has enough slack to roll throughout the tube, then the ball may roll or spin in multiple directions -- given whatever force is causing that ball to roll.
The ball above is bound in a tube. The physical constraint governing the ball that it cannot roll outside of the tube may be termed a Neumman condition. That is to say, if you were to call the ball being in the tube a function, since Neumman conditions are boundary conditions of a function. Constraints as to the type of motion of the ball in the tube would be the balls Derichlet conditions. Derichlet conditions are the boundaries of a function's gradient, and the types of motion of an object is a gradient of the position of an object. Furthermore, if you were to consider an object's condition during static equilibrium as a function, then its radial and transversely motion of its kinematic component and velocity (directorially here as an acceleration) may be viewed as its gradient. Boundaries show where an object may or may not go, how it may roll or spin, and how it may move along in space transversely with a velocity and/or acceleration. There are boundaries to static objects (you may call any "happening" a function), electric fields, magnetic fields, and moving objects. When different things work together, their boundaries change. Look at synergy. People working together may do more than their summed efforts.
If you know where something is, you've increased your chances of finding it. If you are precise, and the object has detectable size, you may at least surmise with clarity where the object is and what it is giving off at the same time. If you cannot detect something, yet you know it is there, you may use multiple bases to determine with certain probability where the phenomenon is and what it gives off at the same time. The more of a history that you know of something, the better able you tend to be to predict its future outcome.
Mapping an object should not just determine where things are at, yet also how the object changes its boundary conditions each time t hat you are able to detect it. If you can't detect it, you may extrapolate information from phenomena that you can detect, and use this to determine the objects status as both as a phenomenon at a spot, and how this phenomenon's boundaries are changing after each locus of transformation.
The ball above is bound in a tube. The physical constraint governing the ball that it cannot roll outside of the tube may be termed a Neumman condition. That is to say, if you were to call the ball being in the tube a function, since Neumman conditions are boundary conditions of a function. Constraints as to the type of motion of the ball in the tube would be the balls Derichlet conditions. Derichlet conditions are the boundaries of a function's gradient, and the types of motion of an object is a gradient of the position of an object. Furthermore, if you were to consider an object's condition during static equilibrium as a function, then its radial and transversely motion of its kinematic component and velocity (directorially here as an acceleration) may be viewed as its gradient. Boundaries show where an object may or may not go, how it may roll or spin, and how it may move along in space transversely with a velocity and/or acceleration. There are boundaries to static objects (you may call any "happening" a function), electric fields, magnetic fields, and moving objects. When different things work together, their boundaries change. Look at synergy. People working together may do more than their summed efforts.
If you know where something is, you've increased your chances of finding it. If you are precise, and the object has detectable size, you may at least surmise with clarity where the object is and what it is giving off at the same time. If you cannot detect something, yet you know it is there, you may use multiple bases to determine with certain probability where the phenomenon is and what it gives off at the same time. The more of a history that you know of something, the better able you tend to be to predict its future outcome.
Mapping an object should not just determine where things are at, yet also how the object changes its boundary conditions each time t hat you are able to detect it. If you can't detect it, you may extrapolate information from phenomena that you can detect, and use this to determine the objects status as both as a phenomenon at a spot, and how this phenomenon's boundaries are changing after each locus of transformation.
Posted by
12:20 PM
part 3 of session 2 of course 1 of Sam Roach's string theory
What we are about to discus now is DISTINGUISHABILITY. Let us say that you had ten thousand golf balls. Each of them were identical to one another. Let's say that each of the golf balls were placed with the exact same orientation in terms of where their up, down, and side-to-side were. Let us now say that the golf balls were evenly spaced into five rows and two columns. Let us say that each of these balls rested in their hollows, respectively. Choose any two golf balls. Switch their spots. You would not be able to tell that they were now in a different arrangement, except that you were the rearranger. Now, choose any number of golf balls and switch their spots. You still will not be able to see a change in how these appear. This is considering that you obeyed the initial rules. Yet, the fact of the matter remains, each golf ball is a different golf ball, even though these all look the same. Now, if the golf balls were not of themselves completely homogeneous in appearance, or, in other words, smooth and evenly spread in arrangement, and you did not position all of the golf balls in the same relative orientation per spot, where these balls were in their respective hallows, you would be able to distinguish a difference in how the golf balls appeared. Thus, the array of ten thousand golf balls would not be homogeneous, and you would notice differences in parts of the array. Thus, in this case, switching where the golf balls would be would certainly be able to alter the appearance of the array. If this type of orientation per spot in the array were maintained, then, although the array wouldn't be homogeneous, the appearance of the array would appear the same no matter which golf balls were switched. Now, if you didn't switch which hollows the golf balls were in, yet you were to alter the orientation of some of the golf balls, then the appearance of the array were to alter.
In the prior paragraph, the golf balls were said to be "indistinguishably different" when switched with no apparent change. In the next circumstance described above, in certain circumstances, it would cause the golf balls to be indistinguishably different, while certain related circumstances would cause noticeable differences when the golf balls switched places. The last incident described is one where there is distinguishable difference, even though the balls were not relocalized to different hallows.
Inside of an atom, and throughout our planet, electrons are switched in a process that is indistinguishable different. When two identical atoms switch positions, the difference is not one that you can detect a difference from unless you were analyzing those atoms right as they switched places through the extrapolation of physical evidence. Furthermore, if a molecule had a certain polar bond, and there was another molecule of the same type nearby, and the two molecules had reverse orientation, it would be easier to distinguish these when these were in the process of switching location.
In the prior paragraph, the golf balls were said to be "indistinguishably different" when switched with no apparent change. In the next circumstance described above, in certain circumstances, it would cause the golf balls to be indistinguishably different, while certain related circumstances would cause noticeable differences when the golf balls switched places. The last incident described is one where there is distinguishable difference, even though the balls were not relocalized to different hallows.
Inside of an atom, and throughout our planet, electrons are switched in a process that is indistinguishable different. When two identical atoms switch positions, the difference is not one that you can detect a difference from unless you were analyzing those atoms right as they switched places through the extrapolation of physical evidence. Furthermore, if a molecule had a certain polar bond, and there was another molecule of the same type nearby, and the two molecules had reverse orientation, it would be easier to distinguish these when these were in the process of switching location.
Posted by
10:40 AM
part 2 of session 2 of course 1 on Sam Roach's string theory
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
We will now focus on ROLE PLAYING. Two baseballs are shot at each other. Let us say that these balls go in a straight line and thus do not drop significantly. If you are familiar with projectile motion, you will know that if the balls were at any significant distance from each other, they must have been shot at a pretty fast rate of speed. The balls also must have struck each other soon after these were shot out. Otherwise, you would know from your familiarity, the balls would have dropped significantly. From clue fitting, you know that the balls would have to collide, since there was no information about any anomalous interference. And, through familiarity and patterns, you would know that when two of such objects collide at such a rate, hitting fast and in a straight line, these will rebound and/or be knocked further along. Through experimentation, you would see that, yes, if both baseballs struck at the same speed on their white parts, had the same solidity, had the same weight, and had the same roll and spin, these would rebound back in the same direction that these came from. Yet any alteration in these circumstances would probably effect this. In physics, one takes an ideal situation, considers the effects of common actual events in order to know what happened/happens/or is going to happen to whatever venture you are going to consider, in order to hopefully and theoretically do something of practical worth. If this is theory alone, you are talking plain physics. If this is applied you are talking engineering. College courses on physics generally talk a lot about math. Math interrelates concepts logically so as to come up with a solution that fits the need. Sometimes, the solution may indicate the simplicity of meeting that need -- or even that the need is immaterial. Equations have their place, yet this is not my focus. Math may be totally used without gorging on equations. The important part of math is the general order of magnitudes, directions, and tenses, along with other aspects, that describe the contexts and environments that issue a basis to answering whatever problem it is that you need to solve. The more that you understand physics, the more you will see that there are many things to the simplest thing, but that even complex issues may be solved by patterns.
This may seem odd, yet picturing yourself as the physical scenario may make it easier to understand the interactions involved. Getting your mind off of the words you are saying and onto a vision of what is actually happening may facilitate your understanding, and thus solidify your knowledge. Words with no pictures in mind not only means little, yet it is harder for others than to help you improve your conception. Yet, pictures without words may be helpful. If you try to explain the picture in your mind to someone, they may be able to help formulate what you are saying with appropriate words.
This may seem odd, yet picturing yourself as the physical scenario may make it easier to understand the interactions involved. Getting your mind off of the words you are saying and onto a vision of what is actually happening may facilitate your understanding, and thus solidify your knowledge. Words with no pictures in mind not only means little, yet it is harder for others than to help you improve your conception. Yet, pictures without words may be helpful. If you try to explain the picture in your mind to someone, they may be able to help formulate what you are saying with appropriate words.
Posted by
4:05 PM
part 1 of session 2 of course 1 on string theory,
Monday, November 23, 2009
We will now focus of FAMILIARITY.: In order to know anything, you must be at least familiar with something -- anything at all -- first. Being familiar with one set of things may be most beneficial for knowing one other thing, while being familiar with another set of things may be more beneficial for knowing yet another thing. This is because one may only know things if one understands them, and understanding is the way the mind takes in information in such a way so as to conceptualize it. In order to conceptualize anything, the mind must envision thoughts and feel the information that they are given. Thus, understanding is a perceptive relation. Understanding thus is best derived by identifying with a given set of information, and putting this given identity of information into a perspective that they can relate to.
If one knows something, then they can be taught anything. If you were to interrelate a person's knowledge of one thing to a separate concept in such a way so as to bring in a position to tinker with the concept by using whatever logic they have. If you were to provide at least three clues of such that would solve the situation that they are trying to solve through the process of elimination, then the student would have a basic understanding of how the concept works. Using three sets of three clues, one may make the original understanding crisper. Using three sets of those clues, one may teach how this knowledge that you conveyed works in the real world.
Remember the movie "Mask?" The blind girl was taught blue and red when the boy said that hot was red and cold was blue. What the boy was doing was making the blind girl begin to understand colors by relating these to heat, which she already knew. Likewise, one may not always be able to convey an exact analogy as to show the basics of a concept, yet, a close analogy may make an important concept better understood.
If I were to tell you that it takes light about one nanosecond to travel one foot, this might not mean much to you. Yet, if I were to tell you that light, via refractors, can circle the earth a number of times in one second, you would see more clearly that light travels at a tremendous rate. Likewise, if I told you that an electron is about 9.11*10^(-31)kilograms in terms of rest mass, this might not mean much to you. Yet, if I told you that it would take over one million trillion trillion electrons at rest mass to weigh one kilogram, you would probably have a better understanding of what I am talking about. This is because most people are accustomed to knowing that the earth is big, what a million is, and what a trillion is. Yet, most people are not so familiar with the import of terms like "nanosecond" or "10^(-31)."
Familiarity draws together sources of experiences that people have in order to better understand a concept that initially appears bleak and abstract. By using familiarity, one may have a better start at being familiar with unknown ground. Through more familiarity with different things, one may be able to multiply one's knowledge and logic base.
If one knows something, then they can be taught anything. If you were to interrelate a person's knowledge of one thing to a separate concept in such a way so as to bring in a position to tinker with the concept by using whatever logic they have. If you were to provide at least three clues of such that would solve the situation that they are trying to solve through the process of elimination, then the student would have a basic understanding of how the concept works. Using three sets of three clues, one may make the original understanding crisper. Using three sets of those clues, one may teach how this knowledge that you conveyed works in the real world.
Remember the movie "Mask?" The blind girl was taught blue and red when the boy said that hot was red and cold was blue. What the boy was doing was making the blind girl begin to understand colors by relating these to heat, which she already knew. Likewise, one may not always be able to convey an exact analogy as to show the basics of a concept, yet, a close analogy may make an important concept better understood.
If I were to tell you that it takes light about one nanosecond to travel one foot, this might not mean much to you. Yet, if I were to tell you that light, via refractors, can circle the earth a number of times in one second, you would see more clearly that light travels at a tremendous rate. Likewise, if I told you that an electron is about 9.11*10^(-31)kilograms in terms of rest mass, this might not mean much to you. Yet, if I told you that it would take over one million trillion trillion electrons at rest mass to weigh one kilogram, you would probably have a better understanding of what I am talking about. This is because most people are accustomed to knowing that the earth is big, what a million is, and what a trillion is. Yet, most people are not so familiar with the import of terms like "nanosecond" or "10^(-31)."
Familiarity draws together sources of experiences that people have in order to better understand a concept that initially appears bleak and abstract. By using familiarity, one may have a better start at being familiar with unknown ground. Through more familiarity with different things, one may be able to multiply one's knowledge and logic base.
Posted by
1:37 PM
part 4 of session 1 of course 1 on string theory
We will now focus of CLUE FITTING.: Pretend that you are in an elevator that only went up. Even if you never used an elevator before, you would know that there would be stairs to let you back down. If there weren't, the people who owned the building that had the elevator would be sued. You know this, because it is the only way people could otherwise get down from the top of the top of the building. So, if you went up in such an elevator, you would look for stairs leading down to where you could leave the building when you wanted to leave. Even if you were an Aborigine with no familiarity with anyone, you would probably look for this.
If a rod has length, it must also have thickness and width. Otherwise, the stuff that would make up its length would be infinitely thin and skinny, and anything with zero size in thickness and width has no reality in length in our three-dimensional perspective. Even if something was a certain length and width, yet was infinitely skinny, it couldn't exist to our perspective, since eliminating one dimension here would phantomize the other dimensions. Even one-dimensional superstrings have a width and thickness, yet, these parameters
are on a pointal level that are discrete although extremely small.
If something has one side, it has another. In order for something to have even a sense of three-dimensions or more, it must have another side. Look at a wall. You see it has height and width. If you can see the entire wall from inside of a building, it is obvious that the height and width both have two sides. Yet, you may wonder, what if there was nothing on the other side of the wall? If the wall had no other side, it would have to be infinitely thin. If it were infinitely thin, it would have no thickness. Only nothingness is infinitely thin. If the wall were nothingness, then it would not exist. If the wall did not exist, then it wouldn't be there to see in the first place. So, whether a phenomenon is one-dimensional up to 96 dimensional, the basis of dimensionality is a three-dimensional basis. Thus, as I will further explain in a later course, a "Mobius Twist" needs a second side that it exchanges with in order to complete the action of its torque. Suppose you put a pizza on your table, your dog is near the table, and you go upstairs for 10 minutes. You come back downstairs to eat the pizza, yet the pizza is gone. The dog is licking its chops, and there is pizza sauce on the dog's lips. From these clues, you know that the dog ate the pizza. Likewise, if you had a diamond in your bedroom, it was later strangely missing, and the mirror in that room was scraped, you would know that somebody stole your diamond as well as wanting to let you know that they stole it. This, too, is discovered through clue fitting. Piecing together obvious circumstances that come together to form a complete picture may be used as a vanguard for any extrapolation in science.
If a rod has length, it must also have thickness and width. Otherwise, the stuff that would make up its length would be infinitely thin and skinny, and anything with zero size in thickness and width has no reality in length in our three-dimensional perspective. Even if something was a certain length and width, yet was infinitely skinny, it couldn't exist to our perspective, since eliminating one dimension here would phantomize the other dimensions. Even one-dimensional superstrings have a width and thickness, yet, these parameters
are on a pointal level that are discrete although extremely small.
If something has one side, it has another. In order for something to have even a sense of three-dimensions or more, it must have another side. Look at a wall. You see it has height and width. If you can see the entire wall from inside of a building, it is obvious that the height and width both have two sides. Yet, you may wonder, what if there was nothing on the other side of the wall? If the wall had no other side, it would have to be infinitely thin. If it were infinitely thin, it would have no thickness. Only nothingness is infinitely thin. If the wall were nothingness, then it would not exist. If the wall did not exist, then it wouldn't be there to see in the first place. So, whether a phenomenon is one-dimensional up to 96 dimensional, the basis of dimensionality is a three-dimensional basis. Thus, as I will further explain in a later course, a "Mobius Twist" needs a second side that it exchanges with in order to complete the action of its torque. Suppose you put a pizza on your table, your dog is near the table, and you go upstairs for 10 minutes. You come back downstairs to eat the pizza, yet the pizza is gone. The dog is licking its chops, and there is pizza sauce on the dog's lips. From these clues, you know that the dog ate the pizza. Likewise, if you had a diamond in your bedroom, it was later strangely missing, and the mirror in that room was scraped, you would know that somebody stole your diamond as well as wanting to let you know that they stole it. This, too, is discovered through clue fitting. Piecing together obvious circumstances that come together to form a complete picture may be used as a vanguard for any extrapolation in science.
Posted by
1:11 PM
part 3 of session 1 of course 1
We will now focus of PATTERNS.: When you propel a solid object up on earth, what happens? It goes up while yet slowing down until it stops. Once it stops, it starts falling. The object then speeds up toward the earth until it either reaches terminal velocity (if it went way up) or hits the ground or anything else that would break its fall. The object propelled would not in this case glide or hover in the air like a glider or a feather. Each time the solid object would be propelled up, it would do the same general thing unless it was engineered in a special manner so as to hover or fly. You could do this as many times as you want, and you get the same results. This, being a proven pattern, is a law. This is the law of gravity. Gravity is the constituent force that objects bind one toward another. So, the more massive an object is, the stronger is its gravitational field. Yet, any solid object that is small enough to fall by the earth's gravity is going to basically fall toward the earth at the same rate. Did you know that the sun has more mass than anything else in our solar system? it bears the most gravity in the solar system, too. This works to confirm the definition of gravity that I said above. Black-Holes are formed from super massive suns that have collapsed. Black-Holes suck up many stars (suns). Black-Holes have a very massive gravitational fields. All of this fits a pattern. That pattern is that the more massive an object is, the more gravity it tends to have. Actually, every phenomenon has some gravity associated with it. Yet, from observation, massive phenomena bear the most gravity. The fact that only stars form a solar system proves this.
When you see fire, you see light. Fire is basically a form of high infrared light (heat) that also contains other light and some chemical give off. When an element burns, it gives off a distinct coloration of light. If a certain element burns, it will always flare the same coloration. If one element burns, it will always emit a certain smell. If another element burns, it will always emit a different smell. Such colors and smells may likewise indicate the sought after elements, respectively. This is a pattern.
If you have to go to work at a place that is 20 miles away, and the next day you have to go to work at a place that 40 miles away, think of this.: If it takes 32 minutes to go to the first place, you should give yourself at least 64 minutes to get to the next place. This is what I mean by patterns.
When you see fire, you see light. Fire is basically a form of high infrared light (heat) that also contains other light and some chemical give off. When an element burns, it gives off a distinct coloration of light. If a certain element burns, it will always flare the same coloration. If one element burns, it will always emit a certain smell. If another element burns, it will always emit a different smell. Such colors and smells may likewise indicate the sought after elements, respectively. This is a pattern.
If you have to go to work at a place that is 20 miles away, and the next day you have to go to work at a place that 40 miles away, think of this.: If it takes 32 minutes to go to the first place, you should give yourself at least 64 minutes to get to the next place. This is what I mean by patterns.
Posted by
12:03 PM
Part Two Of Session 1 of Logical Reasoning,
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Some More About "mini-loops"
There are to be up to 191 "mini-loops" localized along the topology of a superstring. From 101 mini-loops along the said topologies up to 191 mini-loops along the said toplogies, the Clifford parameter of the distribution divergence of the said mini-loops is to be maintained. There is no multiplicative factor in the scalar amplitude of this distribution divergence from the existence of 101 of such mini-loops to 191 of such mini-loops.
The first Laplacian instanton of the Kaeler Metric upon the Schotky Interaction reiterates the condition of one mini-loops existence within the Neumman topological boundary of a given superstring by converting Chern-Simmons Hamiltonian momentum within the said locus of the associated mini-loop into a hermitian metric-gauge eigenstate. This rearranges the topology of this said mini-loop into a discrete unit of permittivity by converting Njenhuis norm conditions of that said mini-loop into Real Reimmanian norm conditions to where the limit of virtual mobiaty along the topological surface of the said mini-loop becomes discrete and without spuriousness. (The perturbation of the topologies curvature settles (resettles) into a Real Reimmanian locus whose limits are Ward discrete throughout the topological redistribution of its Laplacian setting.) From the second iteration of the Kaeler-Metric to the 99th iteration of the Kaeler-Metric, the distribution divergencies of the described mini-loops gradually decreases, yet such distribution divergencies bear more scalar amplitude than that of a superstring that has full permittivity. The 100th iteration of the Kaeler-Metric barely (by about .999950349) decreases this scalar distribution divergence for the mini-loops of one-dimensional superstrings, while decreasing the dot product associated parameterization of one of the two spatial parameters that are Neumman Ward associated with the mini-loops of two-dimensional superstrings, while allowing for a euclidean increase in the alterior spatial parameter of the other scalar index involved with the distribution divergence of two-dimensional superstrings. From the 101st iteration of the Kaeler-Metric to the 191st iteration of the Kaeler-Metric, the distribution divergencies of one and two-dimensional strings maintain the same scalar amplitude. This happens over the course of any superstring's Kaeler-Metric as the said superstring regains the permittivity that these need to be the energy that it needs to be so that energy may exist.
The first Laplacian instanton of the Kaeler Metric upon the Schotky Interaction reiterates the condition of one mini-loops existence within the Neumman topological boundary of a given superstring by converting Chern-Simmons Hamiltonian momentum within the said locus of the associated mini-loop into a hermitian metric-gauge eigenstate. This rearranges the topology of this said mini-loop into a discrete unit of permittivity by converting Njenhuis norm conditions of that said mini-loop into Real Reimmanian norm conditions to where the limit of virtual mobiaty along the topological surface of the said mini-loop becomes discrete and without spuriousness. (The perturbation of the topologies curvature settles (resettles) into a Real Reimmanian locus whose limits are Ward discrete throughout the topological redistribution of its Laplacian setting.) From the second iteration of the Kaeler-Metric to the 99th iteration of the Kaeler-Metric, the distribution divergencies of the described mini-loops gradually decreases, yet such distribution divergencies bear more scalar amplitude than that of a superstring that has full permittivity. The 100th iteration of the Kaeler-Metric barely (by about .999950349) decreases this scalar distribution divergence for the mini-loops of one-dimensional superstrings, while decreasing the dot product associated parameterization of one of the two spatial parameters that are Neumman Ward associated with the mini-loops of two-dimensional superstrings, while allowing for a euclidean increase in the alterior spatial parameter of the other scalar index involved with the distribution divergence of two-dimensional superstrings. From the 101st iteration of the Kaeler-Metric to the 191st iteration of the Kaeler-Metric, the distribution divergencies of one and two-dimensional strings maintain the same scalar amplitude. This happens over the course of any superstring's Kaeler-Metric as the said superstring regains the permittivity that these need to be the energy that it needs to be so that energy may exist.
More About the Higgs Action
The Higgs Action moves through a Minkowski plane that bears a Fourier tensed Schotky Construction of non-trivially isomorphic group-metrics that involve Ward Conditions of bimorphological distribution indices due to the wobble of the Klein Bottle, that allows the associated superstrings that are to enter the physical Neumman parameters of the said Klein Bottle to obtain (reobtain) the permittivity that these said superstrings are to receive so that these superstrings may remain as the discrete energy that these are to be so that energy and reality may continue to exist. When considering the wobble of the Schotky Construction to be a Njenhuis Tensor, the given planar group-action that I described is a group integrand of the whole Schotky Interaction involved is to be considered as one Real Reimmanian integrable surface, then the Ward Conditions of the said Schotky Interaction is said to bear a Hilbert integrable surface. The Higgs Action itself, although much smaller than the whole Schotky Construction, is Diracly differentiable through the described Fourier Transformation in a majorized Hilbert Space as compared to the Real Reimmanian Surface that the Schotky Interactioin as a whole, is differentiable in only a Minkowski Plane that bears a Njenhuis wobble. When considering the raising of the Klein Bottle to be in the norm to holomorphic direction, the dot product of this directoralization acts as a Minkowki holonomity that is binarily Lagrangian. Each individual group metric directoralization of the described binary Lagrangian acts as a unitary Lagrangian. When considering the Njenhuis indices of the Real Reimmanian perturbation of the norm Fourier Translation of the said Schotky Interaction, as the Klein Bottle is transferred through the holomorphic directoralization in a norm manner relative to the raising of the Klein Bottle, the angling of the Higgs Action is a unitary Hamiltonian operation that integrates between the said binary Lagrangian Fourier Transformation of the Schotky Construction as a multiplicit Hamiltonian Operator. The subsequent antiholomorphic, and norm to antiholomorphic, redirectoralizations of the Schotky Interaction that proceed after this Schotky Interaction kinematically differentiate first norm to holomorphically, then holomorphically, through the associated binary Lagrangian Plane, acts with a non-trivially isomorphic redistribution of the angling of the Higgs Action by an initially Minkowski antiholomorphically realigning of forty-five, unperturbated in vibrational index, degrees, allows for the Klein Bottle to then move to the relative right and then to the relative downward to complete the oscillation of the said Schotky Interaction. When the Schotky Interaction moves from the relative "upward" to the relative left, the Higgs Action initially has a reallignment of its angling by a holomorphically Minkowski, unperturbated in vibrational index, degrees of 22.5. The interconnection between the Higgs Action and the Klein Bottle exists due to the "velcro-like" interactions of the mini-string (substringular field) of the Higgs Action and the mini-string (substringular field) of the bottom of the Klein Bottle's surface.
Listing of Chern-Simmons and Hermitian Limits
The 191 Chern-Simmons "Mini-Loop" Limits of Singularity are (spurious mini-loops):
10^(-86)meters* ((e^(387-1))/2i, (e^(387+1))/2i, (1/(e^(387-1))/2i),
(1/(e^(387+1))/2i)...(e^(387-47)/2i),(e^(387+47))/2i, (1/(e^(387-47))/2i),
(1/(e^(387+47))/2i), (e^(387-48))/2i, (e^(387+48))/2i, (1/(e^(387-48))/2i),
The 52 Hermitian "Mini-Loop" (topologically discrete mini-loops) Limits of Singularity are:
10^(-86)meters*((e^(1)-e^(.01))/2i, (e^(.99)-e^(.02))/2i,...(e^(.51)-e^(.5))/2i), with integrating factors of 10^(86)meters*((e^(.01)-e^(0))/2i) &
10^(-86)meters*((e^(0)-e^(.01))/2i) which also act as topologically discrete mini-loop limits of singularity.
10^(-86)meters* ((e^(387-1))/2i, (e^(387+1))/2i, (1/(e^(387-1))/2i),
(1/(e^(387+1))/2i)...(e^(387-47)/2i),(e^(387+47))/2i, (1/(e^(387-47))/2i),
(1/(e^(387+47))/2i), (e^(387-48))/2i, (e^(387+48))/2i, (1/(e^(387-48))/2i),
The 52 Hermitian "Mini-Loop" (topologically discrete mini-loops) Limits of Singularity are:
10^(-86)meters*((e^(1)-e^(.01))/2i, (e^(.99)-e^(.02))/2i,...(e^(.51)-e^(.5))/2i), with integrating factors of 10^(86)meters*((e^(.01)-e^(0))/2i) &
10^(-86)meters*((e^(0)-e^(.01))/2i) which also act as topologically discrete mini-loop limits of singularity.
Post Two on More About Orbifolds
Consider the only homeomorphic paths that may hyperbollically intertwine through the stratum of an orbifold that has eigenstates of other universes within the general locus of a given orbifold. This may only be done with waves that do not have a supplementally direct wave-tug. Thus, the eigenbasis of such an orbifold's interior will always be nonabelian, in spite of whatever the abelian nature of the respective light-cone-gauge's respective eigenstates are. The tendency here is of a Yang-Mills topology that has the potential of producing Gaussian Transformations that may alter where certain universes are localized in which sections of the given orbifold. If the light-cone-gauge of such an orbifold is Yang-Mills, the arrangement of universes will form plane energy, such as the motion energy of an electron. If the light-cone-gauge of such an orbifold is Kaluza-Klein, the arrangement of universes eigenstates will form a mass. The Fujikawa Coupling of the correlative plane energy will form a photon. A Hilbert torroidal disc is like a torroidal-disc-shell except that it bears interialized Gliossi-Sherk-Olive norm states as ghost anomalies that may involve up to six more spatial dimensions than a "maxed-out" multiplicit torroidal-disc-shell. A Hilberst torroidal sphere is like a torroidal spherical shell, except that it contains interialized Gliossi-Sherk-Olive norm-states as ghost anomalies that may involve up to six more spatial dimensions than a "maxed-out" multiplicit torroidal-spherical-shell. Torroidal-spherical-shells and torroidal-disc-shells that are not Hilbert based are multiplicitly Minkowski based. A Hilbert Space may contain a "maxed-out" multiplicit Minkowski Space, yet "maxed-out" multiplicit Minkowski Space may only be contained within a Hilbert Space.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Post One of More About Orbifolds
An orbifold may act as a toroidal-disc shell, an orbifold may act as a toroidal-spherical-shell, an orbifold may act as a Hilbert-toroidal-disc, or an orbifold may act as a Hilbert-Toroidal sphere. An orbifold toroidal disc shell is an orbifold that consists of one-dimensional superstrings that involve one universe within its Ward boundaries. Such an orbifold has a gauge-field Njenhuity that is directoralized of cohomological mini-strings that "yarn" together between opposite subtended relative poles based on a translation of theta to Phi multidimensional polar radial delineations, so that the associated orbifold bears an incomplete mobiaty. A complete mobiaty here would undo space-time-fabric, and is impossible here because the given interialized directoralization of these substringular gauge-fields here will always bear an abelian eigenstates no matter whether the associated superstrings along the periphery of this orbifold have a non-abelian or an abelian light-cone-gauge topology in and of themselves. A non-abelian gauge-field eigenbasis at geometrically euler positioning taken Laplacianly, with a partially abelian geometry "welding" the abelian and nonabelian eigenbasis of such to form a stratum that may be interacted upon via the Ricci Scalar with the proper Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter mode of operations. This webbing is a translational group operator of gauge-action that hyperbollically transfers point-fill to the operand of the Fourier Series that defines the refurbishment of the space-time-fabric of the periphery of such a toroidal-disc-shell, taken as a regulation group action of the only intertwining that an Imaginary charge under the given Ward conditions may effect to allow for such a Conformally Invariant Series commutation. Such activity also happens with toroidal spherical shells, yet only non-abelianly with toroidal discs and toroidal spheres of the kind that define their respective orbifolds.
Posted by
3:33 PM
Conformally Invariant Series,
Doubolt cohomological,
Ricci Scalar,
toroidal spheres,
Ward boundaries
Sunday, November 15, 2009
More About Orbifolds & Gauge Fields
An orbifold exists as a set of superstrings that exist as an organized unit with a first-ordered magnetic eigenstate associated with it. The spin-orbital field delineation of the superstrings of an orbifold act as second-ordered magnetic eigenstates of the substringular condition. The orbifolds of an orbifold eigenstate integrate through first-ordered magnetic eigenstates to form the magnetism of an orbifold eigenstate. This magnetism bears a gauge-field that induces an electrodynamic group gauge-action of Majorana-Weyl covariance between D-fields and F-fields in the environment of P-fields. The shell-like structure of an orbifold bears a periphery of substringular fields and gauge-fields that bear a norm Ward relationship in terms of the unborne tangency of Fadeev Popov Traces, along with the Yakawa and Heisendorf cohomological and nonabelian interactions that allow the superstrings of the correlative Fadeev Popov Traces to bear a tense of group harmonics, which via gravitational interaction included, draws among and upon the associated superstrings a set of Klein-Kaeler-Higgs impulses that allow the substringular forces to bear an interactive relationship with each other that is global yet discrete. The interior of the interactive stratum shell of an orbifold often has an interactive shell that is Chern-Simmons bound to the stratum of one parallel universe eigenbasis as another stratum of parallel universe. This causes all mass index shells to have a core density that integrates all of the interior of such a potential shell when there are interactive parallel universes in an orbifold. The Fadeev Popov Traces, as said before, are norm relative to one another if these are of the same universe with a wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees. The more remote a universe is relative to a given universe, the more off the unborne tangency of the respective Fadeev Popov Traces are in terms of the cross-sectional geometric Laplacian taken at BRST. The gauge-fields of these discrete substringular Planck related phenomena of different universes relative to one another in certain orbifolds are interbound with a tendency to bear some field cohomology. The differing norm conditions of these associated gauge-fields causes the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates to remain abelianly for Kaluza-Klein topology and non-abelianly for Yang-Mills topology unscaffed yet interactive via the Yakawa-bound norm state fields that, are commutative via the Cassimer Invariance that indistinguishably differently recycle the norm states to ground states, and the ground states to norm states, after a successive set of iterations that are based on a Fourier sequential series that transforms the substringular and gauge-fields one eigenlocus at a time into a fresh substringular and light-cone-gauge eigenstate field. The case of an orbifold region that is completely of one univerese will be Laplacianly conditioned as a majorized stratum that bears an internal charge density, and is of a Hilbert structure that bears multiplicit eigenstates of Minkowski based Majorana-Weyl magnetic eigenstates.
Posted by
2:22 PM
Cassimer Invariance,
Fadeev-Popov Traces,
Hilbert Lagrangian,
Klein-Kaeler-Higgs impulses,
Yakawa Coupling
Saturday, November 14, 2009
About E(8)xE(8) Gauge bosons
An orbifold is a structure that contains one basic set of superstrings. An orbifold bears a fractor of magnetism that is induced by the Majorana-Weyl covariance of the superstrings that it contains. An orbifold eigenset is a basic set of orbifolds. An orbifold eigenset bears a discrete magnetism that is induced by the Majorana-Weyl covariance of the orbifolds that is contains. A Majorana-Weyl covariance is the codifferentiation of the magnetic indices of a subatomic phenomenon. Magnetic indices are Campbell norm and Hausendorf norm states that generate gauge-metric via the action of spin-orbit. So, as superstrings obtain a translation of spin-orbit, an orbifold bears a set of Campbell and/or Hausendorf indices that are generated through space to obtain a magnetic effect. The Campbell and Hausendorf indices here that are thence generated are Majorana-Weyl indices, and the codifferentiation of these magnetic indices is an example of Majorana-Weyl covariance. Likewise, as orbifolds obtain a translation of spin-orbit an orbifold bears a set of Campbell norm and/or Hausendorf norm indices that are generated through space to obtain a magnetic effect. These norm indices here that are thence generated are Majorana-Weyl indices, and the codifferentiation of these magnetic indices is an example of Majorana-Weyl covariance. The Majorana-Weyld indices of an orbifold are a fractor of the Majorana-Weyl indices of an orbifold eigenset. When an orbifold is connected to one or more orbifolds of an orbifold eigenset, there is a buffer connection between these orbifolds that is at the conicenter of the substringular field, made of mini-string, that helps to trigger the Wick Action. When an orbifold and/or and orbifold eigenset is "backgammoned" into a change of norm conditions in terms of the conformal invariance of the given orbifold and/or orbifold eigenset, this buffer connection known as an E(8)xE(8) gauge boson will torsion to pull/push to induce the Landau-Gisner Action to work through the Fischler-Suskind mechanism to trigger the Higgs Action to raise the Klein Bottle to the locus of superstrings that are running out of permittivity so that the Kaeler metric may happen to bring metric-gauge back to the discussed superstrings so that these may have the permittivity that these need to be the energy that these are so that energy may exist. The Kaeler metric also settles the vibration level of Fadeev-Popov-Ghosts so that these may have the impedence that these need to have so that the world will not be charred by an Imaginary Supercharge. Each time that the Kaeler metric goes through an iteration, at the time (metric) that the superstrings that were in the Klein bottle go into Regge Slope, the E(8)xE(8) gauge bosons are undone of torsion to allow for the associated superstrings to go through ultimon flow. Once the discussed superstrings are done with the Kaeler metric, the E(8)xE(8) superstrings not only stop having torsion, yet these become completely hermitian until Gaussian Transformation is to happen again. A Hausendorf Projection may be a Wick Action in terms of gauge-action when it is localied and directoralized toward the effecting of a Landau-Gisner Action during a metric when this effect is to occur. A Wick Action is always a Hausendorf Projection, yet a Hausendorf Projection is not always a Wick Action.
Posted by
4:02 PM
Campbell index,
Gaussian Transformaion,
Landau-Gisner Action,
Majorana-Weyl covariance,
Wick Action
As To "Mini-Loops"
10 Examples of "mini-loop" multiplicative factors for distribution divergence for one-dimensional superstrings:
1) 1 "mini-loop" left: (((e^0)/1)/(2.71828128/101)) - (e^~0i)/1 = ~37.15582356 - ~i
2) 11"mini-loops"left:(((e^.1)/11)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/11 = ~3.733048694-i/11
3) 21"mini-loops"left:(((e^.2)/21)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/21=~2.16058351-~i/21
4) 31"mini-loops"left:(((e^.3)/31)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/31=~1.617906958-~i/31
5) 41"mini-loops"left:(((e^.4)/41)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/41=~1.351950616-~i/41
6) 51"mini-loops"left:(((e^.5/51)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/51=~1.201168561-~i/51
7) 61"mini-loops"left:(((e^.6/61)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/61=~1.142863265-~i/61
8) 71"mini-loops"left:(((e^.7/71)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/71=~1.085163575-~i/71
9) 81"mini-loops"left:(((e^.8/81)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/81=~1.05123058-~i/81
10 Examples of "mini-loop" multiplicative factors for divergence for two-dimensional superstrings
1)~74.331164712-~2i (for one "mini-loop" left)
2)~7.466097388-~2i/11(for eleven "mini-loops"left)
3)~4.322116702-~2i/21(for twenty-one "mini-loops"left)
4)~3.235813916-~2i/31(for 31 "mini-loops"left)
5)~2.703901232-~2i/41(for 41 "mini-loops"left)
6)~2.402337122-~2i/51(for 51 "mini-loops"left)
7)~2.17032715-~2i/71(for 71 "mini-loops"left)
8)~2.10246116-~2i/81(for 81 "mini-loops"left)
9)~2.068240586-~2i/91(for 91 "mini-loops"left)
10)~2.28572653-~2i/61(for 61 "mini-loops"left)
For one-dimensional superstrings: With ninety-one depleted "mini-loops"from full permittivity, the Real Component of its distribution divergence is equal to ~.999950349*10^(-86)meters in the substringular & ~.999950349*3*10^(-78)meters in the globally distinguishable.
This is the one exception for the smallest "mini-loop" distribution divergence.
For one-dimensional superstrings, minimal "mini-loop" distribution divergence # of mini-loops +91 = # of mini-loops that comprise a one-dimensional superstring that has full permittivity.
All two-dimensional superstrings that have an unfulfilled permittivity through those that have 99 "mini-loops" have "mini-loops" that bear more distribution divergence
Mini-Loops of two-dimensional strings that appertain to unfulfilled permittivity of said strings through those that have 99 "mini-loops" bear twice the distribution divergence of those of one-dimensional strings because of the added parameter of space associated with these.
Yet, the distribution divergene of a two-dimensional superstring that bears 100 mini-loops is depleted in one parameter by .999950349 (in one Real Reimmanian sway) while it is euclideanly distributionally more divergent in the other associated parameter sway.
Again, the 100 ML mark is the only case for the prior, for one and two-dimensional strings, when any distributional divergence parameter of a mini-loop sway delves below 10^(-86) meters in the substringular and 3*10^(-78)meters in the globally distinguishable.
Del (C) = The fraction of mini-loops recovered up to 101 "mini-loops." (one mini-loop would involve none-yet-recovered mini-loops).
i(G)=i*10^(-86) in the substringular and i*10^(-78)*3 in the globally distinguishable.
e^(10^(-86))=~e^(0) =~i & e^(3*10^(-78))=~e^(0) = ~i
The Imaginary multiplicative factor is the ghost residue of the "mini-loops" as a steady-state Laplacian during the vibration of these discussed mini-loops of the associated superstrings at BRST.
1) 1 "mini-loop" left: (((e^0)/1)/(2.71828128/101)) - (e^~0i)/1 = ~37.15582356 - ~i
2) 11"mini-loops"left:(((e^.1)/11)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/11 = ~3.733048694-i/11
3) 21"mini-loops"left:(((e^.2)/21)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/21=~2.16058351-~i/21
4) 31"mini-loops"left:(((e^.3)/31)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/31=~1.617906958-~i/31
5) 41"mini-loops"left:(((e^.4)/41)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/41=~1.351950616-~i/41
6) 51"mini-loops"left:(((e^.5/51)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/51=~1.201168561-~i/51
7) 61"mini-loops"left:(((e^.6/61)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/61=~1.142863265-~i/61
8) 71"mini-loops"left:(((e^.7/71)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/71=~1.085163575-~i/71
9) 81"mini-loops"left:(((e^.8/81)/2.718281828/101))-(e^~0i)/81=~1.05123058-~i/81
10 Examples of "mini-loop" multiplicative factors for divergence for two-dimensional superstrings
1)~74.331164712-~2i (for one "mini-loop" left)
2)~7.466097388-~2i/11(for eleven "mini-loops"left)
3)~4.322116702-~2i/21(for twenty-one "mini-loops"left)
4)~3.235813916-~2i/31(for 31 "mini-loops"left)
5)~2.703901232-~2i/41(for 41 "mini-loops"left)
6)~2.402337122-~2i/51(for 51 "mini-loops"left)
7)~2.17032715-~2i/71(for 71 "mini-loops"left)
8)~2.10246116-~2i/81(for 81 "mini-loops"left)
9)~2.068240586-~2i/91(for 91 "mini-loops"left)
10)~2.28572653-~2i/61(for 61 "mini-loops"left)
For one-dimensional superstrings: With ninety-one depleted "mini-loops"from full permittivity, the Real Component of its distribution divergence is equal to ~.999950349*10^(-86)meters in the substringular & ~.999950349*3*10^(-78)meters in the globally distinguishable.
This is the one exception for the smallest "mini-loop" distribution divergence.
For one-dimensional superstrings, minimal "mini-loop" distribution divergence # of mini-loops +91 = # of mini-loops that comprise a one-dimensional superstring that has full permittivity.
All two-dimensional superstrings that have an unfulfilled permittivity through those that have 99 "mini-loops" have "mini-loops" that bear more distribution divergence
Mini-Loops of two-dimensional strings that appertain to unfulfilled permittivity of said strings through those that have 99 "mini-loops" bear twice the distribution divergence of those of one-dimensional strings because of the added parameter of space associated with these.
Yet, the distribution divergene of a two-dimensional superstring that bears 100 mini-loops is depleted in one parameter by .999950349 (in one Real Reimmanian sway) while it is euclideanly distributionally more divergent in the other associated parameter sway.
Again, the 100 ML mark is the only case for the prior, for one and two-dimensional strings, when any distributional divergence parameter of a mini-loop sway delves below 10^(-86) meters in the substringular and 3*10^(-78)meters in the globally distinguishable.
Del (C) = The fraction of mini-loops recovered up to 101 "mini-loops." (one mini-loop would involve none-yet-recovered mini-loops).
i(G)=i*10^(-86) in the substringular and i*10^(-78)*3 in the globally distinguishable.
e^(10^(-86))=~e^(0) =~i & e^(3*10^(-78))=~e^(0) = ~i
The Imaginary multiplicative factor is the ghost residue of the "mini-loops" as a steady-state Laplacian during the vibration of these discussed mini-loops of the associated superstrings at BRST.
Posted by
3:09 PM
distribution divergence,
one-dimensional strings,
two-dimensional strings
Friday, November 13, 2009
Heterotic Bosonic Fields
A gauge boson has an operation of plucking the borne locus of a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate to help allow for the harmonics under orientable superstringular conditions, or, the anharmonics under non-orientable superstringular conditions so that, via the activity of all of the gauge bosons associated with a specific superstring, the Schwinger Index may flow through a Rarita Structure eigenstate through the norm Ward conditions of a Ricci Scalar eigenstate, so that a gravitational effect may take hold upon the mass index of a certain superstring and its reverse field trajectory known as a Fadeev-Popov-Trace. When a superstring is non-orientable, and this superstring is one-dimensional, this is partially caused by the cross-dimensionality of its associated gauge bosons. If the gauge bosons associated with a one-dimensional superstring exist in an E(5)*E(5) cross-dimensional field, then the supremumized field of the given superstring will cause an anharmonic Schwinger Index that consists of five second-ordered Schwinger Indices that ripple through the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstate to allow for an anharmonic associated graviton and gravitino. This will form an eigenstate of Anti-De-Sitter gravity that repels a relative degree of phenomena. If the gauge bosons associated with a one-dimensional superstring exist in an E(4)xE(4) cross-dimensional field, then the majorized field of the given superstring will cause a harmonic Schwinger Index that also consists of five second-ordered Schwinger Indices that ripple through the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstate to allow for a harmonic Ricci Scalar eigenstate to effect the base of the associated graviton or gravitino. This will allow for an eigenstate of De Sitter gravity that draws in a certain degree of phenomena. The gravitational effect caused by one-dimensional superstrings is unilaterally Minkowski. If the gauge bosons associated with a two-dimensional superstring exist in an E(6)xE(6) cross-dimensional field, then the supremumized three-dimensional field (thus six-dimensional) of the given supersting will cause a harmonic Schwinger Index that consists of ten second-ordered Schwinger indices that ripple through the associated Rarita Structure eigenstate to allow for a harmonic Ricci Scalar eigenstate to effect the base of the associated graviton or gravitino. This will form an eigenstate of De Sitter gravity that draws in a relative degree of phenomena. If the gauge-bosons associated with a two-dimensional superstring exist in an E(7)*E(7) cross-dimensional field, then the double majorized three-dimensional field (thus seven-dimensional) of the given superstring will cause an anharmonic Schwinger Index that consists of ten second-ordered Schwinger Indices that ripple through the associated Rarita Structure eigenstate to allow for an anharmonic Ricci Structure eigenstate to effect the base of the associated graviton or gravitino. This will form an eigenstate of Anti-De-Sitter gravity that repels a relative degree of phenomena. The heterotic strings that exist between orbifold cohomologies that vibrate the "handles" of the given orbifold to open or shut, based on the differential geometry effect of an associated Gaussian Transformation, exist near the periphery of such potential "handles." The De-Sitter & Anti-De-Sitter gravity associated with two-dimensional superstrings is multiplicitly Minkowski or Hilbert.
More On Mini-Loops
The mini-loops have a minimal diameter of 3*10^(-78) meters in the globally distinguishable, which amounts to a minimal diameter of 10^(-86) meters in the substringular. The mini-loops are evenly spaced between the bottom eighth theoretical potential from the bottoom of a one-dimensional superstring to the top eighth theoretical potential from the top of a one-dimensional superstring. The mini-loops are evenly spaced between the eighth from the antiholomorphic side taken counterclockwise of a two-dimensional superstring's theoretical position to the eighth theoretical position from the holomorphic side taken clockwise of a two-dimensional superstring. The mini-loops exist as a hermitianly torsioned hoop that acts as a majorized substringular field. The mini-loops begin relatively large, and decrease in size as the metric-gauge is generally depleated from an associated superstring to conform to (e^((del C)-iG))/# of mini-loops =~Multiplicative factor for mini-loops of one-d superstrings
or 2*((e^((del C)-iG))/# of mini-loops) =~The multiplicative factor for mini-loops of two-d strings
The mini-loops are depleted as metric-gauge is depleted. The distribution divergence of the said mini-loops is Diracly increased or maintained as the number of mini-loops decreases, with the exception of when a one or two-dimensional string has 100 mini-loops, respectively. This is since mini-loops act as the gauge-action which enables the metric-gauge to exist in superstrings, not including the fact that one-d strings have one spatial partition, and two-d strings have two spatial partitions, and two-d strings have partition at (width (at 90 degrees)), & (thickness (at 270 degrees)). These allow for the Polyakov Action which is group caused by the partitions, and the superstrings area brought along ultimon flow because of the metric-gauge brought about by the gauge-action gauge-metrics of the mini-loops.
There is always a relative spuriousness to a superstring that has 100 mini-loops of the substance of metric-gauge before the associated superstring undergoes a Kaeler metric. ((e^0/1)-iG) then equals 1-i. This "1-i" is a multiplicative factor here.
This is due to that the borne tangency of the Gliossi-Indices are then the "life-support" (metaphorical) of the remaining permittivity of the associated superstring. This is since Cassimer Invariance is maximized during the Wick action that causes the Landau-Gisner Action that works through the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism that works the Higgs Action to move the Klein Bottle to allow the Kaeler Metric to happen. This latter activity is known as the substringularly natural mechanism of a Gaussian Transformation.
or 2*((e^((del C)-iG))/# of mini-loops) =~The multiplicative factor for mini-loops of two-d strings
The mini-loops are depleted as metric-gauge is depleted. The distribution divergence of the said mini-loops is Diracly increased or maintained as the number of mini-loops decreases, with the exception of when a one or two-dimensional string has 100 mini-loops, respectively. This is since mini-loops act as the gauge-action which enables the metric-gauge to exist in superstrings, not including the fact that one-d strings have one spatial partition, and two-d strings have two spatial partitions, and two-d strings have partition at (width (at 90 degrees)), & (thickness (at 270 degrees)). These allow for the Polyakov Action which is group caused by the partitions, and the superstrings area brought along ultimon flow because of the metric-gauge brought about by the gauge-action gauge-metrics of the mini-loops.
There is always a relative spuriousness to a superstring that has 100 mini-loops of the substance of metric-gauge before the associated superstring undergoes a Kaeler metric. ((e^0/1)-iG) then equals 1-i. This "1-i" is a multiplicative factor here.
This is due to that the borne tangency of the Gliossi-Indices are then the "life-support" (metaphorical) of the remaining permittivity of the associated superstring. This is since Cassimer Invariance is maximized during the Wick action that causes the Landau-Gisner Action that works through the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism that works the Higgs Action to move the Klein Bottle to allow the Kaeler Metric to happen. This latter activity is known as the substringularly natural mechanism of a Gaussian Transformation.
Posted by
10:38 AM
Bette and Polyakov Actions,
Cassimer Invariance,
Gaussian Transformation,
Higgs Action,
Klein Bottle,
Landau-Gisner Action,
Wick Action
Proof of Parallel Universes
Fully Lorentz-Four-Contracted Radian = 10^(-43) meters.
V=(4/3)pi*8(8 is the #of connections to one locus of Planck Phenomenon)*10^(-129)meters
V=(32(There are 32 dimensions per set of parallel universe)pi/3)*10^(-129)meters
(32pi/3)*10^(-129)meters*10^(81)(There are 10^(81) types of substringular angles
= (32pi/3)*10^(-48)meters
(32pi*10^(-48)meters)/10^(-43)meters = (32pi/3)*10^(-5)
(32pi/3)*10^(-5)*95pi(There is Imaginary Charge That Is Safe In One Universe Up To The Integer PI Quantum Charge Of 95PI(Iev) Per BTU Of Holomorphism)
5pi(I)ev As An Integer PI Quantum Charge Up To 95pi(I)ev As An Integer PI Quantum Charge Bears A Total Of 91 Safe Imaginary Integer PI Quantum Charges
Thence, There Are 91*10^(81) universes per set of parallel universes.
The spaces in-between the holomorphies & the parallel universes fit by a factor of 10.
One is the smallest positive odd integer. One is unity.
The smallest positive odd integer that is not unity is three.
So, there are three sets of parallel universes, since this allows for ultimon flow, as I once implied to Proffessor Brian Greene.
Thence, there are 273*10^(81) physical universes.
V=(4/3)pi*8(8 is the #of connections to one locus of Planck Phenomenon)*10^(-129)meters
V=(32(There are 32 dimensions per set of parallel universe)pi/3)*10^(-129)meters
(32pi/3)*10^(-129)meters*10^(81)(There are 10^(81) types of substringular angles
= (32pi/3)*10^(-48)meters
(32pi*10^(-48)meters)/10^(-43)meters = (32pi/3)*10^(-5)
(32pi/3)*10^(-5)*95pi(There is Imaginary Charge That Is Safe In One Universe Up To The Integer PI Quantum Charge Of 95PI(Iev) Per BTU Of Holomorphism)
5pi(I)ev As An Integer PI Quantum Charge Up To 95pi(I)ev As An Integer PI Quantum Charge Bears A Total Of 91 Safe Imaginary Integer PI Quantum Charges
Thence, There Are 91*10^(81) universes per set of parallel universes.
The spaces in-between the holomorphies & the parallel universes fit by a factor of 10.
One is the smallest positive odd integer. One is unity.
The smallest positive odd integer that is not unity is three.
So, there are three sets of parallel universes, since this allows for ultimon flow, as I once implied to Proffessor Brian Greene.
Thence, there are 273*10^(81) physical universes.
Posted by
10:03 AM
Lorentz-Four-Contracted Radian,
physical universes,
Planck phenomena,
Quantum Charge
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Gauge-Fields & Gauge-Ghosts
When a superstring iterates at a specific locus at BRST, its gauge-field (the location of its first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates) bears an initial locus in space before the associated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are plucked by the correlative gauge bosons that are in the general field neighborhood of the appertaining first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates. When the mentioned light-cone-gauge eigenstates are plucked, the resulting vibrations are dirstributed through appertaining Rarita Structure eigenstates through the Ricci Scalar eigenstates to the gravitinos that are the most directly connected to the associated superstrings. After the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue during an iteration that does not involve the Kaeler metric, the light-cone-gauge springs holomorphically for forward time moving particles and antiholomorphically for backward time moving particles at the same time to allow for ultimon flow. When the associated superstrings reiterate, the given light-cone-gauge reiterates too -- both of these at a slightly different locus and with a slightly different neighborhood if the superstrings exists in a Noether manner OR these exist in a very different locus and with a very different neighborhood if the superstrings exist in a tachyonic manner. The past light-cone-gauge eigenstates form a set of ghost anomalies, once that these go through ultimon flow, and the interaction with norm states (positive norm states) forms dilatons and dilatinos and/or residual norm states that are recycled under Cassimer Invariance. The differentiating field of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate may form a Gliossi interaction with other of such light-cone-gauge eigenstate fields via a homeomorphic cohomology that is majorized planar Yakawa. This wouldn't appertain to the first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates themselves forming the cohomology, yet the waves induced by the given light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are multiplicitly proximal that interbind to form a polar slope that has torsional handles on the norm to holomorphic and the norm to antiholomorphic sides of these given fields. This is due to the kinematic differentiation of the light-cone-gauge producing a spherical shell that interacts with an appertaining orbifold to form an orbifold impedance via the spatial relation of second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates. This impedance, through gravitational interaction and norm Ward Conditions , including the interaction of norm states, allows orbifolds to coalesce into orbifold eigensets without the detriment of an Imaginary supercharge. Such "handles" of field may be looped together via the multiplicitly abelian interconnections that allow orbifolds to form a cohomology to form orbifold eigensets. As an orbifold is transferred via a certain gauge transformation, the "handle" of Yakawa Coupling is split and refabbed after splitting as the associate orbifold is brought elsewhere. Such an orbifold shell, with its multiplicit light-cone-gauge first-ordered states, is "circular" with one-dimensional superstrings and with two-dimensional superstrings. These are torroidal in nature. So, a one-dimensional orbifold shell is as a torroidal disc with spherical shaft-like handles, and a two-dimensional orbifold shell is a torroidal shell with "slab-like" handles.
Orientable & Non-Orientable World-Sheets
When a two-dimensional superstring travels transversely though space as a photon via Noether Flow, it forms a three-dimensional world-sheet that has an annulus in its center. An annulus is a hole that acts as an empty shaft. Such a torroid may travel straight, if in a vacuum, in the direction that it is propagated in. When a superstring bears a world-sheet that is straight, it bears a Rham trajectory. When one Rham world-sheet conjoins upon another Rham world-sheet that is collinear to the first Rham world-sheet, the cohomology formed by this is known as a Rham cohomology. The annulus of a three-dimensional world-sheet is Njenhuis to the world-sheet itself, since it is variant and unacted upon by the trajectory of the associated two-dimensional superstring. When a given superstring differentiates in a conformally invariant manner, yet tending to move in a specific directoralization via the integration of the Fourier Series that defines the initial torroidal structure's relative Laplacian through a Lagrangian that is unitized, the given two-dimensional superstring will then propagate as a unit that obtains a mass index under the speed of light in a Noether manner in a Rham manner to form a Rham world-sheet that exists as a unitized and thus an orientable world-sheet. The difference between the Rham world-sheet produced by the trajectory of a photonic bosonic superstring, and the Rham world-sheet produced by the trajectory of another sub-atomic particle that is a boson traveling just under light speed, is that a photonic bosonically based world-sheet will be a cylinder shaped with an annulus while a very fast (just under light speed) subatomic particle that is not a photon, will travel as an organization of an average of more than one iteration per general transversel locus that is propagated transverselly via a Lagrangian to form a torroid that is shaped like a doughnut, and is an integration of many of such doughnut shapes of such through a specific direntoralization through that Lagrangian. Photons, moving straight and transversely through space, also travel as a Lagrangian through a Lagrangian, yet with more of a flat cylindrical phenomena with an annulus shape instead of a doughnut shape that is propagated with an annulus. When a superstring is orientable, its world-sheet is orientable. When a superstring and its world-sheet is orientable, it travels under light speed Or at light speed, depending on if it is a sub-atomic particle that is Noether other than light OR light in a medium besides a vacuum OR if it is at light speed exactly -- the transversel kinematic differentiation of a photon through a vacuum. When a superstring is tachyonic, it is unorienable. So, when a superstring is tachyonic, it is unorientable. So, when a superstring is tachyonic, its world-sheet is unorientable. This produces (tachyonic flow produces) an Imaginary shift in the relations between world-sheets that are not Real Reimmanian because it skips Noether planes. A skipped Noether plane is possible because superstrings travel through ultimon flow in-between each iteration. Each time a supersting is detected, it has traveled basically around the ultimon.
Iteration Time = (hs+ihs).
Iteration Time = (hs+ihs).
Posted by
11:59 AM
Noether Flow,
Rham cohomology
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