Saturday, October 10, 2020

Tachyons And Floer Homology

 Mass-Bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to be Yau-Exact. A Yau-Exact superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is one of which is to tend to bear a piecewise continuous manner, of working to generate as much cohomology as it is here to be degenerating -- at a reference-frame, that is internal to the Poincare level of such a said general type of a superstring.  Tachyons, are of the general genus of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, -- that are to move, in manner that is "faster than light." (Tachyons are thence, of the nature of such an inferred general genus of mass-bearing superstrings, that are not to work to bear a tense of a Noether-related flow.) Since superstrings that are of a tachyon-related nature, are here to be directly involved with exhibiting a mass-bearing nature, these are consequently to tend to result, in working to bear the physical condition, of being Yau-Exact. Unlike such earlier inferred mass-bearing strings, that are to be of a Noether-related nature -- tachyons are to be of an open-looped general tense of a topological manifold, instead of being of a closed-looped general tense of a  topological manifold. Superstrings that are of a  Floer homology, are open-looped string-related phenomenology, that tend to bear the piecewise continuous ability, of potentially either generating as much cohomology as these are to degenerate, or generating less cohomology than these degenerate, and/or generating more cohomology than these degenerate.  Since tachyons are to tend to act, as a general phenomenology, that is to be of an open-looped topological manifold, of which is to generate as much (co)homology than it is here to degenerate, then, such an inferred general tense of the substrate of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to be directly associated with a tense of a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology, may often be exhibited in a manner, that behaves like a Floer homology. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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