Saturday, October 17, 2020

A Question Of Balance

 "If the universe is the answer, then what is the question." :

The Logos, of which was the intelligent design that came into contact with the core of the "Big-Bang," in so as to work to form the actual activity, that was here to be indicative of the said "Big-Bang," was to strike the said "core," to where there was here to be an interface between the Main Influence of the thought force (ideas), With, the Main Influence of the gravitational force (inertial-related pulsation), to where, this was consequently to form "time" as we are presently to conceive of this. Thereby; the thought force was to "strike a balance" with the potential kinematic entity of the gravitational force, in so as to work to form a set of eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the initial makeshift tense, of what was to become the Rarita Structure. This balance of interface, consequently worked to form a set of nodes of such eigenstates of centralized knotting, of which was to work to form the particle-related basis, of what is commonly termed of as being, the topological stratum of the proximal local presence of Higgs Boson eigenstates. Such said "Higgs Boson eigenstates," were to consequently, in return, to move into the processes of working to form superstrings, to where this ensued, in so as to work to form the basis of the formation of discrete energy quanta. So; if the universe is the answer, the question is thereby to be, the initial balance of the interface, that was here to exist at the beginning of time, between the thought force potential And the gravitational force potential, -- to where this ensued, in so as to work to form Higgs Boson eigenstates, -- to where this therefore consequently resulted, into the formation of discrete energy, -- to where this worked to end-up forming the stratum, of what we currently perceive of as being space-time-fabric. SAM.

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