Friday, October 9, 2020

Some Stuff About Soul Energy And Entropy

 My present understanding, is that soul energy is facilitated at being formed, as an association that is to be appertaining, to the product of discrete energy impedance, With the E(8)XE(8) string-related oscillation-based mode. Yin(g) is the general type of soul energy, that tends to move in the general "direction," of working to decelerate, if not possibly acting to degenerate, the general processes of the multiplicity, of the type of phenomenology, that is known of as being "entropy." Whereas; Yang is the general type of soul energy, that tends to move in the general "direction," of working to accelerate/generate, the general processes, of the multiplicity of the type of phenomenology, that is known of as being "entropy." (SAM).

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