Saturday, August 29, 2020

When Chern-Simons Invariants Are Invariant -- In A More Easy To Understand Description

 Simply put; whenever an organized set or "team" of superstring-related stuff that has mass (to where this will have a weight, in an environment that has a definitive gravitational influence), that works to do one specific type of an activity, at a very microscopic level, is to be traveling at the same velocity (when at both the same speed and in the same direction), in its relationship to the velocity of light, (and as inferred earlier, a velocity is a speed in a direction), then, such an organized set or "team" of superstring-related stuff that has mass (to where this will have a weight, in an environment that has a definitive gravitational influence) , that works to do one specific type of an activity at a very microscopic level, is then to be directly associated with those general Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to remain as being unchanged, or, in other words, that are here to thence to remain as being "invariant." (This is to where, such said "Chern-Simons Invariants," are here to act, kind of like a very microscopic metric/Lagrangian-like "dross," in the superstring-related realm, that is to tend to "lag," unless it is to alter in its tense of propagation), (and a propagation, is when something is transferred along a structural entity -- like a metaphorical vibration that is propagated along a "skipping jump-rope.") Yet; if the speed and/or if the direction of such an organized set or "team" of superstring-related stuff that has a mass (to where this will have a weight, in an environment that has a definitive gravitational influence), at a very microscopic level, is to alter in its motion, when in its relationship to the motion of light, then the earlier mentioned Chern-Simons Invariants will alter -- to where these said "Invariants" will then, at this point in inferred time, no longer be of an invariant nature.  Consequently; this will then tend to work to cause the earlier inferred superstring-related "dross," to be propagated in a kinematic manner, -- to where this will then tend to reverse-fractal (this will thereby tend to exist in a similar manner, but in a more macroscopic way), into then tending to bear the condition, of working to form, what is commonly thought of as being physical "charge." To Be Continued! SAM ROACH.

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