Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The i*PI(del) Action And Force

 The faster that any one given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to accelerate, the greater that its directly correlative i*PI(del) Action is consequently to tend to be.  The greater that the directly correlative i*PI(del) Action is to tend to be, for any one given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, the more wave-tug differentiation that will tend to be associated with those directly corresponding Schwinger-Indices, -- that are thence to be formed by the general "plucking" activity of those composite light-cone-gauge eigenstates by their correlative gauge-boson eigenstates, as this is here to exist from within the physical bounds of such those inferred composite discrete quanta of energy, that are here to work to comprise such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. The more wave-tug differentiation that will tend to be associated with those directly corresponding Schwinger-Indices, that are formed by the general activity of those respective light-cone-gauge eigenstates being "plucked" by their correlative gauge-bosons eigenstates, -- that are here to exist from within the physical bounds of the inferred composite discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to comprise a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- the greater that the general quantum of force differentiation will consequently tend to be demonstrably existent as, when this is here to be taken in terms of the general overall change in force, that such an implied cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to tend to be exhibiting, over some potentially proscribed given arbitrary time. SAM.

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