Saturday, March 2, 2019

Mini-Stringular Segmentation And The i*PI(del) Action

Here's some metaphorical "food for thought."
What the "action" of the said i*PI(del) action is to be, is the multiplcit and multivarious interactions, that are of those directly corresponding loci of mini-stringular segmentations, that are to act or exhibit here -- a set of gauge-metric eigenstates, that are here to work to tend to result in, -- the correlative conditions, by which the multiplicit discrete quanta of energy permittivity are to then to have a Laplacian-related delineation of those "partition-based discrepancies," that are here to be distributed as inferred, -- as is to be proportional to the directly corresponding eminent Polyakov Action.  This "action" of increments, of what may be thought of as being "quanta" of zero-point-energy -- works to not only help-out in delineating the appropriate number of partition-based discrepancies per superstring and its correlative counterstring, as is as accordling to the scalar amplitude of the Polyakov Action, -- it also tends to work to follow the same general "trend" of attribution, to all of the superstrings, that are of one given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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