Thursday, March 21, 2019

As To The Possible Manners In Which Mini-Stringular Segmentation May Bend

In so long as there is the condition, to where any one given arbitrary set of one or more composite particles, that are definitively smaller than point commutators, that are here in this general case, to bead together, in so as to work to form the holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation -- to where the just implied particles, are what I term of in this particular blog, as "second-order point particles" -- are here to not be in the process, of working to infringe upon the proximal local presence of any other given arbitrary set of one or more of such second-order point particles, -- to where this said tendency is to hold to be true, as long as the directly pertinent correlative respective physical stratum is, in such a respective case, to not be frayed in a black-hole, -- then, the corrlelative mini-stringular segmentation, that is here to be basically composed of by the said bead-like point particles mentioned here, will basically tend to be able to bend in any way that it will need to do -- in so long as it is in the process of tending to move in the direction, that it is most compelled to move in (in either the path of least resistence, or, in the path of least time).  This happens in such a manner, -- to where, in so long as any one given arbitrary unitary chord of such mini-stringular segmentation, is to not be fraying in a black-hole, then, any motion that is conducted upon such said mini-stringular segmentation, in a Gliosis-related manner, that would otherwise bear a potential tendency of such an earlier stated tense of infringement -- would then tend to work to form some manner of a repelling-related action, that will resultingly proceed in the condition-based direction of an optimum oscillation-like pattern, via an ensuing reactive perturbative vibration, that would here be in the process of working to bring a balance in the modulae of the said unitary chord of second-order point particles. I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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