Friday, March 1, 2019

Light Scattering And Gravity Waves

Whenever a photon is to strike an electron, -- the here implied Gliosis-related contact, will tend to be here, an eminent Yukawa Coupling between the said photon & the externalized core-field-density of a first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is of such a said electron.  Not only will such a direct contact -- as is here to be between a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy (a photon) and a first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is of one electron (at the externalized field-density of such) -- work to help at causing the so-stated electron to fall back-and-forth an energy level, in so as to work to form a photon, (since such a general condition, works to involve an electron to here to be releasing its spare energy, in the form of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy -- in so as to be in a state of optimum rest), yet, such an inferred tense of the scattering of light or electromagnetic energy, since it is here to involve a direct contact upon the external core-field-density of a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, this will happen to where such a general genus of activity, is thus to work to have an eminent effect upon those vibrational oscillations, that are here to be produced by the plucking of the composite second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, of which work to comprise the earlier mentioned first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  Consequently, -- such a wave-tug upon the proximal local field -- as to where the inferred Schwinger-Indices that are here, when combined in an appropriate manner,  to be involved in the formation of gravity waves -- to where these inferred-to propagated vibrations, that are here to ripple-out, in so as to work to help at causing both the presence and the activity of the four general forces of physical nature -- are then to tend to become of more of an anharmonc nature, when such a Gliosis-related contact is to be happening, when this is in terms of a beam of electromagnetic energy to be scattering upon the electron of a given arbitrary atom.  This general genus -- that is of an increased tendency of anharmonic vibration-related activity, will then tend to work to increase the relative entropy of such an inferred to proximal local region.  I will continue with suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

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