Wednesday, March 20, 2019

As To The Nature Of "e^(Ricci Flow)"

In any one given arbitrary case -- if (e^(Ricci Flow)) is to be greater in scalar magnitude than "one,"  then, the resultant value of (1/(e^(del of the Ricci Flow)), will be of a Real Reimmanian nature.
However, in any one given arbitrary case -- if (e^(Ricci Flow)) is to be lower in scalar magnitude than "one," then, the resultant value of (1/(e^(del of the Ricci Flow)) will be of a Nijenhuis nature.
This will then work to mean, that, one will then be either dealing with those two respective given arbitrary cases  -- when one is to here to be directly dealing with the previous two different respective cases -- with either a metric-gauge-related pulsation that is of a Real Reimmanian nature, or, one will be dealing with a general ulterior case, -- in which the metric-gauge-related pulsation will, instead, to be of a Nijenhuis nature.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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