Wednesday, January 30, 2019

My Current Understanding As To How Gravity-Based Cohomology Is Transferred

The cohomology that is thus formed, by those particles that I had mentioned in my last post, -- as being either "gravitons" (transversal-based) or "gravitinos" (radial-based) -- is to here be indirectly translated to the corresponding cite of the gauge-bosons, in such a manner, to where, as the said gauge-bosons act in so as to pluck the directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp, there is then to exist, the general tendency, to where such a so-eluded-to tense of a set of translated cohomological eigenindices -- are to then to be transferred to the thence formed Schwinger-Indices, in so as to help at working to form those integrative set of Schwinger-Indices, that are to move in such a manner, that is simultaneously transversal and perpendicular, to where the wavelength of such a so-eluded-to wave, is to have a wavelength that is to be anywhere from and including (5*10^(-22) of a meter To 4*10^(-18) of a meter) in overall length, -- in such a manner, -- to where there is here to tend to be the transference of a translation of the cohomology of what I earlier named of as being "gravitons" and "gravitinos," to where such a so-eluded-to tense of a gravitational wave, is here to work to each bear only a wave-based knotting equation, without it working to bear a particle-based knotting equation.  The holonomic substrate of the transversal motion of a gravitational wave, works to help at describing the knotting equation -- that is related to the cohomology of a "graviton," whereas -- the holonomic substrate of the perpendicular motion of a gravitational wave, works to help at describing the knotting equation -- that is related to the cohomology of a "gravitino."
One may metaphorically think of the genetic translation of traits in biology.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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