Wednesday, January 30, 2019

More As To The Recycling Of Relativistic Cohomology

Mass-Bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to form what I term of as being Gliosis-Sherk-Olive cohomology.  As eigenstates of such so-eluded-to GSO cohomology, are to be scattered in an anharmonic manner -- these eigenstates then work, to be changed into what I term of as being the holonomic substrate of particles called dilatons and dilatinos.  This just mentioned general genus of activity, is here to be happening on the relative Real Reimmanain Plane -- whereupon discrete energy permittivity, is here to continue to be both iterated and reiterated over time.  The thence formed dilatons and dilatinos, are to then to be pushed off of the said relative Real Reimmanian Plane, in the process of working to help at recycling the local presence of norm-state-projections, in so as to refurbish the holonomic substrate of those so-eluded-to point commutators, to where, such a recycling of cohomology is here to be necessary as well, for the formation of cohomology to be able to occur off of the Real Reimmanian Plane.  Without such recycling, this situation would otherwise amount to, as well, an excessive build-up of localized Hamiltonian operators, that would no longer be able to commute -- which would end-up stopping the existence of energy.  Such a relative wave-tug, that is here to push such said dilatons and dilatinos off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane, happens, on account of the resultant Ward-Cauchy-based angling, in which the earlier inferred Rayleigh scattering of the said GSO cohomology-related eigenstates -- which was here to be scattered in such an anharmonic manner, in so as to work to form a tense of cohomology, that may be described of as being of the nature of what I term of as being Neilson-Kolosh cohomology-related eigenstates.  As these said eigenstates of a Neilson-Kolosh cohomology, are to come together at a general locus that is off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane, the holonomic substrate of such gathered cohomology-related eigenstates, are to come together -- in so as to work to form the indistinguishably different eigenindices, that work to comprise what I term of here as being "gravitons" and "gravitinos."  The motion of the cohomological eigenstates of "gravitons" and "gravitinos," is to then to work to indirectly induce the gauge-bosons (the E(6)XE(6) strings), of which are on the relative Real Reimmanian Plane, to act in so as to pluck the directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp -- in so as to work to form Schwinger-Indices.  Such a general genus of Schwinger-Indices will then act, in so as to work to influence both the general formation and the general activity of the four fundamental forces of nature, -- such as gravity.  In the meanwhile, that general cohomology of both the said "gravitons" and "gravitinos," that was here to be scattered in an anharmonic manner, due to the resultant Ward-Cauchy-based angling, in which the earlier inferred Rayleigh scattering is to occur, -- is to be recycled back into the relative Real Reimmanian Plane, -- in so as to refurbish the holonomic substrate of those norm-state-projections, that are necessary for both the formation of cohomology to occur at this said relativistic Plane, as well as to work to allow for the commutation of the multiplicit discrete quanta of energy.  My model of string theory is becoming clearer in my mind.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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