Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A Basic Example Of Ward-Polarization

Here is a basic general example, of what may be termed of as a phenomenon -- in which there is to be the Ward-Cauchy-based condition of Ward-Polarization:

Let us initially say that one is to have an orbifold eigenset, that is to be undergoing a tense of conformal invariance at its internal reference-frame, that is here to work to bear a tense of what would here be at least the equivalence -- of a tense of angular momentum, that is subtended in what would here be the relative forward-holomorphic direction.  Let's next say, that over the translation of a relatively small distance, as taken in the earlier mentioned forward-holomorphic direction, from where the initially stated orbifold eigenset is to be bearing its so-eluded-to tightly-knit location of vibrational oscillation,  -- there is to be the bearings of a tense of a quantum of electromagnetic energy to be present.  However, there is here, in this general case, an orbifold eigenset, that is placed in-between the direction of the angular momentum that is of the initially stated orbifold eigenset and the so-stated quantum of electromagnetic energy -- that is here to be placed in such a manner, to where the relative holomorphic direction of the orbifold eigenset that is here to get in the way, is to be orthogonal to the holomorphic direction of the initially stated orbifold eigenset.  Such a substringular condition of such a case, may then work to partially, if not completely, block any otherwise eminent Yukawa Coupling to then to be able to be achieved, between the initially said orbifold eigenset and the so-eluded-to electromagnetic energy-based orbifold eigenset.  This general genus of a Ward-Cauchy-related condition,  is one of basically countless types of situations -- in which there is to be the phenomenon, of what may be termed of as Ward-Polarization.  Samuel David Roach.

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