Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Part Two Of Electromagnetic Energy And Homotopic Residue

Tachyonic activities indirectly help to compensate, for the condition that is of electromagnetic energy that is here to be of a non-entropic nature -- to where it is to neither gain nor to lose a net of partition-based discrepancies per instanton.  Again -- the resultant of the exchange, of what I term of as partition-based discrepancies -- is what I name of here as homotopic residue.  The actual "stuff" that acts in so as to "make-up" such a said resultant, may then be said to be the holonomic substrate -- of such a so-named tense of homotopic residue.  The general term that I use as to being of the "Beti number," -- as to indicating either the decrease or the increase in the number of spatial dimensions, that a superstring is to work to comprise, also refers indirectly, to the condition of either the compactification or the decompactification of cohomological generation or cohomological degeneration, as a discharge of sorts, that is of one given set or another of a given arbitrary genre of orchestrated norm-state-projections, -- of which may often indirectly result in the compactification and/or in the decompactification of the spatial dimensionality, of the so-eluded-to composite superstrings.  When one is given a superstring's spatial dimensionality, particularly if this is here to be considered in terms of being of a cohomological-related tense, this will then be of a topological stratum, that will tend to compactly during BRST, while then such a topological stratum will then tend to act in so as to ensue as to then be decompactifying during the subsequent iteration of the Regge Action.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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