Monday, September 24, 2018

Part Three As To Solitons

Let us initially consider one given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenon, that is here to be a soliton.  Let us consider the condition, that, in order for it to be a "soliton," it is to not be compact -- to where it is here to conform to the Ward-Cauchy-related condition, that it is to bear a tense of diffeomorphisrm.  Since the said soliton is to work to bear diffeomorphisrm, it is to bear a manifold, complex here if you will, that is to have both a smooth and an isomorphic homeomorphic topological contour -- to where one could theoretically try to here, act in so as to extrapolate a Laplacian-related cohomological mappable-tracing, along the Minkowski-related plane of its external topological surface, at the Poincare level -- in such a manner, to where there would here be the condition of one to not to have any Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons spurs to be detected.  This would then work to mean here, in this given arbitrary general case,  that the absolute value of the Beti number would not vary, and, in so long as such a soliton is here to be of a Noether-related tense of phenomenology, such a consistent absolute value of the Beti number, would be of the same absolute value of an even integer per group-related instanton, in so long as both the constraints as to being -- that such a said phenomenon is to be a soliton, as well as the constraint, that the said phenomenon does not become tachyonic here at all.  Yet, if the absolute value of the Beti number is to either decrease or to increase spontaneously, then, the soliton will no longer be a soliton -- it will then be of a compact nature, that will to be either losing or to be gaining a certain number of spatial dimensions, spontaneously.  If such an initially stated soliton, that is to change into not being a soliton, in such a manner -- to where there is not only a change in the compactification of its correlative dimensionality, yet also to where -- the topological strands of the said superstring are to expand, in terms of the scalar amplitude of their Ward-Neumman bounds, over a relatively transient evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- then, there is then to be a Clifford-Expansion in the size of the core-field-density of such a phenomenon, that is here to have perturbated from being a soliton into Not being a soliton.  Furthermore, if such a change is here to work to convert an initial Legendre homology into a symplectic homology, over time -- then, such a change will almost certainly work to alter the initial complex manifold M, -- into then being of a Real Reimman manifold, instead.  If such an alteration in the type of phenomenon that is being discussed, is to work to bear a set of one or more Laplacian-based Chern-Simons Lagrangian-related topological spurs, then, the said phenomenon is to no longer be of a flat Ricci curvature.  Let us still stay, though, that the flow of such so-eluded-to phenomenon will work to displace a holomorphic vector field.  Such A Change In Ward-Cauchy-Conditions Is One General Manner Of How One Given Arbitrary Eigenstate Of A Nijenhuis Holographic Spacing, May Work To Convert Into A Real Reimman Hilbert Space, Thus Working To Convert The Soliton Into A Cohomological-Based Compact Calabi-Yau Space, Which Is Then No Longer A Soliton.  This may often be able to happen, when there is a significant dissonance of the tendencies of the push and tug of gravitational waves, in such a manner -- to where the "best-fit-curve" as to how such a phenomenon as to what was initially a soliton -- is to behave, is then to bear a perturbative alteration, in both the display and in the scalar amplitude of its "phenotypical" correlative proximal local altering cotangent bundle.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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