Thursday, September 20, 2018

Conditioned Substringular Orientation

Whenever an orbifold eigenset is conditioned to be of an unorientable nature, both its correlative composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity as well as its correlative composite gauge-bosons -- will be put into such a Ward-Cauchy-related set of conditions, to have thus been made unorientable.  Yet, whenever the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to be of an orbifold eigenset, are instead, to have been conditioned to be made orientable -- then its correlative composite superstrings as well as its correlative composite gauge-bosons, will then be of such a nature -- to where these will ensue to have been made orientable.  Gauge-Bosons will always tend to display the spatial dimensionality, that is of the correlative field of discrete energy permittivity that these indirectly help at working to form, via the nature of their kinematic Hamiltonian function -- yet, in such a manner to where such a general genus of heterotic superstrings -- such as the just mentioned gauge-bosons -- will always be of a symplectic homology, when this is to here to be taken simply in and of itself.  You see -- gauge-bosons are a certain form of heterotic stringular phenomenology, that are here to exist from within the multiplicit Ward-Neumman bounds of the core-field-density of any one individually taken discrete quantum of energy, which act in my particular string theory model -- in so as to pluck the correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that directly correspond to the wave-functionality of the discrete energy impedance of any one discrete quantum of energy, -- in so as to multiplicitly work to form that general genus of Schwinger-Indices, that are necessary, in so as to be able to help in the process of then to be working to form the general physical forces, that are to be exhibited by the said multiplicit discrete energy (such as either the strong force, the electrostatic force, the gravitational force, and/or the weak force).  Metaphorically think of this biological example.  Animals have mitochondria in their cells. Mitochondria are certain organisms that exist in all animal cells -- that act, in so as to help-out in the process of working to form most of the chemical energy of any one said animal.  Likewise -- gauge-bosons exist from within the confines of discrete energy quanta, -- in so as to help-out in the perpetuity of the existence of those said discrete energy quanta.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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