Sunday, September 30, 2018

Schwinger-Indices -- A Little As To Grand Unified Field Theory

That same general genus of phenomenology, that works to coalesce into waves that are to range from being between 5*10^(-22) meters in length up to 4*10^(-18) meters in length -- of which are that general form of Schwinger-Indices, that are formed by the plucking of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates by their respective gauge-bosons, in so as to work to form gravitational waves -- happens to be that same general genus of phenomenology, that is to interact with the many various Ward-Cauchy-related entities that exist in the substringular -- when this is here to be taken along the multiplicit array of the Rarita Structure, -- in so as to work to form the many faceted exhibitions of the four general genre of the physical forces of nature, -- these being: 1) The Strong Force, 2)  The Electrostatic Force,
3)  The Gravitational Force, &, 4)  The Weak Force.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, September 28, 2018

The Next Part As To Solitons

Let us initially say that one is here to have a soliton, that is here to be mapping-out a Lagrangian-based path, that is here to work to bear a cohomological mappable-tracing, that is here to be of a set of spaces, that are, in this case, to be considered to be of a relatively Gaussian-related nature -- to an observer of whom is to be extrapolating such a Ward-Cauchy-related situation, over a proscribed evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, over the so-eluded-to duration of time.  Let us next say, that such a so-eluded-to just mapped-out set of Gaussian-related cohomological eigenindices, are to initially to work to form a De Rham cohomology, when at a level that is Reimman to the said soliton at the Poincare level, -- of which would thereby tend to be of a relatively hermitian nature.  Let us next say that there is to ensue a certain Cevita interaction, that were then to spontaneously work to become Yukawa to the initially stated soliton, -- to where there is here to be a set of metrical-based Chern-Simons spurs, that are now to be attributed to the cohomological field, that is here to be directly associated with that manifold that was here initially to be a soliton.  At this point, the soliton is no longer to be a soliton, -- since the initially stated phenomenology -- is then to go from working to bear a delineation that distributes a holomorphic vector field, INTO, instead, to becoming a phenomenology that is here to work to bear a delineation that distributes a tensoric field, that may or may not be of a specific holomorphic tendency of motion.  Furthermore, any Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenon that is to become of a Doubolt cohomology, by working to bear a set of one or more metrical-related Chern-Simons spurs -- that may be attributed to it over any duration that may be heuristically extrapolated as such over time, -- is to not to tend to be distributing a holmorophic vector field, and is, in such a case, to tend to not be of the nature of being a soliton.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Complex Manifolds -- What These Are

One given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related manifold is purely a complex phenomenology, when in relation to another given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related manifold --- when the two different respective manifolds, do not work to share any of the same spatial dimensions as each other.  Yet, -- one given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related manifold is at least partially a complex phenomenology, when in relation to another given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related manifold -- when the two different respective manifolds, do not work to share exactly the same spatial dimensions as each other, -- even though such manifolds may, in this second mentioned correlative case scenario, share at least some of the same spatial dimensions as each other.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Part Five As To Solitons

If one were to initially take a soliton, that is here to be kinematic in its interdependence with its environment -- via a Fourier Transformation, that is here to work to involve an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- while then spontaneously, such an initially said phenomenology, is to move into a Ward-Cauchy-related field, that works to eminently involve the directly corresponding presence of more than 26 spatial dimensions plus time, then, -- the initially said soliton, will, at this point in duration, no longer be a soliton.  This is because, flat space is only capable of having the eminent presence of up to 26 spatial dimensions plus time.  In order for a soliton to be a soliton, by definition, -- it is to always work to bear a flat Ricci curvature.  So, if any given arbitrary phenomenology is to work to bear more than 26 spatial dimensions plus time -- then, it may no longer, at this point in duration, work to bear a flat Ricci curvature. 
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Part Four Of Solitons

If a soliton is here to be acted upon, by a relatively homeomorphic gravitational field (to where this said gravitational field is here to not be confused with a diffeomorphic phenomenology, since such a field is Not a manifold, it is, instead, a kinematic set of interacting eigenstates -- that work, over a given correlative Fourier Transformation, in so as to work to form a smoothly functioning field of pertinent Hamiltonian operators), then, it is more than likely in such a case here, to tend to allow for the said soliton to remain as still being a soliton.  This is, in part, because, if a relatively smoothly functioning set of gravitational eigenstates, are to work to interact upon such a said phenomenology as a soliton, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- this, in and of itself, will Not tend to work to alter such a said phenomenology to go into such a process -- in so as to perturbate out of being a complex holographic manifold that is of a flat Ricci curvature that is not compact, -- and it will, as well, Not tend to be relatively prompt at spontaneously altering the said soliton, from allowing its delineation over time, to work to distribute the pertinent eigenstates of a holomorphic vector field over time, that it would here work to distribute in so long as it is still to remain as being a soliton.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Part Three As To Solitons

Let us initially consider one given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenon, that is here to be a soliton.  Let us consider the condition, that, in order for it to be a "soliton," it is to not be compact -- to where it is here to conform to the Ward-Cauchy-related condition, that it is to bear a tense of diffeomorphisrm.  Since the said soliton is to work to bear diffeomorphisrm, it is to bear a manifold, complex here if you will, that is to have both a smooth and an isomorphic homeomorphic topological contour -- to where one could theoretically try to here, act in so as to extrapolate a Laplacian-related cohomological mappable-tracing, along the Minkowski-related plane of its external topological surface, at the Poincare level -- in such a manner, to where there would here be the condition of one to not to have any Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons spurs to be detected.  This would then work to mean here, in this given arbitrary general case,  that the absolute value of the Beti number would not vary, and, in so long as such a soliton is here to be of a Noether-related tense of phenomenology, such a consistent absolute value of the Beti number, would be of the same absolute value of an even integer per group-related instanton, in so long as both the constraints as to being -- that such a said phenomenon is to be a soliton, as well as the constraint, that the said phenomenon does not become tachyonic here at all.  Yet, if the absolute value of the Beti number is to either decrease or to increase spontaneously, then, the soliton will no longer be a soliton -- it will then be of a compact nature, that will to be either losing or to be gaining a certain number of spatial dimensions, spontaneously.  If such an initially stated soliton, that is to change into not being a soliton, in such a manner -- to where there is not only a change in the compactification of its correlative dimensionality, yet also to where -- the topological strands of the said superstring are to expand, in terms of the scalar amplitude of their Ward-Neumman bounds, over a relatively transient evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- then, there is then to be a Clifford-Expansion in the size of the core-field-density of such a phenomenon, that is here to have perturbated from being a soliton into Not being a soliton.  Furthermore, if such a change is here to work to convert an initial Legendre homology into a symplectic homology, over time -- then, such a change will almost certainly work to alter the initial complex manifold M, -- into then being of a Real Reimman manifold, instead.  If such an alteration in the type of phenomenon that is being discussed, is to work to bear a set of one or more Laplacian-based Chern-Simons Lagrangian-related topological spurs, then, the said phenomenon is to no longer be of a flat Ricci curvature.  Let us still stay, though, that the flow of such so-eluded-to phenomenon will work to displace a holomorphic vector field.  Such A Change In Ward-Cauchy-Conditions Is One General Manner Of How One Given Arbitrary Eigenstate Of A Nijenhuis Holographic Spacing, May Work To Convert Into A Real Reimman Hilbert Space, Thus Working To Convert The Soliton Into A Cohomological-Based Compact Calabi-Yau Space, Which Is Then No Longer A Soliton.  This may often be able to happen, when there is a significant dissonance of the tendencies of the push and tug of gravitational waves, in such a manner -- to where the "best-fit-curve" as to how such a phenomenon as to what was initially a soliton -- is to behave, is then to bear a perturbative alteration, in both the display and in the scalar amplitude of its "phenotypical" correlative proximal local altering cotangent bundle.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Part Two As To Solitons

If a Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenon, is of such a nature, to where it may be described of here as being a soliton, The following must tend to hold as being true:

1) Those eigenstates, that work to directly correspond to the cotangent bundle of said soliton -- will work to eminently involve, what may be described of here as Li-based spaces.

2)  The said phenomenon will work to describe a set of eigenstates, whose Stoke's-related indices, will be both individually taken as well as being group-taken, -- as an integrative set of holographic spaces, that are of a cotangent bundle, that will work here to be of an overall scenario, that is of a maximum of 26 spatial dimensions plus time.  (Since this is of a Minkowski or of a flat-spaced Ricci curvature, -- and flat-space is of a maximum of 26 spatial dimensions plus time.)

3)  As such a said phenomenon is to be a soliton, the absolute value of its Beti number will not vary here, -- when this is taken for those individually taken superstrings, that work to help in forming the said soliton.

&4) The Fourier-related activity of the said soliton, will work to form a given arbitrary homology-based setting -- that is of either a symplectic tense of homology (a cohomology), or, of a Legendre tense of homology (Khovanov), -- that will be mappable, as going into a certain given arbitrary tense of a holomorphic motion, that is here to be propagated, over the spacing of a flat or a Minkowski-related Hamiltonian operand, over time.

A Little As To Solitons

A Soliton -- is a Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenon, that:
1) is of a complex manifold, M.
2) works to bear a flat Ricci field curvature, that is not compact. (Which is of a Minkowski-related nature.)
&, 3) works to bear a delineation-based Hamiltonian operation, that works to distribute a holomorphic vector field over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Mass-Bearing Orbifold Eigensets And Gauge-Bosons

Aside from the total of 8,886,110 to 8,886,112 partition-based discrepancies, that are here to be either gained and/or lost by any one orbifold eigenset, that is here to be comprised of by mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity per instanton -- in and of themselves, -- the gain and/or the loss of those partition-based discrepancies, that are here to be just of those gauge-bosons themselves -- that act in so as to help in the continued perpetuity of the existence of such said mass-bearing superstrings, is equal to the Hodge-related increase and/or the Hodge-related decrease of between 162,754 to 162,756 of such so-stated inherent partition-based discrepancies.  This then means, that for orbifold eigensets that are of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, the gain and/or the loss of partition-based discrepancies -- when this is here to be taken as a total, between both the change in the number of the partition-based discrepancies that may be taken along the topological contour, that is of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise any one orbifold eigenset, that is of mass-bearing superstings, as well as the change in the number of the partition-based discrepancies, that may be taken along the topological contour, that is of their directly corresponding gauge-bosons, -- that there is here to tend to be a gain and/or a loss of between a total of 9,048,864 to 9,048,868 of such partition-based discrepancies.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Conditioned Substringular Orientation

Whenever an orbifold eigenset is conditioned to be of an unorientable nature, both its correlative composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity as well as its correlative composite gauge-bosons -- will be put into such a Ward-Cauchy-related set of conditions, to have thus been made unorientable.  Yet, whenever the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to be of an orbifold eigenset, are instead, to have been conditioned to be made orientable -- then its correlative composite superstrings as well as its correlative composite gauge-bosons, will then be of such a nature -- to where these will ensue to have been made orientable.  Gauge-Bosons will always tend to display the spatial dimensionality, that is of the correlative field of discrete energy permittivity that these indirectly help at working to form, via the nature of their kinematic Hamiltonian function -- yet, in such a manner to where such a general genus of heterotic superstrings -- such as the just mentioned gauge-bosons -- will always be of a symplectic homology, when this is to here to be taken simply in and of itself.  You see -- gauge-bosons are a certain form of heterotic stringular phenomenology, that are here to exist from within the multiplicit Ward-Neumman bounds of the core-field-density of any one individually taken discrete quantum of energy, which act in my particular string theory model -- in so as to pluck the correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that directly correspond to the wave-functionality of the discrete energy impedance of any one discrete quantum of energy, -- in so as to multiplicitly work to form that general genus of Schwinger-Indices, that are necessary, in so as to be able to help in the process of then to be working to form the general physical forces, that are to be exhibited by the said multiplicit discrete energy (such as either the strong force, the electrostatic force, the gravitational force, and/or the weak force).  Metaphorically think of this biological example.  Animals have mitochondria in their cells. Mitochondria are certain organisms that exist in all animal cells -- that act, in so as to help-out in the process of working to form most of the chemical energy of any one said animal.  Likewise -- gauge-bosons exist from within the confines of discrete energy quanta, -- in so as to help-out in the perpetuity of the existence of those said discrete energy quanta.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Part Two Of Electromagnetic Energy And Homotopic Residue

Tachyonic activities indirectly help to compensate, for the condition that is of electromagnetic energy that is here to be of a non-entropic nature -- to where it is to neither gain nor to lose a net of partition-based discrepancies per instanton.  Again -- the resultant of the exchange, of what I term of as partition-based discrepancies -- is what I name of here as homotopic residue.  The actual "stuff" that acts in so as to "make-up" such a said resultant, may then be said to be the holonomic substrate -- of such a so-named tense of homotopic residue.  The general term that I use as to being of the "Beti number," -- as to indicating either the decrease or the increase in the number of spatial dimensions, that a superstring is to work to comprise, also refers indirectly, to the condition of either the compactification or the decompactification of cohomological generation or cohomological degeneration, as a discharge of sorts, that is of one given set or another of a given arbitrary genre of orchestrated norm-state-projections, -- of which may often indirectly result in the compactification and/or in the decompactification of the spatial dimensionality, of the so-eluded-to composite superstrings.  When one is given a superstring's spatial dimensionality, particularly if this is here to be considered in terms of being of a cohomological-related tense, this will then be of a topological stratum, that will tend to compactly during BRST, while then such a topological stratum will then tend to act in so as to ensue as to then be decompactifying during the subsequent iteration of the Regge Action.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Electromagnetic Energy And Homotopic Residue

Electromagnetic energy that is non-entropic, tends to maintain the condition, of bearing only one partition-based discrepancy -- over the course of each individually taken iteration of BRST, in which such a phenomenology is kept here as being of the nature of acting as discrete quanta of non-entropic electromagnetic energy.  Whenever a photon works to strike another phenomenon -- in so as to scatter upon it -- the entropic photon will tend to, for 384 consecutive group-related instantons upon Gliosis-related contact, act in so as to toggle between gaining while then releasing, from one tense to then the other, per individually taken instanton, between either 8,886,111 and 8,886,110 partition-based discrepancies,  -- until such an entropic scenario, if it will, is to then to act in so as to re-quantize back into one form or another of non-entropic electromagnetic energy (since a given arbitrary phenomenon that is here to work to bear such a so-eluded-to genus of a Yang-Mills topology, is going to be, in this case, of a partially Yau-Exact nature -- when one is here to be dealing with non-entropic photons, of which are here as discrete quanta of electromagnetic energy.)  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Part Four As To Magnetic Flux Density

Often, the matrix of a magnetic flux density could be utilized, in so as to work to link multiple different layers of reality together -- that are each still of the same universal setting.  This eludes to the general condition, that each universal setting that exists in time and space, works to involve thousands of different layers of reality.  This then works to mean, that one may often have multiple layers of reality -- that work to involve the same Gaussian tense of working to bear a compliance to the same overall set of correlative Real Reimman spaces.  Each individually taken layer of reality, may be considered here to exhibit one tense of which I name of as being called a "tori-sector-range."  One universe of any one individual set of parallel universes, works to bear many of such "tori-sector-ranges."  At any one given arbitrary set of iterations of group-related instanton, in any one set of parallel uinverses, there is one predominant layer of reality -- even though there are still many thousands of different overall layers of reality, that are then to be exhibited in some manner, shape, or form, during that said iteration of group-related instanton.  So, a magnetic flux density matrix, that is here to be of one general genus of Gaussian-related tense, -- may often work to inter-bind a set of two or more of such mentioned tori-setor-ranges, over the course of one individual set of one or more sequential iterations of group-related instanton.  Furthermore, sometimes, when an eigenstate of a magnetic flux density is operationally delocalized to a great enough degree -- this general genus of activity may often work to shift the phenotypical exhibition, as to what layers of reality are here to then to be demonstrated -- by the overall composite matrix of such magnetic flux density.  This will then be indicated by a resultant alteration in the organization of the coherent integrative tori-sector-ranges -- in which these are then to operate, in so as to bring together the interdependence of the said cohesive set of layers of reality.  This perturbative activity, is then to work to form a specific codeterminable, covariant, and a codifferentiable inter-play of the composite tori-sector-ranges -- as to then to work to bear a resultant interdependent effect, over time.  This will then work to effect the manner in which the directly corresponding Gaussian spaces of the said matrix of a magnetic flux density -- will then work to take an effect upon each of the individually taken sets of GSO cohomologicalrelated eigenstates, that are here to be correlative to the consequent resulting activity of each of the directly corresponding layers of reality.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Part Three As To Magnetic Flux Density

To recap from what was eluded-to before, each of the first-order point particles of any one given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- will bear a viable reaction with that set of ghost-related Lagrangian-based traces, that are of the relatively proximal local light-cone-gauge eigenstate, as to the immediately prior interactions, in which the particle-related tense of discrete energy impedance had just interacted with the wave-related tense of discrete energy impedance -- when this is here to work to involve their Gliosis-based interactions that these work to bear, with the norm-state-projections that had surrounded these.  All ground-states, in general, work to bear a kinematic relationship with Fock Space, in such a continuously iterative manner, of which is here to be developed over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  Such a relationship is carried onward -- as the multifarious settings in which discrete energy interact in a Gliosis-based manner -- with less homotopically indical norm-states, is transferred into a perturbative shift -- as to the translation of the flow of the holonomic substrate, by which the nodes of space-time-fabric are brought through the arena of the netting of such said space-time-fabric, over time.  The Hilbert-related (volume-space-related) propagation of such a perturbative sifting of interconnected first-order point particles, that tend toward an inter-binding, by means of mini-stringular segmentation, is the general idea behind what cohomology is.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Part Two As To Magnetic Flux Density

So, each wave that is of one given arbitrary phenomenology of magnetic flux density, is an eigenstate of each of the other of such waves.  The magnetic flux density of each individually taken tori-sector-range of electrodynamic energy, would then act as an individual eigenmatrix -- if the light-related cohomological-based tracing is here to be conformally invariant upon the entire oscillation of point particles of the first-order, -- that are of the Ward-Cauchy bounds of the so-eluded-to Lagrangian-related trace, in so as to work to allow for one to be able to make a Laplacian-related tracing, that is piecewise continuous along the circuit of the entire physical memory as to both the how, the when, and the where that the flux density that is given, had just differentiated in, in a Fourier-related manner.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

As An Aside: 

The matrix of a magnetic flux density eigenstate, could potentially work to involve multiple tori-sector-ranges on the substringular level. Anyways, when an eigenstate of a magnetic flux density holonomy, is to be operationally delocalized, then, the Ward-Cauchy-Related conditions, of which are here to be eminently associated, with the delineated distribution of its initially proximal local Majorana-Weyl-Invariant cohomology-related singularity, will often have the general tendency of being attributably nullified. With such inferred mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operators, this just eluded-to process of operational delocalization, will often tend to occur within the general region of the majorized plane, of the directly associated GSO cohomology-related field, of the inferred eminently corroborative proximal local Calabi-Yau Manifold, of which is here to be behaving as such an earlier stated tense of a mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator. Each of such individually taken desingularizations, is initiated via the gauge-metric-related action, of a kinematically-based operational holonomic tensor, of which is to incur its eminent engagement upon such a stated Calabi-Yau Manifold, in so as to tend to work to effect the corroborative general physical attribute, of the net light-cone-gauge eigenstate, of which is here to be imperatively associated, with the workings of the magnetic flux density eigenstate, that is here to be eminently associated, with such an earlier implied set, of multiple tori-sector-ranges, Again; In this. particular case scenario, what I mean by "tori-sector-ranges," are here to be corroborative to the workings, of a respective set of multiple layers of reality, that are here to still be of the same universal setting. 

A Little Bit About Flux Density

Let us here consider the multiplicit array of magnetic flux density eigenstates -- when this is taken in terms of the substringular.  An entity of a magnetic flux density, consists of multiple -- when globally distinguishabley speaking -- adjacent magnetic waves, that, through vibration, may extend the reach of their electromagnetic influence, over the span of some respective covariant bearing of time.  Yet, their correlative composite magnetic waves, that may here be adjacent to our extrapolation-related observance -- may actually be more separated than we would like to initially perceive these as being, if one were to consider the overall delineation of some of such waves, -- when all of the directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contractions are to be theoretically counted out of the scenario for a "time being."  Furthermore -- in a closest to an absolute tense, the Ward-Cauchy-related conditions, that are here to work to determine the boundary conditions at a microscopic set of considerations,  are here to be of the hierarchy -- as to how things are to actually behave in the realm of the substringular.  So, in a more real sense than the globally distinguishable, individual waves that are propagated from the source of a magnetic flux density -- may be separated over the course of taking the considerations of a Laplacian set of extrapolation-related conditions, even though all of the correlative waves that are to extend from a phenomenology that may here be considered to be of a magnetic flux density, are to be of one Gaussian-based eigenmatrix.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Perturbative In Delineation

The general condition as to the electrodynamic scattering of the multiplicit Legendre-related energy, that is here to be delineated by a tense of the generation of the multiplicit Lagrangian of electromagnetic superstrings, of which are of discrete energy permittivity -- through which such a so-eluded-to generation of energy is of an electromotive nature -- tends to be of more of a perturbative nature, -- than the general condition as to the kinetic energy scattering of the multiplicit Legendre-related energy, that is here to be delineated by a generation of the multiplicit Lagrangian of mass-bearing superstrings, of which are of discrete energy permittivity -- through which such a so-eluded-to generation of energy is not of an electromotive nature.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Density Of First-Order Point Particles

Discrete energy quanta have a higher density of first-order point particles, per individually taken traceable locus, than that density of first-order point particles -- that exist per individually taken traceable locus of Fock Space -- to where, this works to help at causing the Ward-Cauchy-related condition, that individually taken discrete quanta of energy tend to have a greater physical leveraging, than the leveraging that may be applied by the individually taken norm-state-projections, that work to surround the multiplicit eigenstates of discrete energy.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Homotopic Index

The first-order point particles that work to comprise superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, act in so as to tend to have a greater scalar amount of the holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation fed-into them, than the scalar amount of the holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation, that is fed-into those first-order point particles that work to comprise norm-state-projections, happen to have ebbed into their Ward-Neumman bounds.  This works to indicate the general condition, that, individually taken discrete quanta of energy, tend to have a higher homotopic index -- than the scalar as to what the homotopic index happens to be, for those individually taken norm-state-projections of space-time-fabric, that act in so as to surround these said discrete quanta of energy, as the continued interplay of the perturbative iterative displacement of such norm-state-projections -- works to exhibit the basis of both homology and cohomology, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Polarity Of Legendre Homology

Let us initially consider a tense of a discrete overall quantum of Legendre homology, that is here to be delineated by the generation of the Lagrangian-related activity of an electromagnetic source.  Next, let us say that the voltage (energy per charge) that is to be directly associated with the said electromagnetic source, is to be of a positive polarity. This will then mean -- that the directoral-related angular momentum of the earlier mentioned delineated Legendre homology, will be directed as a cross-product-related operation of kinetic energy, -- to where the kinetic energy that is here to be produced by the said electromagnetic source (in the form of voltage, or, energy per charge), will here be directed relatively outward.  However, -- if the voltage is to, instead, to be directly associated with a negative polarity, then, this will mean -- that the directoral-related angular momentum of the so-eluded-to Legendre homology, will then, in this ulterior case, be directed as a dot-product-related operation of kinetic energy, -- to where the kinetic energy that is here to be produced by the said electromagnetic source (in the form of voltage, or, energy per charge), will here be directed relatively inward.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Entropic Photons And Isotropic Instability

As a general condition -- when there is to be that Fourier-related activity, in which photons are to scatter upon other phenomenology, these said photons, -- of which are discrete quanta of electromagnetic energy -- temporarily become of an entropic nature.  This just mentioned Ward-Cauchy-related manner of activity, is related to the state of affairs, to where  -- the general multiplicit Legendre homology -- that is delineated by the generation of that symplectic homology, that is of the nature of photons (photons work to form closed-looped strings), is to be of a homology that is of an isotropically unstable nature.  This means -- that the generation of the homology of those closed-looped phenomology -- that are of discrete quanta of electromagnetic energy, over time, works to delineate the general open-looped homology, that is of that plain kinetic energy, -- that is here of such a general genus, to where it is related to the presence of Tesla energy.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Gauge-Transformations And Kahler-Metric

A Gauge-Transformation is that special case -- as to when a set of one or more superstrings that are of one proximal locus, are Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric -- in which there is the direct involvement of the scattering of electromagnetic energy.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Important Stuff About The Kahler-Metric

Here's the difference between the general condition of a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity being just Yukawa to the Kahler-Metric, versus such a superstring to, instead, to be Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric.  Any superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is unfrayed, will always be Yukawa to the Kahler-Metric -- since a superstring being Yukawa to the Kahler-Metric, is directly appertaining to those dimensional-based propensities, that are appertaining to the conditions of a pulsating discrete increment of energy.  Yet -- what I name of as being GLIOSIS to the Kahler-Metric, is when a discrete quantum or a set of discrete quanta of energy, work to interact with what I will name, for brevity's sake, the "Klein Bottle Apparatus," in such a manner, not only to where such a dimensional-based propensity of pulsating discrete energy may both persist and exist over time, yet also, in so as to work to allow for such an ealier said dimensional-based propensity to be able to both persist and exist over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Discrete Dimensional Change

If one is here to consider a metric-related Chern-Simons singularity -- in which there is here to be a discrete alteration in the number of spatial dimensions that one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to be exhibiting, in the process of to here to be working in so as to have a perturbation in the so-eluded-to discrete energy's dimensional-related pulsation over time, then, there is here to be the physical condition of the correlative superstring to be working to bear a different number of spatial dimensions, over the course of the interplay of consecutive iterations of BRST.   For example, let us not consider here what the Beti numbers happen to be here -- both right before and after any particular iteration of BRST.  Instead -- let us simply consider in this respective case, the number of spatial dimensions that a given arbitrary superstring is to exhibit -- over the course of two consecutive iterations of BRST, in and of itself.  Let us say that, in the first given arbitrary said iteration of BRST, -- the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to exhibit the metric-based condition, of working to bear four spatial dimensions plus time.  Let us next say, that, in the second given arbitrary said iteration of BRST, that is here to be considered, -- the said respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to, instead, to exhibit the metric-based condition of working to bear three spatial dimensions plus time.  Let us next consider the respective hypothesis here, that "everything else" is to then to "remain the same."  Consequently, such a said superstring is to then to be altering in its dimensional-related pulsation, and thus, such a said superstring is to then to work to bear a correlative metric-based Chern-Simons singularity at the so-eluded-to duration-based juncture.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Clarifying An Accidentally Confusing Point

In one of my recent posts -- I have a term in one of my equations, that refers to the mathematical entity -- that is actually:
(1/(e^(del(Ricci Flow)))).
Since this is the reciprocal of:  (e^(del(Ricci Flow))), it is to work to bear units of s^2/m^2,
instead of working to bear units of m^2/s^2.
Yet -- in terms of the Scalar Amplitude of this said mathematical entity, the "amount" of magnitude that is here to be in terms of the said "s^2/m^2" is to be equivalent to the Scalar Amplitude of:
(e^(Ricci Flow)*((e^(Ricci Flow)^2)-1)^.5), -- Even Though the literal units that are to Actually directly appertain to "(e^(Ricci Flow)*((e^(Ricci Flow)^2)-1)^.5, would be, if literally taken as I have just mentioned, -- to actually be in terms of "m^2/s^2."
This is, in part, because -- we are Not taking the value of (1/(e^(Ricci Flow))),
we are Instead taking the VALUE of (1/(e^(del(Ricci Flow))).
Sorry for not clarifying this earlier, I like things to be clear instead of being confusing.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.