Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Some Interesting Stuff About The Beti Action

What the Beti Action happens to be, is that activity that is to happen, in so that there may potentially be a homeomorphic field between a given arbitrary superstring and its correlative counterstring, when there is of an even-function-related translation between the initial compactification and the ensuing correlative decompactification of the so-eluded-to discrete energy quantum - over the course of that general duration, that is to transpire from right before BRST, until the directly corresponding iteration of the Regge Action, -- to where then, the said superstring is said to be orientable, and thus, the said superstring may be ensue in so as to be of a Noether-related Ward-Caucy nature.  When the Beti Action -- when going into an iteration of BRST -- is to be of an even number (if that compactification that is to happen, right before BRST, is to work to involve a decrease in spatial dimensions by an even integer number of such discrete spatial dimensions), then, the immediately ensuing Beti Action will work to involve the Ward-Cauchy-related conditions, of there being a homeomorphic field subtended between a given arbitrary superstring that is of a Noether-based flow, and its directly corresponding counterstring, to where, the correlative superstring is to then to be said to be of an orientable nature.  If a given arbitrary superstring is unorientable during the Beti Action, by working to involve a decrease in spatial dimensionality by an odd number of spatial dimensions right before instanton, and, as well, if the immediately ensuing correlative iteration of the Regge Action, is here to work to bear an increase in spatial dimensionality by an odd number of spatial dimensions, then the said given arbitrary superstring will become unorientable during both the Beti Action and in its correlative Regge Action, and thus, such a said superstring will then immediately ensue to become of a tachyonic nature.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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