Monday, August 13, 2018

Electricity And Partition-Based Discrepancies

With electricity, there is energy per charge before there is charge per time.  Voltage happens before there is amperage.  Voltage is more in reference to the magnetic field, while amperage is more in reference to the electric field.  Per instanton, the just mentioned tendency fractals down to the condition, that an orbifold eigenset of electromagnetic energy is to gain partition-based discrepancies before it is to lose the exact same number of such said partition-based discrepancies.  The magnetic field is thus indicative of that fluctuation in electromagnetic energy, that is due to an increase in the Hodge-Index of the holonomic substrate of discrete homotopic residue, in the form of a transient gain of partition-related discrepancies, -- while the electric field is indicative of that fluctuation in electromagnetic energy, that is due to a decrease in the Hodge-Index of the holonomic substrate of homotopic residue, in the form of a transient loss of partition-related discrepancies.  The Fourier-related integration of such a generation/degeneration of partition-related discrepancies, is what is here to work to form what here may be thought of as the correlative respective magnetic field eigenstates & the correlative respective electric field eigenstates.  Just as the condition that electromagnetic energy is reverse-fractaled as electromagnetic wavelengths, both magnetic and electric field eigenstates are, in a way, a reverse-fractal of the flow of the exchange of partition-based discrepancies.  The manner by which magnetic field eigenstates are not overcome by electric field eigenstates, -- is that the magnetic field works to curl around the electric field, as is in accordance with the right-hand-rule, in a manner that is not only both covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable, yet, such a Yukawa-related curling of electromagnetic eigenstates upon one another, is to happen here in an accordance with the drive of that angular momentum -- that is here to tend to be in the general direction of the relative forward-holomorphic topological wave-tug of any given arbitrary respective case in point.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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