Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Net Beti Number

Let's initially consider, the algebraic sum of those Beti numbers of one given arbitrary case, that is to here involve one respective instanton -- that is here to be directly associated with, what is here to be both the action of dimensional compactification that is to happen just before BRST, &, the action of dimensional decompactification that is to happen during the correlative ensuing iteration Of that Regge Action eigenmetric, that is to immediately ensue the so-eluded-to given arbitrary iteration of BRST of such a given arbitrary case.  If such a net algebraic sum of Beti numbers is to be positive, then, the said superstring is then said to have compactified -- as a Hamiltonian operator of dimensional-related pulsation.  Yet, instead -- if such a net algebraic sum of Beti numbers, is to be negative, then, the said superstring is then said to have decompactified as a Hamiltonian operator of dimensional-related pulsation.  Either way -- such a so-eluded-to superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that is here to have altered in its dimensional-related pulsation, will have then to have attributed to it, the tendency as to have the condition -- of then working to bear a metric-related Chern-Simons singularity.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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