Monday, June 27, 2016

Torsional Perturbation Of Interior Surface

Let us consider an initial Ward-Caucy-based substringular condition, that is of two directly corresponding interdependent orbifold eigensets.  One of these said orbifold eigensets, is here to be basically of a shell-like morphology.  The other of these said orbifold eigensets, is here to be basically morphology of a Minkowski--based surface -- that is to be subtended in this case, in-between the outer part of the interior of the so-stated initially described of the two said orbifold eigensets, that are of such a given arbitrary case scenario.  Let us consider that, at the initial instant under consideration, that the interior so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset of such a case -- is to be of a relatively completely flat-based nature -- for all practical purposes.  Let us say that both of the said orbifold eigensets of such a case, is to initially be in a Ward-Caucy-based condition of a tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.  Let us next consider that, over the now ensuing sequential series of group-related instantons that are to now occur right after the initial so-stated moment of consideration, -- that the internally-based positioned orbifold eigenset of such a case, is to torsion upward in a gradual manner, without going beyond the resonance capacity of both the fractal modulus and the elastic modulus of the so-stated internally positioned orbifold eigenset.  As the Stoke's-based Minkowski surface -- that is here to be of the internally positioned orbifold eigenset, is to gradually torsion upward in a concave-down manner over a relatively transient duration of time -- the overall interdependent integration of the two so-eluded-to orbifold eigensets is to be put into an acceleration that is to then be directed into what is here to be in the relative norm-to-holomorphic-based Lagrangian path of its eigenindices, as these said eigenindices work together, in so as to work to form such a so-stated substringular acceleration.  Once that both the fractal modulus and the elastic modulus of the Minkowski-based flat space, that is directly pertinent to the torsioning of the said internally positioned orbifold eigenset -- is maximized without any spontaneous resonation -- the torsioning of the internal given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of such a case, is to reverse in the holomorphicity of its eigenindices, -- to where the so-stated Stoke's related surface is then to gradually go from a fully concave down manner toward gradually going into a fully a fully concave-up manner, over a sequential series of instantons. As this is happening -- the overall interdependent set of the two so-stated orbifold eigensets, is to then accelerate into what would then be in the relative reverse-norm-to holomorphic direction.  This will then tend to happen --until the torsioning of the directly corresponding eigenindices of the internally positioned orbifold eigenset -- are just about to the point of going into a state of both breaking both their fractal and elastic modulae, as well as going to the extent of just about physically resonating. I will continue with the suspense later!
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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