Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Immediate Orphoganal Spin-Orbital Shift

Let us consider here, an initial substringular condition of one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- in which it is to exist here as a sphere, that is to be in a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, that is at the Poincare level to the topological holonomic substrate-based surface, that is Gliosis to the so-stated spherical orbifold eigenset that I am here discussing in this respective case.  Let us next consider that the said spherical orbifold eigenset of such a given arbitrary case, is to bear a relatively Laplacian-based spin-orbital mode -- which is, as well, at the Poincare level to the topological holonomic substrate-based surface that is Gliosis to the so-stated spherical orbifold eigenset, that I am here discussing in this respective case.  Let us say, that the said eigenset is to also be traveling -- in what is now to be of a transversel manner, of which is initially, from this point -- going through a Hamiltonian operand that is of a unitary mean Lagrangian path, over a directly corresponding Fourier Transformation that is to take place here -- over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  Now let's say that, "out of the blue" -- that there is an immediate re-translation of the spin-orbital eigenindices, that are most Yukawa to the initial tense of the given arbitrary spin-orbital mode, that is of the respective orbifold eigenset -- by which the delineatory-based transference of the spin that is to then be conveyed by the so-eluded-to translation of the propagation of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, is to immediately become orphoganal to the initial tense that the said eigenset was to have earlier been delineated as.  This Ward-based polarization of the delineatory eigenindex of the spin-orbital translation, that is of the so-stated orbifold eigenset of this case, will almost assuredly work to form one or more sets of metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities.  There would also, as well, be a tendency to an extent, of what would here be the formation of at least one Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, that would then be caused by the sudden metrical-based spur -- at the locus to where the immediate polarization of the spin-orbital eigenindex was to the be formed at.  If and when such a so-eluded-to Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, is to then be formed -- by the Fourier-based translation of such a given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset -- this will then tend to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  When an antiholomorphic Kahler condition is to be formed -- this will the tend to form what may be called a Kahler-Metric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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