Monday, June 6, 2016

Most Unique Tense Of Noether-Based Current

Any superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that is not of a tachyonic-based nature, when this is taken over a directly corresponding set of iterations of BRST -- as the so-eluded-to respective superstring is differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, that is over a sequential series of group-related instantons -- is going to be undergoing one tense or another of some sort of genus of Noether-based flow.  Every variation in either the propagation or in the delineation of any given arbitrary superstring, and/or of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset --  to where this may come together in so as to work to form any variation in either the velocity and/or in the acceleration of any of such respective given arbitrary superstrings, and/or of any of such orbifold eigensets, is going to result in the substringular, as one tense or another of the exhibition of some sort of Noether-based current.  The most unique general genus of a specific sort of Noether-based current -- by which the covariance of any of such a general genus of a Noether-based type of current, exists in such a manner -- to where the inter-relationship of any other orbifold eigenset of phenomenology, that is of any other sort of genus of substringular holonomic substrate -- that is to be both codifferentiable and codeterminable with the initially so-stated general genus of a Noether-based current that I have eluded-to here, is to work to make the general condition of relativity, -- to where this is the general genus of what will here directly correspond to the Fourier-based activity that is related to the speed of electromagnetic energy.  This speed of electromagnetic energy -- of which is also to take into consideration, that covariance that is related to how the speed of light is to vary in any other medium besides a vacuum, as may be typified here as is according to Snell's Law -- may be generically viewed of as the tendency, of the condition, that any phenomenology is effected by both the presence of both the existence and the motion of light, or, that any phenomenology is effected by both the presence of both the existence and the motion of electromagnetic energy.  Here is a simplification that works to describe, in general, what works to help in the formation of that general Noether current -- that is most directly affiliated with the Noether current of light or electromagnetic energy.:  Any orbifold eigenset -- that bears no cohomological-based inhibition towards the formation of those eigenindices -- that work to come together in so as to form the Rham-based pattern of its cohomological-based tracing, will tend to form that Noether-based current, that is most directly associated with the behavior of electromagnetic energy or light.

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