Tuesday, June 7, 2016

As To Noether Currents, In General

When a tense of a given arbitrary Ward-Caucy state of a set of conditions, that may work here to describe a sense of Majorana-Weyl-Covariance,  that may here act in so as to be extrapolated in such a manner, in so as to work to describe an orbifold eigenset that is in a state of superconformal invariance, which will then work to describe a proximally local tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance -- then, it's locally proximal framework is not in and of itself exhibiting a strong pull into a Fourier-based alteration in its delineation from that so-stated locally proximal framework -- even if the so-eluded-to internal-based framework that is to here be in a tense of superconformal invariance, is to exist in a set of one or more externally-based frameworks that are to instead exhibit a strong pull into a Fourier-based alteration in its delineation from the Ward-Caucy bounds that are Poincare to the exterior of the so-eluded-to more external frameworks, of such a respective given arbitrary case scenario.  Yet, if any given arbitrary locally proximal substringular framwork, that may here work to describe the Fourier-based motion of an orbifold eigenset, is to be in a state of kinetic motion -- to where the said orbifold eigenset is to not be in a state of superconformal invariance, then, the set of discrete energy quanta that would here work to come together as a group -- will behave in such a manner in so as to describe a Hamiltonian operator, that is to be kinematic in its sequential series of delineations, to where this will be of a kinematic substringular framework -- that will be moving from one definitive substringular region to another, over the completion of a set of group-related instantons.  When one is to basically have an orbifold eigenset, that acts as a Ward-Caucy-based Hamiltonian operator -- that is to here be differentiating in a Fourier-based manner -- but at a rate that is slower than the propagation of light -- then, the directly corresponding tense of the Noether-based current, that is to here be exhibited by the so-stated orbifold eigenset, will work to bear at least some sort of cohomological-based inhibition, over the correlative set of motion in which the said respective orbifold eigenset is to be delineated from one substringular locus to another, over time.  Such a so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, will then bear a tense of Majorana-Weyl-Covariance -- to where, the tighter-knit that the tense of the said Majorana-Weyl-Covariance is -- the lower that the tense of the correlative Noether Current tends to be.  Likewise, the looser-knit that the tense of the said Majorana-Weyl-Covariance is -- the higher that the tense of the correlative Noether Current tends to be.  The lower that the Noether Current is, the slower that the directly corresponding velocity of the correlative orbifold eigenset tends to be.  The higher that the Noether Current is, the faster that the directly corresponding velocity of the correlative orbifold eigenset tends to be.
Lots from there.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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