Thursday, June 30, 2016
The process by which charges are enacted upon each other, may be thought of as what magnetism is. The reason as to why there are torsional eigenindices, that are delineated by the activity of the eigenstates of the multiplicit centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- is because of the constant need for the continued tying and retying of mini-stringular segmentation, that is necessary to happen, in order so that the continued delineations and re-delineations of discrete quanta of energy, are to be able to both happen and to be able to transfer across space as well, over time. Sorry for today's brevity. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
4:30 PM
centralized knotting,
Rarita Structure,

Wednesday, June 29, 2016
What Charges Are
Charges are when eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, work to bear torsional eigenindices -- that may in one general multiplicit instance, have either the Laplacian-based tendency and/or the Fourier-based tendency, of pushing themselves into external phenomenology, via the multiplicit pulsation of the coiling activity of mini-stringular segmentation (relative negative charges), or, when eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, work to bear torsional eigenindices -- that may in one general multiplicit instance, have either the Laplacian-based tendency and/or the Fourier-based tendency, of pushing external phenomenology upon themselves, via the multiplicit pulsation of the coiling activity of mini-stringular segmentation (relative positive charges).
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Davie Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Davie Roach.
Posted by
12:33 PM
centralized knotting,
Rarita Structure,

Charge And Mini-Stringular Delineations
A physical charge, is when there is a multiplicit substringular mini-stringular segmentation-based activity -- that works to cause one given arbitrary set of one or more orbifold eigensets, to have a tendency to be drawn to another set of one or more orbifold eigensets.
A substringular kinematic activity that pushes a respective given arbitrary set of one or more orbifold eigensets, in a cross-product-based manner-- into another respective given arbitrary set of one or more orbifold eigensets -- as this is taken at a level that is Poincare to the Ward-Caucy Gliosis-based field that is of the initially said set of one or more orbifold eigensets that I have eluded-to at the beginning of this sentence, that are to here be drawn relatively inward -- is what may be thought of as a negative charge. A substringular kinematic activity of one or more sets of orbifold eigensets -- that work to bear a tendency of being pushed into, by the kinematic activity of a functional Hamiltonian operation -- that acts in a dot-product manner, by another set of one or more sets of orbifold eigensets -- at a level that is Poincare to the Ward-Caucy Gliosis-based field, that is of the initially stated set of one or more orbifold eigensets that I have eluded-to at the beginning of this sentence -- is what may be thought of as a positive charge.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
A substringular kinematic activity that pushes a respective given arbitrary set of one or more orbifold eigensets, in a cross-product-based manner-- into another respective given arbitrary set of one or more orbifold eigensets -- as this is taken at a level that is Poincare to the Ward-Caucy Gliosis-based field that is of the initially said set of one or more orbifold eigensets that I have eluded-to at the beginning of this sentence, that are to here be drawn relatively inward -- is what may be thought of as a negative charge. A substringular kinematic activity of one or more sets of orbifold eigensets -- that work to bear a tendency of being pushed into, by the kinematic activity of a functional Hamiltonian operation -- that acts in a dot-product manner, by another set of one or more sets of orbifold eigensets -- at a level that is Poincare to the Ward-Caucy Gliosis-based field, that is of the initially stated set of one or more orbifold eigensets that I have eluded-to at the beginning of this sentence -- is what may be thought of as a positive charge.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:33 PM
orbifold eigensets,

Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Immediate Orphoganal Spin-Orbital Shift
Let us consider here, an initial substringular condition of one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- in which it is to exist here as a sphere, that is to be in a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, that is at the Poincare level to the topological holonomic substrate-based surface, that is Gliosis to the so-stated spherical orbifold eigenset that I am here discussing in this respective case. Let us next consider that the said spherical orbifold eigenset of such a given arbitrary case, is to bear a relatively Laplacian-based spin-orbital mode -- which is, as well, at the Poincare level to the topological holonomic substrate-based surface that is Gliosis to the so-stated spherical orbifold eigenset, that I am here discussing in this respective case. Let us say, that the said eigenset is to also be traveling -- in what is now to be of a transversel manner, of which is initially, from this point -- going through a Hamiltonian operand that is of a unitary mean Lagrangian path, over a directly corresponding Fourier Transformation that is to take place here -- over a sequential series of group-related instantons. Now let's say that, "out of the blue" -- that there is an immediate re-translation of the spin-orbital eigenindices, that are most Yukawa to the initial tense of the given arbitrary spin-orbital mode, that is of the respective orbifold eigenset -- by which the delineatory-based transference of the spin that is to then be conveyed by the so-eluded-to translation of the propagation of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, is to immediately become orphoganal to the initial tense that the said eigenset was to have earlier been delineated as. This Ward-based polarization of the delineatory eigenindex of the spin-orbital translation, that is of the so-stated orbifold eigenset of this case, will almost assuredly work to form one or more sets of metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities. There would also, as well, be a tendency to an extent, of what would here be the formation of at least one Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, that would then be caused by the sudden metrical-based spur -- at the locus to where the immediate polarization of the spin-orbital eigenindex was to the be formed at. If and when such a so-eluded-to Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, is to then be formed -- by the Fourier-based translation of such a given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset -- this will then tend to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition. When an antiholomorphic Kahler condition is to be formed -- this will the tend to form what may be called a Kahler-Metric.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:45 AM
orbifold eigenset,

Monday, June 27, 2016
Torsional Perturbation Of Interior Surface
Let us consider an initial Ward-Caucy-based substringular condition, that is of two directly corresponding interdependent orbifold eigensets. One of these said orbifold eigensets, is here to be basically of a shell-like morphology. The other of these said orbifold eigensets, is here to be basically morphology of a Minkowski--based surface -- that is to be subtended in this case, in-between the outer part of the interior of the so-stated initially described of the two said orbifold eigensets, that are of such a given arbitrary case scenario. Let us consider that, at the initial instant under consideration, that the interior so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset of such a case -- is to be of a relatively completely flat-based nature -- for all practical purposes. Let us say that both of the said orbifold eigensets of such a case, is to initially be in a Ward-Caucy-based condition of a tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance. Let us next consider that, over the now ensuing sequential series of group-related instantons that are to now occur right after the initial so-stated moment of consideration, -- that the internally-based positioned orbifold eigenset of such a case, is to torsion upward in a gradual manner, without going beyond the resonance capacity of both the fractal modulus and the elastic modulus of the so-stated internally positioned orbifold eigenset. As the Stoke's-based Minkowski surface -- that is here to be of the internally positioned orbifold eigenset, is to gradually torsion upward in a concave-down manner over a relatively transient duration of time -- the overall interdependent integration of the two so-eluded-to orbifold eigensets is to be put into an acceleration that is to then be directed into what is here to be in the relative norm-to-holomorphic-based Lagrangian path of its eigenindices, as these said eigenindices work together, in so as to work to form such a so-stated substringular acceleration. Once that both the fractal modulus and the elastic modulus of the Minkowski-based flat space, that is directly pertinent to the torsioning of the said internally positioned orbifold eigenset -- is maximized without any spontaneous resonation -- the torsioning of the internal given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of such a case, is to reverse in the holomorphicity of its eigenindices, -- to where the so-stated Stoke's related surface is then to gradually go from a fully concave down manner toward gradually going into a fully a fully concave-up manner, over a sequential series of instantons. As this is happening -- the overall interdependent set of the two so-stated orbifold eigensets, is to then accelerate into what would then be in the relative reverse-norm-to holomorphic direction. This will then tend to happen --until the torsioning of the directly corresponding eigenindices of the internally positioned orbifold eigenset -- are just about to the point of going into a state of both breaking both their fractal and elastic modulae, as well as going to the extent of just about physically resonating. I will continue with the suspense later!
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:01 PM
orbifold eigensets,

Wednesday, June 22, 2016
More Ideas As To Modulae
When the Ricci Field works to bear a high scalar amplitude of vibrational oscillations, that may be more attributed to the effectual vibration of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and their correlative substringular counterparts -- than of the discrete quanta of energy impedance, the initially mentioned phenomenology of this case scenario of which would here work to imbue upon the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates -- this would tend to work to form more of a tendency of working to form the characteristics of a tense of a fractal modulae than of an elastic modulae, at the proximal localized so-stated Ricci Field of the correlative substringular neighborhood. This may then be reverse fractaled to a tense of a directly associated magnetic field. For example, ferrous phenomenology tends to be highly magnetic, and as well, ferrous phenomenology tends to bear a multiplicit tense of working to bear a relatively high fractal modulus. This is more related to a bearing of having to do to a tense of a spin-orbital momentum than of a tense of an angular momentum -- at the so-stated extrapolation that would here be traceable to a state that would here be of a reverse fractaled tense from the Ward-Caucy conditions of an orbifold eigenset. When the Ricci Field works to bear a high scalar amplitude of vibrational oscillations, that may be more attributed to the effectual vibration of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates of discrete energy impedance and their correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- than of discrete quanta of energy permittivity, the initially mentioned phenomenology of this case scenario of which would here work to imbue upon the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates -- this would here tend to work to form more of a tendency of working to form the characteristics of a tense of an elastsic modulae, at the proximal localized so-stated Ricci Field of the correlative substringular neighborhood. This may then be reverse fractaled to a tense of a directly associated electric field. For example, water tends to bear a relative high potential for allowing for the Fourier-based activity of both amperage and current. This works to indicate that amperage is more easily conducted through water than a lot of other relatively macroscopic phenomenology that may be thought of. This is more related to a bearing of having to do to a tense of angular momentum than of a tense of spin-orbital momentum -- at the so-stated extrapolation, that would here be traceable to a state that would here be of reverse fractaled tense from the Ward-Caucy conditions of an orbifold eigenset.
Posted by
12:59 PM
electric field,
orbifold eigenset,
Rarita Structure,
Ricci Field,

What Helps To Form Modulae
Let us initially consider a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- when this is taken in terms of both its fractal modulus and its elastic modulus. Determine what works at the substringular level, to help at both the formation of the respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset's fractal modulus, as well as workling to help in the formation of its elastic modulus. As an aside, let us think about the general Ward-Caucy-based conditions -- as to the relative Laplacian-based nature (which may also here be thought of as a tightly-knit Fourier-based set of conditions, that exist during the individually taken gauge-metrics during a group-related instanton) of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, as well as the conditions of those second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- as these are to here exist during the tightly-knit Fourier-based conditions (or, the relatively loose correlative Laplacian-based nature), that are to exist over the self-same duration of group-related instanton, -- as the so-stated superstrings and their substringular counterparts work to form vibrational oscillations at their delineatory placements during BRST, which is during the same general state of that gauge-metrical activity that is to happen, as the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are "plucked" like a harp by their correlative gauge-boson eigenstates -- in so as to form the correlative Schwinger-Indices. Both the vibrational oscillations of discrete energy permittivity, and the Fourier-related delineation and distribution of Schwinger-Indices -- are kinematically drawn along the directly corresponding Rarita Structure -- in so as to help to form that interdependent activity by which the Rarita Structure is to both form and implement the general proximal localized Ricci Field -- in so as to work to form those inter-connections that are to here exist between discrete quanta of energy and the activity of both gravitons anf gravitinos, over the course of a sequential series of group-related instantons. For an orbifold eigsenset -- when there is a relatively high scalar amplitude of the immediate resultant of the vibrational oscillations of both superstrings and their correlative superstringular counterstrings, which are the quantum increments of discrete energy permittivity, upon the kinematic translation of wave-like activity along the Rarita Structure -- upon the correlative Ricci Field, then, this will then tend to be an indication as to the existence of a relatively high scalar amplitude of what would here tend to be the bearings of a discrete operation of a fractal modulus. Yet, for an orbifold eigenset -- when there is a relatively high scalar amplitude of the immediate resultant of the vibrational oscillations of Schwinger-Indices, which would thereby be more pertinent to the workings of the correlative discrete energy impedance upon the kinematic translation of wave-like activity along the Rarita Structure upon the correlative Ricci Field, then, this will tend to be the bearings of a discrete operation of an elastic modulus. The denser the activity of a given arbitrary tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode tends to be -- the higher that the tendency is to that either the fractal modulus and/or the elastic modulus of an orbifold will tend to be, on account of this. The less dense that the activity of a given arbitrary tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode tends to be -- the lower that the tendency is to that either the fractal modulus and/or the elastic modulus tends to be.
Later, I will convey as to how both fractal and elastic modulae are formed, at more of a reverse "fractal" of physical phenomenology -- or, in other words, I will later convey as to how both fractal and elastic modulae are formed at more of a "macroscopic" level.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Later, I will convey as to how both fractal and elastic modulae are formed, at more of a reverse "fractal" of physical phenomenology -- or, in other words, I will later convey as to how both fractal and elastic modulae are formed at more of a "macroscopic" level.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:59 PM
orbifold eigensets,
Rarita Structure,
Ricci Scalar,

Monday, June 20, 2016
Some Info As To Modulae
If a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is of both a homogeneous-related radial-shaped high fractal tense of its respective given arbitrary moudulae, yet, to where this said eigenset will simultaneously have both a relatively homogeneous but low elastic tense of its modulae -- to where the directly corresponding Ward-Caucy barrier of the correlative quantum well in which the said eigenset is to strike, is to have both a homogeneous-related high elastic tense of its module, yet to where this said Ward-Caucy-related physical boundary is to instead bear a relatively low tense of its fractal modulae, -- then, this is the general genus of such a case, to where the contact of the so-stated orbifold eigenset with one of the two ends of the Ward-Caucy-related barrier of the said semi-infinite quantum well, -- will tend to cause most of the Hamiltonian pulsation, that is of the initially accelerating orbifold eigenset, to be absorbed by the holonomic substrate of the correlative end of the wall of the said semi-infinite quantum well, whereby there will also be a tendency here, as to that the said physical barrier of such a so-stated quantum well -- will then tend to not resonate --when this is to be considered at relatively low rates of the directly corresponding variable Noether Current. Think of a baseball that is to strike a very padded wall, as a Metaphorical Example.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
4:56 PM
holonomic substrate,
Noether current,
orbifold eigenset,
quantum well,

More As To Internal Quantum Well Boundaries
The case that I am discussing in both of today's posts, is if the Hamiltonian operation of the motion of the here respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- forms such a cross between a fractal modulus and an elastic modulus, that is to strike a physical boundary that forms such a cross between a fractal modulus and an elastic modulus, to where most of the Hamiltonian pulsation of that orbifold egienset that is to here act in so as to strike the so-stated physical boundary -- is to be absorbed by the said boundary, yet, without resonating the selfsame mentioned boundary. Just as the respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset that I had mentioned in my last post (as to an orbifold eigenset that is reverberating in a semi-infinite quantum well), has struck one of the two ends of the so-eluded-to quantum well -- when this is taken at one of the individually taken ends -- the immediately prior loosened tense of its directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Covariant-Mode, is to then be spontaneously tightened to the extent that it was at, at the initially so-eluded-to instant under consideration, right before the so-stated orbifold eigenset was to accelerate from one end of the said semi-infinite quantum well to the other end of the selfsame quantum well. This reiterative process is what helps the Noether Current of the said orbifold eigenset to slow back down to its initial rate of translation, at either of the two ends of the so-stated semi-infinite quantum well, as "well" as working to bring the velocity of the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset to go back down to its initial rate that I had eluded-to at the start of my last post -- in such a manner to where the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset is to accelerate from one end of the so-eluded-to Ward-Caucy boundary to the other, while then the selfsame said eigenset is to then be slowed back to its initial rate of propagation when it is to strike the other end of the said semi-infinite quantum well, -- while then the so-stated eigenset is to accelerate back to the rate of propagation that it had at the second so-mentioned end of the said Ward-Caucy end of the said quantum well, while then it is to be slowed back down to its initial rate of propagation that it had initially had, at that general Ward-Caucy-based end of the selfsame quantum well... to where this is to form an iterative process, that may be thought of as a reverberating eigenstate that is happening in a semi-infinite quantum well.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.
Posted by
3:17 PM
Noether current,
orbifold eigenset,
quantum well,

Noether-Based Reverberation
How about if we chose the initial conditions of one respsective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, to be of an accelerating nature -- as it is gradually increasing in its Noether Current, which is as the directly corresponding tense of its correlative Majorana-Weyl-Covariance is to here, as well, be going through a Ward-Caucy-based tense of a correlative gradual state of a gradual loosening of the directly corresponding cohomological inhibition of the said orbifold eigenset. This orbifold eigenset is to act as if it is of the conformally invariant condition of the integrative Hodge-based Fourier-related behavior, that is of those eigenindices that are to work here as the resultant metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operation, that is of the Gliosis-based interdependent group-field of the correlative sum of the discrete quanta of energy that has then come together -- in so as to work to form the directly associated group of superstrings of such a given arbitrary respective case scenario. This happens in so as to operate, to help form one overall group-related function. Let us next consider, that, after a relatively transient set of a sequential series of group-related instantons, that the so-stated orbifold eigenset of this case, is to make a Gliosis-based contact with an external field -- to where the said eigenset is to then act in such a manner, in so as to reverberate back into the opposite direction that it was initially traveling through. Let us say, that upon the immediate Yukawa-based contact of the so-stated orbifold eigenset with the said external field, that this so-stated field will then work here as a barrier -- that is phenotypically to remain relatively stationary upon contact, to where it may be deemed that both the directoral-based topological sway, and also the directoral-based sum of both the angular momentum and the spin-orbital momentum of each of the individually taken discrete quanta of energy -- that work here, in so as to help to form the behavior of that tense of the respective given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Covariant-Mode, to where the correlative orbifold eigenset is to reverse in direction, via the reformation of its operational indices --to where those respective functional operations, that had worked to initially helped to form the Ward-Caucy conditions that had initially worked to form the initial so-stated Noether Current, is to then be reversed in its course of action, yet, with both an identical reverse-holomorphic topological wave-tug/wave-push, as well as being drawn into the same course of the gradual loosening of the respective tenses of its correlative Majorana-Weyl-Covariance. This will then work to form a gradual increase in the directly associated Noether Current, -- yet both from the opposite end of the directly affiliated and so-eluded-to semi-infinite Real Reimmanian quantum well, as "well" as then working to help to cause the then accelerating orbifold eigenset, to then go from the initial rate that the said eigenset had been initially extrapolated at as, although in this case when going from the relatively opposite end of the quantum well, towards the relatively initial end of the said quantum well. After the said orbifold eigenset is to susequently strike the initially so-eluded-to end of the quantum well -- which was that extrapolated end to where such a case was to have its initial instant under consideration at -- to where this whole process is to then reiterate. One may then call such an iterative process -- a Noether-based reverberation.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
1:03 PM
Noether current,

Saturday, June 18, 2016
Cyclic Perturbations Of Noether Current
Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset that goes from a tense of acceleration to a tense of deceleration, back to a tense of acceleration, and so on -- in such a manner to where the then apparent tendency of one going from a tense of acceleration to a tense of deceleration and back, is to be cyclical as well -- when this is taken in terms of the gradual process of going from an increase in the scalar amplitude of the velocity of the said arbitrary eigenset, into the gradual decrease in the scalar amplitude of the velocity of the said orbifold eigenset, and back. So, the initial Ward-Caucy condition of the so-stated orbifold eigenset is in a state, to where the said eigenset is traveling at a respective given arbitrary rate. The respective direction of the so-stated orbifold eigenset is through a constant unitary Lagrangian, via a Hamiltonian operand -- that works to bear no abrasion of tensoric-affiliated topological sway. The so-mentioned eigenset is to then accelerate relatively smoothly, up to a specific given arbitrary maximum velocity, while then decelerating relatively smoothly back down to the initially extrapolated velocity that works to bear its directoral-based translation -- as a disturbance in space-time-fabric that is being pushed ahead further and further through the so-stated progressive unitary Lagrangian. As the so-stated cyclical-based perturbative-related tense of a Fourier differentiation, works to push the so-stated orbifold eigenset further and further along the same directoral-based Lagrangian -- both the Hodge-Indices of the holonomic substrate of the here given arbitrary retentive metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian resultant -- that is successively indistinguishably different, and also the tense of the kinematic behavior of those eigenindices that work to comprise the so-eluded-to composite of the said resultant Hodge-Indices, is to here work to bear a constant succession of gauge-metrical cyclical operational functioning -- to where the chain of activities that is to here, be of the kinematic translation as to the qualitative functioning that works to form the cyclical tense of that behavior that is directly associated with the cyclical perturbation of the tense of the Majorana-Weyl-Covariance, that is of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, to where this is to repeat back-and-forth in this case, as if it were an eigenstate that is to repeat in a relatively deep Njenhuis quantum-associated "well." (The relative "sides" of the orbifold egienset's flow is contained.) As the tense of the said Majorana-Weyl-Covariance is to fluctuate relatively smoothly, the correlative tense of the directly related Noether Current is to fluctuate relatively smoothly as well. As this is happening, the tense of the related covariance is to then go form a relative loosening upon the eigenindices of its Hodge-Indices, into a relative tightening upon the eigenindices of its Hodge-Indices. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
3:51 PM
Hamiltonian orbifold eigensets,
holonomic substrate,
topological sway

Friday, June 17, 2016
Point Particle Diameter
Aside from what may happen due to both the indistinguishable replacement of the sub-mini-stringular allotment of the holonomic substrate of point particles, and also, aside from what may happen due to that fraying that may happen to the Fourier-based activity that happens often with the interaction of black-holes with point particles as well, a first-ordered point particle always has the diameter of a first-ordered point particle (10^(-86m)), a second-ordered point particle always has the diameter of a second-ordered point particle (10^(-129m)), and a third-ordered point particle always has the diameter of a third-ordered point particle (10^(-387m)). Still, the scalar amplitude as the degree of the decompactification of a first-ordered point particle that works to comprise the Laplacian-based Ward-Neumman conditions of those first-ordered point particles that make-up the immediate topology of a superstring of discrete energy permittiviy, is of a factor of two, and, the scalar amplitude of the degree of the decompactification of a first-ordered point particle that works to comprise the make-up of the immediate topology of a point commutator -- is anywhere from a factor of just over two, to a factor of ten-thousand. Point particles are diameter dependent -- as a contra-distinguishable condition that is often related to much larger phenomenology, which tend to be radially dependent instead.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
6:46 PM
Fourier-based activity,
holonomic substrate,
point commutators,
point particles,
scalar amplitude

Thursday, June 16, 2016
Noether Current And Acceleration
Let us consider an initial situation, as to a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- that is to have one respective given arbitrary Hodge-Index as to the quanta of discrete energy that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset. Let us say that the said eigenset is to be of a Calabi-Yau nature. This would then mean that the so-stated orbifold eigenset would be of a mass-bearing Ward-Caucy-based condition. The said eigenset is here to maintain the so-eluded-to tense of its Hodge-based indices, as well as its other general features, over the course of what is to here happen. Let us say that the said respective tense of the condition, as to the Majorana-Weyl-Covariant-based mode of the said eigenset, is to gradual loosen -- as the orbifold of such a case is to respectively and consequently increase in its rate of transference, from one given spot to another. This would then mean that the directly corresponding Noether Current is to gradually increase, as the correlative tense of its directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Covariance is gradually loosened. It is this just mentioned general course of Fourier-based activity, that works to accelerate the so-stated orbifold eigenset. As the so-eluded-to Calabi-Yau-related mass-bearing entity is to decrease in its cohomological-based inhibition -- its Majorana-Weyl-Covariance is to decrease in its scalar amplitude, and consequently, both the scalar amplitude of the correlative Noether Current of the said orbifold eigenset is to increase, and the velocity of the correlative orbifold eigenset is to increase as well -- which would here work to accelerate the so-stated respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, over its correlative group-metric.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
8:26 AM
Noether current,
orbifold eigenset

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Noether Current And Velocity
When one is to have one given arbitrary combination of discrete quanta of energy, to be put together in one respective given arbitrary spatial arrangement -- with the proscribed Hodge-Indices as to the quantity of both the one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity with their correlative substringular counterparts and the two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity with their correlative substringular counterparts, that help to work to make-up the physical composition of one respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, as well as with the proscribed Hodge-Indices as to the quantity of both the respective and the correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates and the respective and the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that work to form the discrete energy impedance that acts in so as to help make-up the physical composition of one respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- then, one is to have the general format as to what the holonomic substrate of the phenomenology that you are looking for is. If such a substringular arrangement is in such a position, in so as to exhibit one specific given arbitrary tense of Majorana-Weyl-Covariance -- to where this is to work to form a specific effectual Noether Current that bears a resultant topological sway in one given arbitrary directoral-based translation, and if the tense of the vibration of the directly affiliated superstrins is to be of a Calabi-Yau-based nature, in so as to work at helping to form a Calabi-Yau manifold, then, this just described substringular arrangement will tend to form a respective given arbitrary mass, that will work to bear a velocity that will go in the direction of the directoral-based propagation that is of a state of optimum rest, -- for the so-eluded-to composite mass of the so-eluded-to substringular entity of such a case scenario. To the extent of the lack of cohomological-based inhibition that the just described substringular entity is to have, on account of a respectively loosened tense of the correlative Majorana-Weyl-Covariance, -- the greater that the tendency will be, as to either the scalar amplitude and/or the scalar magnitude of the here directly pertinent Noether Current will be. The greater that the Noether Current is, per the directly associated amount of substringular phenomenology that is to be transferred from one spot to another, the greater that the velocity of such a substringular phenomenology will then tend to be. So if two different orbifold eigensets are to work to bear two different quanta of Hodge-based indices, yet are to still bear the same eigenbase of Noether Current, in such a manner in so as to both be moving in the same Ward-Caucy-based directoralization of topological sway at the same time, via the vantage-point of a central conipoint -- then, that respective orbifold eigenset of such a case, that is to bear the smaller of the two so-eluded-to sets of Hodge-based indices, will then tend to travel at a faster velocity, over the directly associated group-metric that works to inter-bind the two said orbifold eiegnsets in both a codeterminable, a codifferentiable, and in a covariant manner, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:50 PM
Noether current,
orbifold eigensets,

Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Internal Conformal Invariance
Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset, that is moving at a constant rate in a constant direction in the substringular. Let us consider that the said orbifold eigenset is comprised in part by internal orbifolds, that exist in a tense of conformal invariance from within the Ward-Caucy-based bounds of the so-stated orbifold eigenset. On account of this, the internal conditions of the interior-mentioned orbifolds that are here to be undergoing the so-stated tense of conformal invariance, is of a state of proximal localized Majorana-Weyl-Invariance. This means that the external state of the overall orbifold eigenset -- that is moving in a Fourier-based manner as a metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator, has a significantly looser tense of Majorana-Weyl-Covariance than that tense of Majorana-Weyl-Covariance that is to, instead, be present in this case for the specific Ward-Caucy-based conditions -- that are of the internally stated set of orbifolds, that are in a Fourier-based state of conformal invariance. This would then mean that the external reference frame of the said orbifold eigenset, that was initially mentioned, will tend to work to bear a relatively constant scalar amplitude of an effectual Noether Current, while the internal reference frame of the so-mentioned orbifolds that are to be to the interior of the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said overall orbifold eigenset, will work to bear a resultant tense of static equilibrium. This state of static equilibrium will work to bear no net ulterior condition of an effectual Noether Current. This would then mean that the overall orbifold eigenset that is here of a Calabi-Yau-related manifold, that works here to form a cohomology that acts as a GSO cohomological-based tracing -- will then tend to form a tendency, to where the resulting delineated ghost-based pattern will then tend to be of a hermitian Rham-based nature, that will then tend to propagate its directly affiliated mappable tracing as a metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian pulsation, while the relatively internal reference frame that is of a relatively conformally invariant-based nature, will tend to have more of a tendency of working to form vibrational-based cohomological-based indices -- that will work here to bear either metrical and/or Lagrangian-based spurs. The so-stated hermitian-based cohomology that is to here to be formed, is as to when this is taken in terms of the respective resultant hermitian singularities that are then to tend to be formed by the overall orbifold eigenset that I have mentioned, and the subsequently respective resultant Chern-Simons singularities are then to tend to be formed by the internally so-stated orbifolds, that are to iterate as a reference frame that is to here be from within the interior of the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said overall orbifold eigenset.
Posted by
1:00 PM
GSO ghosts,
Noether current,
orbifold eigensets,

Accelerating Orbifold Eigensets
If any given arbitrary Calabi-Yau-based orbifold eigenset is to be moving at a constant Ward-Caucy-based velocity over time, then the resulting GSO ghosts that are to then be formed by the so-stated orbifold eigenset will then tend to bear at least a transient tense of a Rham-based cohomology. Yet, if the same said Calabi-Yau-based orbifold eigenset is to accelerate in the course of its translation from one spot in the substringular to the next, then the resulting GSO ghosts that are then to be formed will tend to form at least some metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities -- which will thereby tend to form at least a transient tense of a Doubolt cohomology, over the so-eluded-to group-metric that is to be associated with this.
To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
8:38 AM
orbifold eigenset,

Exterior-Based Noether Currents
Let us say that one were to have a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset that was vibrating at one general spot, while it is as well remaining relatively still in a state of conformal invariance -- while, there are here to be certain individually taken orbifolds, that are to then exist from within the premises of the initially so-stated orbifold eigenset, that are definitively moving around from within the Ward-Caucy bounds of the relatively steady-stated externally-based orbifold eigenset-based reference frame of such a respective given arbitrary case scenario. Since the externally mentioned reference frame -- being the said orbifold eigenset that is relatively stationary, is in a tense of conformal invariance, it is to here bear a Noether Current that works in such a cyclical-based manner -- to where the velocity of the so-stated reference frames as to being of the orbifold eigenset, may be equated to be at roughly zero, when in terms of the said external reference frame to here be staying from within an allotted specific zone of a vibratory tense of spatial parameters, over the directly affiliated group-metric of such a case. Yet, since the orbifolds that are to here exist in a Fourier-based manner from within the said orbifold eigenset, are to here work to bear a definitive velocity during the so-eluded-to directly affiliated group-metric -- the individually taken orbifold eigensets that are to here be moving in both a definitive transversal and in a definitive radial-based manner over time, are to here bear a definitive Ward-based velocity, and thus, such so-stated internally-based orbifolds are to then bear such a relatively looser tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Covariance, to where such internally-based orbifolds are then to act in such a manner in so as to have a certain tense of a Noether-based current.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.
Posted by
6:51 AM
Noether current,
orbifold eigensets,
reference frames,

Sunday, June 12, 2016
Noether Current Versus Substringular Velociy
Let us consider two different respective given arbitrary orbifold eigensets, that are both traveling at the same relativistic velocity -- simultaneously, via the vantage-point of a central conipoint. One of the two different respective orbifold eigensets is comprised of a relatively higher Hodge-Index -- as to the amount of phenomenology that it is "carrying along," while the other of the two different respective orbifold eigensets is comprised of a relatively lower Hodge-Index -- as to the amount of phenomenology that it is "carrying along." The first of such mentioned orbifold eigensets -- that works to be the composite of more discrete quanta of energy -- will tend to bear a higher Noether Current, than the other of such orbifold eigensets -- in order to be able to translate that said greater quantity of discrete energy-based phenomenology at the same rate as the other said orbifold eigenset. That "boils" down, to that -- if a larger phenomenon is to travel at the same rate as a smaller phenomenon -- it will tend to take more thrust in order to work to cause the larger of the so-eluded-to entities to move at the same rate as the smaller of the so-eluded-to entities.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
4:31 PM
Noether current,
orbifold eigensets,

Reference Frames Of Noether Current
Let us initially consider a set of orbifold eigensets, that exist from within the internal framework of one unique substringular tense of Ward-Neumman-based conditions. Let us say that each of the individually taken orbifold eigensets, that are to exist from within the said tense of Ward-Neumman conditions -- was to be traveling at the same relativistic speed -- yet, with each of such individually taken orbifold eigensets of such a case, being in such a Fourier-based manner -- in so as to each be moving in both a different directoral-based sense of angular momentum, as well as in a different directroral-based sense of spin-orbital momentum -- as each of such so-stated orbifold eigensets of such a case are here to act as different unique metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operators, that are here to be in a constant state of a Fourier-based motion, during that group-metric in which such a case is to here be considered. This would then mean, that with each of such individually taken orbifold eigensets of such a respective given arbitrary case scenario, that the resultant of the velocity of each of the individually taken discrete quanta of energy that work to comprise each of such orbifold eigensets, with the Fourier-based interaction of the kinematic motion of the said orbifold eigensets with each of the respective directly corresponding tenses of their correlative Majorana-Weyl-Covariance -- will then work to form the Noether-based current of each of the respective given arbitrary orbifold eigensets. So, even though the Noether Current of the individually taken orbifold eigensets of such a case, may not be identical -- the resultant interaction of each of the directly corresponding eigenstates of Noether Current for each of such orbifold eigensets, with both the Hodge-Index of the overall Hamiltonian operators of each of the individually taken said eigensets -- as well as the gauge-metrical tense of the angling of such a kinematic wave-push/wave-tug, that is set upon each of the so-stated orbifold eigensets -- will then work to form the speed of each of the said unique said eigensets. The combination of the speed of each of the so-stated orbifold eigensets with the Ward-Caucy-based directoral wave-tug in which each of such orbifold eigensets is to be brought into, works to form the tensoric tense of the velocity of each of such so-stated eigensets.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
3:52 PM
Noether current,
orbifold eigenset,

Saturday, June 11, 2016
A Continuation As To Noether Current Versus Relativity
What I just elaborated in the last post that I have just recently published, is due to the condition -- that, in general, the decompactification of a Calabi-Yau manifold into a Calabi-Wilson-Gordan manifold, works to square the Hodge-based index of the effect of that decompactification of spatial dimensions, -- that happens when a mass-bearing manifold is to convert into more of a kinetic energy-based manifold, to where the bosonic nature of the mass-bearing strings of an orbifold eigenset are to invert into a larger number of fermionic strings of a kinetic-based nature -- in proportion with that increase in the Noether Current that is succinct with that increase in the delineatory index of the said orbifold eigenset, that we would call an increase in velocity. This is primarily based upon the general template of a cohomological-based condition, that is of a ghost-based pattern, that works to bear no Rham-based ghost inhibitors -- to where the Majorana-Weyl-Covariant-Mode is basically ineffectual upon the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset, that are of such a given arbitrary case scenario.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:22 PM
Noether current,
orbifold eigenset,
Rham-based ghost inhibitors,

More As To Relativity Versus Noether Current
A mass is a discrete quantum of certain substringular Hodge-based indices, that work to inter-relate a respective given arbitrary quantity of the holonomic substrate of a Ward-Caucy-based condition -- that is of a set of one or more proximal localized cites, that are of the centralized knotting of a set of one or more Rarita Structure eigenstates -- that, when this is coupled with the Fourier-based activity of the force of gravity in general, this works to form that condition that one could call weight. The increased or decreased thrust of an orbifold eigenset, is directly associated with the respective loosening or tightening of the correlative given arbitrary condition of the here proximal local tense of the Majorana-Weyl-Covariance, that is of the correlative specific substringular cite of such a respective region. As a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset of discrete energy permittivity is to move, via a general directoral-based Lagrangian path -- through a correlative Hamiltonian operand, the resulting speed in a direction of the here pertinent orbifold eigenset, or, in other words, the resultant sequential series of the so-eluded-to delineation-based kinematic activity of the said orbifold eigenset -- as it is being translated spatially via the directly corresponding respective flow of its effective Noether Current -- will tend to form open-looped fermionic superstrings of discrete plain kinetic energy, in general, to the square of the resultant effect of the delineatory index, that is of the so-stated orbifold eigenset -- in its resultant directoral-based wave-tug/wave-push, that is Yukawa upon the Ricci Scalar, as the mass that is moving, is to bear its effect of its centralized knotting, that is upon the here local and pertinent eigenstates of the Rarita Structure.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
9:54 AM
Hodge-based indices,
orbifold eigenset,
Rarita Structure,
Ricci Scalar,

Thursday, June 9, 2016
The Noether Current And The Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter Mode
The inter-relationship of a mass-bearing superstring, to the Ante-De-Siter/De-Sitter tense of the centralized knotting of an eigenstate of the Rarita Structure -- when such an inter-relationship is unloosed, from the pretense of the bosonic nature of a mass-bearing string to the pretense of a fermionic string of plain kinetic energy -- is analogous but different from an inverse relation of the Green Function via the Fujikawa Coupling. A bosonic mass-bearing string may be inverted into the square of the directly pertinent centralized knotting of the correlative Rarita Structure eigenbase -- as it is unlooped into a set of fermionic strings of plain kinetic energy. For every eigenstate of the Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter effect, that is viable in a given arbitrary respective locally proximal substringular region -- that is Yukawa upon an eigenstate of a Calabi-Yau-based index that exists in the substringular, there is the tendency of there being a potential of up to a total of 9*10^16 times as many open-loop-based energy quanta that are rippled through the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstate, of this given respective case scenario.
Posted by
12:38 PM
Fujikawa Coupling,
Green function,
Rarita Structure,

Wednesday, June 8, 2016
As To Noether Current And Relative Velocities
Since the superstrings that work to comprise one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, tend to be set in such a manner, in so as to conform to the same tense of a delineatory index -- such discrete quanta of energy permittivity are then to be set to conform to the same tense of one specific velocity, since any of such a respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is a set of one or more discrete quanta of energy that operate in so as to perform one specific given function. Since all of the superstrings and their correlative substringular counterparts, that work to make the phenomenology of the holonomic substrate of one said orbifold eigenset, are all traveling in such a manner -- in so as to work to produce an effect that is to conform to basically the same general velocity -- as these are all operational as a group, all of both of the directly corresponding superstrings and their correlative superstringular counterparts,that are of such a respective case, will then work to bear a resulting similar tense of both the same general scalar magnitude of Lorentz-Four-Contraction, as well as then working to bear the same general scalar magnitude of the directly corresponding Polyakov Action eigenstate. This would then mean that all of the superstrings that work to help comprise one given orbifold eigenset, will bear one specific Noether Current -- that is to then be viable upon the delineatory index, that is correlative to the Fourier-based translation of one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is here to be moving at a constant rate, in what is to then be exhibited in one specific tense of scalar amplitude or in one specific tense of scalar magnitude, -- over a directly corresponding sequential series of group-related instantons. On this account, as the Noether Current of one orbifold eigenset is to be held constant -- then, the resultant velocity of the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset, will then be able to be extrapolated as being as well, held constant. When there is an external Fourier-based action, that is to bear a Yukawa Coupling upon any given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset -- this will tend to work to alter the Noether Current that is to then be exhibited by the correlative orbifold eigenset. As the Noether Current of any of such a given respective orbifold eigenset is to then be altered -- then, this will tend to alter the Hamiltonian-based velocity of the said given arbitrary orbifold eigenset. So, as the tense of the scalar amplitude of the Majorana-Weyl-Covariance of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is either to be loosened or tightened in two different reference frames that are of both a mutually covariant and of a euclidean-based nature, over time -- this will tend to cause a respective acceleration or deceleration of the Noether Curent of the so-stated orbifold eiegenset. As the said orbifold eigenset is either being accelerated or decelerated, over time -- the relative velocity of the so-stated orbifold eigenset is to then tend to be respectively accelerated or decelerated, over the said period of time of such a respective case.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:48 PM
Noether current,
orbifold eigenset,

Tuesday, June 7, 2016
As To Noether Currents, In General
When a tense of a given arbitrary Ward-Caucy state of a set of conditions, that may work here to describe a sense of Majorana-Weyl-Covariance, that may here act in so as to be extrapolated in such a manner, in so as to work to describe an orbifold eigenset that is in a state of superconformal invariance, which will then work to describe a proximally local tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance -- then, it's locally proximal framework is not in and of itself exhibiting a strong pull into a Fourier-based alteration in its delineation from that so-stated locally proximal framework -- even if the so-eluded-to internal-based framework that is to here be in a tense of superconformal invariance, is to exist in a set of one or more externally-based frameworks that are to instead exhibit a strong pull into a Fourier-based alteration in its delineation from the Ward-Caucy bounds that are Poincare to the exterior of the so-eluded-to more external frameworks, of such a respective given arbitrary case scenario. Yet, if any given arbitrary locally proximal substringular framwork, that may here work to describe the Fourier-based motion of an orbifold eigenset, is to be in a state of kinetic motion -- to where the said orbifold eigenset is to not be in a state of superconformal invariance, then, the set of discrete energy quanta that would here work to come together as a group -- will behave in such a manner in so as to describe a Hamiltonian operator, that is to be kinematic in its sequential series of delineations, to where this will be of a kinematic substringular framework -- that will be moving from one definitive substringular region to another, over the completion of a set of group-related instantons. When one is to basically have an orbifold eigenset, that acts as a Ward-Caucy-based Hamiltonian operator -- that is to here be differentiating in a Fourier-based manner -- but at a rate that is slower than the propagation of light -- then, the directly corresponding tense of the Noether-based current, that is to here be exhibited by the so-stated orbifold eigenset, will work to bear at least some sort of cohomological-based inhibition, over the correlative set of motion in which the said respective orbifold eigenset is to be delineated from one substringular locus to another, over time. Such a so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, will then bear a tense of Majorana-Weyl-Covariance -- to where, the tighter-knit that the tense of the said Majorana-Weyl-Covariance is -- the lower that the tense of the correlative Noether Current tends to be. Likewise, the looser-knit that the tense of the said Majorana-Weyl-Covariance is -- the higher that the tense of the correlative Noether Current tends to be. The lower that the Noether Current is, the slower that the directly corresponding velocity of the correlative orbifold eigenset tends to be. The higher that the Noether Current is, the faster that the directly corresponding velocity of the correlative orbifold eigenset tends to be.
Lots from there. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Lots from there. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:05 PM
conformal invariance,
orbifold eigenset,

Monday, June 6, 2016
Most Unique Tense Of Noether-Based Current
Any superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that is not of a tachyonic-based nature, when this is taken over a directly corresponding set of iterations of BRST -- as the so-eluded-to respective superstring is differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, that is over a sequential series of group-related instantons -- is going to be undergoing one tense or another of some sort of genus of Noether-based flow. Every variation in either the propagation or in the delineation of any given arbitrary superstring, and/or of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- to where this may come together in so as to work to form any variation in either the velocity and/or in the acceleration of any of such respective given arbitrary superstrings, and/or of any of such orbifold eigensets, is going to result in the substringular, as one tense or another of the exhibition of some sort of Noether-based current. The most unique general genus of a specific sort of Noether-based current -- by which the covariance of any of such a general genus of a Noether-based type of current, exists in such a manner -- to where the inter-relationship of any other orbifold eigenset of phenomenology, that is of any other sort of genus of substringular holonomic substrate -- that is to be both codifferentiable and codeterminable with the initially so-stated general genus of a Noether-based current that I have eluded-to here, is to work to make the general condition of relativity, -- to where this is the general genus of what will here directly correspond to the Fourier-based activity that is related to the speed of electromagnetic energy. This speed of electromagnetic energy -- of which is also to take into consideration, that covariance that is related to how the speed of light is to vary in any other medium besides a vacuum, as may be typified here as is according to Snell's Law -- may be generically viewed of as the tendency, of the condition, that any phenomenology is effected by both the presence of both the existence and the motion of light, or, that any phenomenology is effected by both the presence of both the existence and the motion of electromagnetic energy. Here is a simplification that works to describe, in general, what works to help in the formation of that general Noether current -- that is most directly affiliated with the Noether current of light or electromagnetic energy.: Any orbifold eigenset -- that bears no cohomological-based inhibition towards the formation of those eigenindices -- that work to come together in so as to form the Rham-based pattern of its cohomological-based tracing, will tend to form that Noether-based current, that is most directly associated with the behavior of electromagnetic energy or light.
Posted by
1:02 PM
electromagnetic energy,
Noether Flow,
orbifold eigenset,
Snell's Law,

A Preliminary To What's Coming Up
Let us initially consider a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- that is, in this respective case, comprised of a group of many discrete quanta of energy. This would then work to determine the condition, that this respective orbifold eigenset would then consist of both several superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, their correlative superstringular counterparts, their correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, and their correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates. Since an orbifold eigenset is the discrete quantum of energy that is directly affiliated with one set of superstrings, that operate in so as to work to perform one specific function -- all of the discrete quanta of energy that work to comprise the so-stated orbifold eigenset, are to be traveling at basically the exact same velocity, -- when this is to be taken in relation to both the existence and the motion of electromagnetic energy. This would then mean, that all of the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and their correlative superstringular counterparts -- that would here to then work to comprise any one specific respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, will tend to bear basically an identical scalar magnitude or scalar amplitude of their directly pertinent Lorentz-Four-Contraction. This would then mean, that all of the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and their correlative superstringular counterparts -- that would here to then work to comprise any one specific respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, will tend to bear basically an identical scalar magnitude or scalar amplitude of their directly pertinent Polyakov Action-based substringular-based effect, over the course of any one given arbitrary set of iteration of BRST in which such an extrapolation may be considered at, at one specific instant under consideration.
Posted by
10:12 AM
orbifold eigensets,
Polyakov Action,

Friday, June 3, 2016
Correlative Clifford Expansion And Orbifolds
Let us initially consider a relatively small set of adjacent orbifold eigensets -- of which are here to be, in part, comprised of discrete quanta of energy permittivity, that are to each (each combination of the individually taken superstrings and their immediately corresponding counterparts) work to bear their correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction, as each of such individually taken combination of superstrings and their correlative counterstrings -- are to work to bear their correlative scalar amplitude of their directly corresponding Polyakov Action eigenstate -- as the so-stated adjacent orbifold eigensets of such a case scenario, are to bear the overall composition of those directly involved superstrings and counterstrings -- that are here to bear their hightened Clifford Expansion (as to the inverse of what their Lorentz-Four-Contractions would then bear) -- in accordance to their covariant velocity, when this is made in both a codeterminable and in a codifferentiable manner, relative to both the existence and the motion of electromagnetic energy. Let us then say, that each of the individually taken superstrings of such a case -- may be said to be adjacent to each other -- when this is taken in an individually taken euclidean-based manner. This would then mean, that the substringular situation of such a case -- is a given arbitrary example of a Minkowski-based flat-space region. This would then, as well, mean that all of the said individually taken superstrings of such a case -- that are of the so-stated adjacent-based manner -- will then work to bear a euclidean tense of an orphoganal vibrational oscillation, when this is to be taken as any of the one of such individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, -- as to here be covariant in its explication upon any of the other of such so-stated given arbitrary individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are of this respective given arbitrary case scenario. This would then, as well, -- mean, that the directoral-based topological sway of the sub-Fourier-based activity of the expanding Clifford-based interaction of the decompactifying superstring and its correlative decompactifying counterstring, -- is to bear a conformally invariant-based metric-gauge-based set of indices that are here to indicate the specific mannerisms of the inversely Lorentz-Four-Contracted individually taken superstrings -- that are here to be undergoing the Polyakov Action -- in so as to bear a well-suited set of Ward-Caucy-based conditions -- so that the overall angling of the directly corresponding superstrings that are to here be iterating as a set of moving discrete quanta of energy, that as well, work to bear a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode that is Poincare at the Noether-based region that is academic to the permutative Fourier-based field, by which the said orbifold eigensets are moving, yet not so much when this is taken into consideration amongst the other respective covariant superstrings of this said case -- is to still bear both the so-eluded-to codifferentiable and the so-eluded-to codeterminable genus of such a so-stated euclidean-based angling of the respective orphoganation, over the duration by which the so-eluded-to group-metric is to bear the so-eluded-to Fourier-differentiating Yukawa-based Noether field of such a respective given arbitrary case.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
3:28 PM
Clifford Expansion,
Polyakov Action,

Thursday, June 2, 2016
Affiliated With Light-Cone-Gauge Expansion
Let us initially consider a given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy, during the course of one specific given arbitrary iteration of BRST. Over the course of such a so-eluded-to duration -- both the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity, and, its immediate superstringular counterpart -- are decompactified to the inverse of the extent that these are Lorentz-Four-Contracted. This so-stated process of decompactification, may be called the Polyakov Action. Due to the condition, that the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, that is to directly correspond to both the said superstring and its said counterpart -- does not work to decompactify with the so-eluded-to discrete quantum of energy permittivity, -- as both the so-stated superstring and its superstringular counterpart are in the process of being decompactified, there is a hyperbollic-based Clifford Expansion that is to here occur, in the Laplacian-based Hamiltonian-based region, that is to exist in-between the correlative superstring and its directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, over the course of the said iteration of BRST. Any given arbitrary superstring, is to bear an oscillation during BRST -- that is to be both codeterminable and codifferentiable in a pseudo-based Fourier-related tense, as being of a of a euclidean tense of orphoganation -- with any adjacent respective given arbitrary superstrings, that are of the same universal-based setting in the substringular. Adjacent superstrings that are of the same universe, may potentially vary completely in the extent by which their Lorentz-Four-Contractions are to bear as a Laplacian-based scalar amplitude by, and thus, by which their Polyakov Action eigenstates are to then bear as their individually taken scalar amplitude -- in the manner in which these do. This will then tend to cause the correlative tense of the wobbling of the directly affiliated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as well as the correlative tense of the vibrational oscillations of both the respective superstring, its counterpart, and the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, -- to tend to bear such a tense of conformal invariance -- that will work to help suit both the directly associated Laplacian conditions and the directly corresponding Fourier-based conditions, in so as to bear the necessary tense of wobble, while still working to bear the necessary tense of the inverse activity of the so-stated Polyakov Action eigenstate, that may here be attributed to the correlative and the respective scalar amplitude of the here pertinent tense of its Lorentz-Four-Contraction, over the course of the said iteration of BRST of this respective given arbitrary case scenario.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
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3:42 PM
Polakov Action,

Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Altered Field And Kahler Conditions
Let us consider an initial case of a superstring of discrete kinetic energy, that is to act here as part of the overall activity of a moving electron, that is in time and space -- to where the so-eluded-to discrete quantum of kinetic energy permittivity is to be moving here, in such a tense of holomorphicity, to where its core-field-density may here be extrapolated, as working to bear a washer-like cohomology, with a relatively small annulus set in a Laplacian-based manner, at its relative center. Let us say that, at a specific arbitrary set locus in time -- the so-eluded-to one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity that works here to help to comprise the said electron, is to be caused to move, in such a manner, to where its field is polarized -- in the process of the said superstring to here be in the process of being propagated across a relatively mean Lagrangian-based path, over time. This would then tend to cause the core-field-density of the so-stated respective superstring, to alter from bearing its initial so-stated washer-like cohomological field, to then subsequently bear, instead, a conical-like shaped cohomological field -- at the Poincare level that is Gliosis to the said superstring's core-field-density. Such an alteration in the core-field-density of the so-stated one-dimensional string, would then tend to form Chern-Simons singularities -- in both the considerations of the potential spurs that would then often tend to thus happen to the metrical-based tracing of the said open-loop superstring, as well as in consideration of the potential spurs that would often tend to thus happen to the Lagrangian-based tracing of the same said open-loop superstring. This potential formation of the so-eluded-to Chern-Simons based singularities, would then often tend to work to help in the consequential formation of a proximal localized antiholomorphic Kahler condition, which, would then tend to work to cause an ensuing eigenstate of the Kahler-Metric to then be initiated upon the said one-dimensional superstring of discrete kinetic energy of such a given arbitrary case.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
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8:25 AM
Lagrangian-based path,

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